contest BEGIN! Chopped - Fight for Independence!

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Frydad's Olde Timey Ice Creame Shoppe

Bacon Ice cream, my friends, is AMAZING.
Did it with a peanut butter swirl.
Topped with Bourbon Flambee'd Fatali Apples
Served in a homemade waffle bowl
Topped with whooped cream and a sprinkle of powdered cayenne

Homemade waffle bowls using Batter Blaster (which is something I used to call something else).
As someone who knows a thing or two about waffles, I highly recommend this product.
It's quick and easy, and makes a very light and crispy waffle that can be shaped into a bowl!

Bacon, Apple, Fatali, PB

Folded the bacon into the Blue Bell Vanilla (HAS to be Blue Bell), then topped with melted Pnut butter drizzle, fo shizzle


Flambeed apples and fatali with bourbon and brown sugar. Good caramelization!

Show these to yo mama!

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Frydad's Olde Timey Ice Creame Shoppe

Waffle Bowls - Batter Blaster, shaped into bowls
Ice Cream- Bacon infused Blue Bell Vanilla, with Peanut Butter Swirl
Topping - Sliced Granny Smith's, Fatali, brown sugar, butter, set on fire with Bourbon
Whipped Cream and Cayenne Powder.

So Dang Friggin Delicious!!!!!!!!![/background]

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]


OK, after making the main course I was a little :drunk: buy the time I got to this, so not as many prep photos as I’d like.

Ingredients, minus the flour, a 25# tub of flour just don’t look right on the counter in the photo.

Cooling post baking.
You'll have to choose one of the courses, entree, or dessert, for your final post, per the rules.

Chopped-style, 4 ingredients, one round.
Progess Pics while we wait for roast to set

FD looks very tasty!...........I posted caramel ice cream in ingredients the ingredients pic, but realized (after revisting the rules) I couldn't do a dessert also.

I need to catch up on other entries

Caramelized Apples

White Habanero Bourbon reduction

Topped roast with Apples and Habanero Apple Jelly Glaze
Jeebus! What is this world coming to???
Beam in a long stem glass???
What's next, Cadillac SUV's?
I bet you held your pinky out whilst sipping, too... Huh FD.
How metro....
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahhahah! J/K!

Everybody is truely bringin it!
FD threw it on the ground, picked it up, and threw it on the ground again! 5 second rule, I'm eating that shite!
PB and J Porkloin


Porkloin, Apples, Peanut Butter, Bourbon
yogurt, garlic, salt, pepper
seasoned bread crumbs, vadalia onion, ginger
butter, lemon, apple jelly, white habaneros

Asparagus, bacon, parmesan cheese

Butterflied loin lengthwise, tenderized with meat mallet, rubbed in minced garlic, slathered with yougurt, salt, and pepper....inside an out
Injected with bourbon and let marinate in fridge for about 20 hours.

Prepared stuffing by processing 1 1/2 peeled, deseeded golden delicious apples and 1 small vadalia onion. Added about 1 1/2 cups of seasoned bread crumbs and 3/4 cup of creamy peanut butter and process together.

Layed out loin and stuffed with prepared stuffing. Dusted stuffing with powdered ginger. Closed loin and secured with picks. Added more sea salt and pepper. Placed bourbon soaked applewood chips (soaked chips overnight) in the bottom of pan. Added a splash more bourbon to the pan. Placed in a deep roasting pan with rack and lid. Placed in a 250 degree oven for 4 hours.

Turned up the heat in oven to 350. Cut and deseeded remaining 1 1/2 unpeeled apples. Carmelized apples in butter, lemon juice, garlic, and ginger. Removed from pan when tender and placed on roast. Added a tad more butter to skillet and sauteed a handful of chopped white habanero and 1 clove of minced garlic. Added about a cup of Bourbon, heated, and reduced by half. Added about a 1/2 cup (give or take) of apple jelly, heated and stirred until smooth. Drizzled the reduction sauce on loin and cooked for another 15 minutes. Removed and let cool before slicing. VERY, VERY TENDER!

Steamed asparagus lightly, seared in a skillet coated in Bacon grease, topped with chopped bacon and parmesan cheese and a sqeeze of lemon. Very Yummy!
(The only way I can get Mr. Sic to eat asparagus is to toss a little bacon in the mix.)


Well I predicted pulled pork...


But what the hell is all this for?


Apples, lemon juice, peanut butter, brown sugar, turbinado sugar, a datil (Thanks Chewi), honey-bourbon...WTF!!!


Is this jackass looks like...
*At this point, Salsa Lady knows EXACTLY what it a conversation last month.


IT IS!!! Applesauce...what the hell?


The jar next to it is home made ghost pepper BBQ sauce. I tried making these ingrediens together...turns out they are MUCH happier by themselves, then mixed together.


These two want to be in there...


*I have no way of describing how slaptastic amazing this combo is for pulled pork.

Stay tuned...there's more...MUCH more...
Dang - I really wanted to get in on this but it looks like it's not meant to be. Too much slacking this weekend and too much work to do around the house & yard + packages to pack up for shipping tomorrow.

Entries looks awesome so far though, so maybe for the best that I wave the white flag. :(
Good Old Drunken Granny’s Bourbon and Bacon Apple Pie

Crust: Enough for two 9” or one 9” with lattice etc.

3 Cups AP Flour
1 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
3 Tbs White Sugar
1 Cup Butter
1 Egg
1 tsp Distilled Vinegar
5 Tbs water

In bowl, combined flour, salt and sugar, mix well, then cut in chilled cubed butter, until coarse.

In another bowl, combined egg, vinegar and water, whisk, then gradually add to flour mixture with a fork. Mix until a ball forms, then refrigerate for 30 min.

Pie Filling:

1/4 Cup Butter
1/2 Tbs Bird Chile/Chiltepin/Tepin (finely ground)
3 Slices Bacon, thick cut (diced)
3 Tbs AP Flour
1/4 Cup Bourbon
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
8 Granny Smith Apples (peeled cored and sliced)

Place bacon in a covered pan over Med-Low heat and brown (I stared this prior to the crust), strain and reserve the Bacon grease. In a food processor mince bacon.

Preheat oven to 350.

Melt butter in a sauce pan with bacon grease, stir in flour to form a past. Add bourbon, bacon and both sugars bring to a boil, reduce temperature to a simmer and reduce sauce.

Grease a 9” glass pie pan, and form the dough to fit.

Place apples in a large bowl pour in half of the bourbon bacon sugar sauce and toss to coat.

Arrange apples in pie pan mounding in the center, then pour the remainder on the bourbon sugar sauce over apples evenly. Bake in the preheated oven for about 50 min. till done, then move to a cooling rack to cool completely, then top with peanut butter crumb.

Peanut Butter Crumb:

1/2 Cup Confectionery Sugar
2 Tbs Peanut Butter

In a small bowl add sugar then peanut butter and mix with a fork till small balls form.



I always wish I could make stuff hotter, but my girl’s tolerance is still very low, and I’d get my ass kicked or worse. She’s improving, she use to have trouble with a few drops of Tabasco in the food, but I put some form of hot pepper in everything that I cook, nothing like supers for her, I only due that if I can keep them separate or add it at the end.
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