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contest BEGIN! Chopped - Fight for Independence!

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dang it l.b. those ribs ,beans,and shoulder look awesome cant wait to see the inside of that bad boy!

Nice... some Jack D action from OZ. Tennessee hhhhhhhhhwhiskey is a bourbon in my book. And I'm Scot-Irish... we invented this shizzle.
nobody in tn. would call it bourbon. them boys are pretty proud of there whiskey.
1300 Calorie Salute

OK, so i tried to keep the dish fairly simple in terms of ingredient list.


2 1/2 cups milk
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup cocoa powder
Little bit of salt
3 Tbsps cornstarch
1/2 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup milk chocolate chips
1/2 cup smooth peanut butter (i used organic, was a little, lot, rich)

Stir together milk, sugar, cocoa powder and salt. Heat until it just is about to boil.
Mix together the remaining 1/2 cup of milk and the cornstarch.
Add the cornstarch mixture to the milk and chocolate mixture and bring to a low boil. Boil until thickened.

Heat 1/2 cup of heavy cream till boil then pour over the chocolate chips. Stir the cream and chocolate mixture until incorporated.

Stir the cream mixture into the cooling chocolate ice cream mix.

Once cool, follow the manufacturers instructions on the ice cream maker to churn ice cream. Once churned add peanut butter and lightly stir, then freeze until usage


2 apples, peeled, cored
2 rashers bacon, diced
Bottle of Jack Daniels
1 tsp Habanero Powder
Lots of white and brown sugar

Boil a mix of water and sugar and place apples in the pan, cover and poach for 10mins.

Fry off some bacon in butter.

Mix 1 part sugar(brown/white) to 1 part Jack daniels and bring to light boil then turn down to simmer. Add habanero powder, bacon and sliced apples and fry in pan for 10 minutes.
In the last few minutes before serving add 1/4 cup jack daniels to syrup and simmer.


2 cups plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 eggs, beaten
2 cups buttermilk
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 tbs sugar
Butter for cooking

Sift flour, baking powder, bicarb and sugar. Make a well in the centre. Stir in the buttermilk, eggs and vanilla until just combined.

Lightly grease a non-stick pan with a bit of butter. Pour in the batter and cook over medium heat. Turn pancake over when bubbles appear on the top side of the pancake. Cook for another minute or so, until the pancake is lightly golden on both sides.

So there we have it, tasted great, very very very rich, was good fun making it. Enjoy


Little update

Homemade Bourbon Apple Butter
When I lived up in the NwPac area Homemade Apple Butter was a staple in our fridge

4 whole apples
2 cups water
1 cup vinegar
2 cups sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cloves
1/2 tsp ground Allspice

cut apples into quarters including the core and peel. place into deep pot and add water and vinegar. simmer 20 minutes

pour all into food processor and puree

Then into a sieve and press all of the pulp through

Add Bourbon and spices and bring back to a simmer.

Reduce to a nice thick consistency about 2 hours. Makes a little over 3 pints of the most tasty spread ever.

Pork roasts at 4 hours topped with Apples to finish.

and back to smoking.

More to follow along wiht plating.
You KNOW You Want Some

What do you do when you're working full-time and taking 3 summer classes? Make cookies!

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon ground mace
1/2 cup unsulfured molasses
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
1/2 cup diced apple (I used dried)
Dried douglah pod halves, rehydrated and chopped (see below)
1/2 cup cooked crisp bacon
1 cup packed brown sugar
1/4 cup small-batch bourbon
2 cups roasted skinless peanuts (if desired)

Put douglah pods into a small glass or mug, pour in enough bourbon to cover them, and let them rehydrate until soft or overnight. Use 1/4 cup of the bourbon from rehydrating the pods as the bourbon ingredient above. Finely chop rehydrated pods to add to the dough as indicated below. (I used 2 pod halves, or 1 whole pod. This made them hot, but not so hot you wouldn't want to down an entire batch in one sitting.)

1) Combine flour, allspice, mace, and salt in a bowl - stir or whisk to thoroughly blend.
Cook butter, peanut butter and molasses in a saucepan over low heat, stirring, until butter is melted and mixture is smooth. Turn off heat. Stir in brown sugar, then stir in apple, bacon, and douglah. Remove from the burner and let cool slightly. Stir in bourbon. Stir this mixture into the flour mixture, and combine thoroughly. Chill dough for at least one hour.

2) Preheat oven to 400F (204C.) Shape dough into balls (about 1 tablespoon each.) Roll balls in peanuts (if desired), then flatten just a bit. Place on parchment-lined baking sheets, spacing 2 inches apart. Bake, rotating sheets half way through, until flattened and browned on edges, 8 to 11 minutes. Let cookies cool on sheets 3 minutes, then transfer to wire racks to cool completely. Cookies can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature up to one week.

Note: If you want to speed up the process, skip rehydrating dried pods. Put douglah powder in with the flour, salt, and other spices, and just use the bourbon out of the bottle. I like the flavor the bourbon adds to the douglah pods and the heat the pods add to the bourbon, but simplifying works, too.



I started with the Douglah Nut Bourbon Chews recipe I posted in the Cooking With Fire thread a while back, and made some modifications. That dough was difficult to work with, and the cookies spread a whole heck of a lot during baking. Having worked with the original recipe, I didn't want to use fresh apple and so add more liquid this time - I was concerned they would spread too much. This dough was much stiffer, however, and the dough hardly spread at all during baking, so it turned out fresh apple probably could have been used. These are intended to be soft, chewy cookies, but you could bake them a bit longer if you want something less chewy. When I took the pics they were still fairly hot from the oven.

I made a few in the toaster oven last night, to see how they would work out, then made a few more this morning for the pics. Hot cookies with breakfast, fresh out of the oven, some GOOD stuff!
Once again, a lot of yummy dishes!
A few more teasers.................................
Apple chips soaked in Bourbon overnight

Apple, peanut butter stuffing



In the oven, at 8:00am
Crikey LB!!!! I haven't even had my morning coffee, and I'm already scheming how to run to the store for ingredients to make your beans by lunchtime!!!!!!!

Booma - that breakfast was just Brilliant!!!!

G - those cookies are Power Packed!!!!! Take a couple of those to class with ya, and you've got your day made!!!!!

LS - I see you have your magic roaster a-brewin'!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!

RM - you make us Washingtonians PROUD with that Butter!!!!!
Man, this place is crawling with creativity and good eats. You guys are awesome.
As usual.... Voting will be a bitch!

Where's WrightDaddy and MuskyMojo?
Texas Blues?

Who else is missin.... Oh yeah...
LB - to make your special p-nut butter, do you think I could sub the Am. Honey with bourbon + honey? And you soaked your beans, right? I gotta use canned this time around....But for next time! :)
So I had a few ideas for this one but…

Ingredients, forgot the POL in this shot, but it don’t matter.

Pork loin trimmed, with marinade in the background.
Marinade: 1 1/3 Cup Coconut Cream, ¾ Cup Peanut Butter, 3/8 Cup Bourbon, 1 Tbs Sea Salt, 3 Tbs Fresh Lime Juice, 3 Tbs Brown Sugar, 2 Cloves Garlic (Smashed & Minced), 2 tsp Coriander (Ground), 15 or so Thai Chiles pulsed through the spice mill. With the first appearance of the POL.

Loin sliced open.

Pork loin and marinade ready for 5hrs in the fridge.

Pork loin post 5hr marinade, covered with on sliced Granny Smith Apple and Almond slices, all ready to roll and tie, then to a hot charcoal grill. Take the remaining marinade and reduce in a sauce pan.

Bourbon Peanut Sauce: ¾ Cup Bourbon, 3 Tbs Peanut Butter, 2 Tbs Brown Sugar, 30 Bird Chiles ground. Mix, heat to a simmer and reduce to ¼ cup or so.

One Granny Smith peeled, cored and cut into 1/8 then wrapped with bacon that one side was liberal coated with smoked 7 pods and Bhuts.

When cooked it all looks like this.
LB - to make your special p-nut butter, do you think I could sub the Am. Honey with bourbon + honey? And you soaked your beans, right? I gotta use canned this time around....But for next time! :)

I imagine you could substitute...but the infusion/blend of the two might be key...I don't know. The honey roasted peanuts were a win too...but be warned...you don't just stick in the processor, and it's done...you have to WORK IT GIRL!!!

The beans are still gonna taste bad ass. If I made them all over...I would double, or triple the amount of apple. I didn't soak the beans...I brought them to a fast boil for about an while prep'ing the rest...then dumped them in. Also...cooking them in the firebox of the smoker with the lid on allowed the slightest hint of hickory and pecan smoke in...and that was the absolute deal-sealer.
PK - That looks beautiful!!!!!!! :D

LB - okay, Imma do this up properly - tomorrow tho, soakin' the beans and everything! :) Thanks for the tips!!!!!
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