contest BEGIN! Chopped Throwdown

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I'm glad you went first. That is the exactly how Chopped is supposed to be done. You've set bar, and defined the challenge.

Good luck to the rest of you.
AWESOME!!!! Love me a bit of Molecular Gastronomy, had a few cracks at it in the past.

Since FD's is so crazy, it has made me have a change of game plan.

also 1 butcher down, no beef short ribs, gonna try a few more places tomorrow. Damn you Australia!!
FD4, awesome isn't quite the word to describe that. Holy moly, that looks incredible. Very creative. You might have another crown...the bar is set very high!

And where the hell did you find agar-agar? And what the hell is it?
Frydad, you are one bad mo-fo. That's one of the most amazing uses of ingredients I've ever seen, and I've seen every season of Iron Chef.

Wow. Just wow. Brilliant. Truly brilliant.
agar agar, carageenan, guar, xanthan...all are natural thickeners, most of which don't need to be cooked like corn starch to work as thickeners. Some are seaweed based (agar agar, carageenan) others are from gum trees or other natural bases. Some (like xanthan) are cultured using whey, which is a dairy by-product and therefore making use of a waste product.

I saw an old British cooking show of Floyd on Food where the guest chef took fresh seaweed (carageenan), cooked it down and used it in a fresh custard pudding.

OK FryDaddy, you threw me for a loop there...but after a few re-wines....I got your number!!!

Oh Yea....I gots this.... Ain't no foofoo pu pus on banana leaves.......nope... We're tawlkin' MEAT!

And I gar-un-tee y'all have never seen panko treated like what I gots planned.

"course, if it all tastes like crap, I'm gonna be backtracking like crazy!!!! LOL!
Frydad4 presentation looks wonderful and I’m sure taste great, good luck! FYI me encanta vaca frita we make it often. We use banana leaves in the kitchen as well, the leaves on my bananas are huge, dem used look like either baby banana leaves or Heliconia leaves? Good luck to everyone else and I would agree the bars been set very high …
Hot Dam SoFlo out the door with a BOOM!!

FD, that is Inspiring and I can only imagine how good it must have been. The bar has been set.
FD, I see your dehydrator, and raise you a TART PAN!

(Someone please tell me that brought a backflash to a poker game in an old B&W western...... :lol: )
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