beer Begin! : May TD: Golden Stout

dat label, tho =)
So, it looks like your grain bill adds up to 102 oz ... which is highly convenient, because it means the # of oz is the percentages ...
You almost have the grain bill for one of those newfangled NE IPA's there ... but probably more 2-row than MO, but still ...
In a world of lacing, that looks like a T.E.D. Hose left behind the fallen head, which I have in my Bhut Stout ... it looks like the beer could be fined further ... how low a temp, and for how long did it crash, and did you use biofine or gelatin? ...
Something to think about, although unrelated, is that you might want to use half tablets of Whirfloc ... I split mine for small batches ... I guess it is possible to use too much kettle fining, from what I read when I looked it up ...
Just some stuff ... but it's probably the chocolate.
I think there's yeast in suspension, though, because it looks like the head rose up 3/4" at first, and if the chocolate would have nuked your head with lipids, I don't think you'd have reached that height in the 1st place ...
And, I think you had yeast in the bottle when you sent me beer, right? ...
So ... I'm suspicious you aren't hitting a low enough temp in the cold-crashing, and/or not using biofine ...
I use about 3/4 of a tablet of the whirfloc.  It gets cold crashed between 34f-38f in my spare fridge.  I think that is residue from the chocolate, but I could be wrong.  Pretty sure that was some trub that I picked up when siphoning to the bottling bucket.  I am not using biofine.   It still has only been bottle conditioned for 9 days, so it really need another week or so.  Even after that I still do not think this is good.  The reason I think it is the oil from the chocolate is that when you hold the bottle up to the light you see the particles at the top inch of the bottle.  When I sucked up some trub it settled to the bottom.  I threw in a couple of bottles of homemade smoked hot sauce for Wheebz.  I may send you one of these too…you know for science and shit.   
tctenten said:
I use about 3/4 of a tablet of the whirfloc.  It gets cold crashed between 34f-38f in my spare fridge.  I think that is residue from the chocolate, but I could be wrong.  Pretty sure that was some trub that I picked up when siphoning to the bottling bucket.  I am not using biofine.   It still has only been bottle conditioned for 9 days, so it really need another week or so.  Even after that I still do not think this is good.  The reason I think it is the oil from the chocolate is that when you hold the bottle up to the light you see the particles at the top inch of the bottle.  When I sucked up some trub it settled to the bottom.  I threw in a couple of bottles of homemade smoked hot sauce for Wheebz.  I may send you one of these too…you know for science and shit.   
Cool. I'm going to be dipping into bottle#2 this week, Mysteriacha ...
Cheers! =)
I crash at 32F for normal beers, and go down to like 29-30F for my bigger one's, safely. You can accomplish better results in an hour at 27F, than in two weeks at 38F, so YMMV ...
Biofine is good shit, but it requires an extra transfer, which is shitty unless you are jumpering kegs ...
I had a problem crop up in packing my beer, where the box I'd planned to use didn't work the way I'd figured it would, unfortunately ...
I've been holding a box from an order of cold-brewed coffee, that had nice little dividers and separators for 12oz bottles - BUT, they were shorties, I guess, like Founders bottles ...
My bottles are long-neck or whatever you would call them, so they didn't work ...
So, I had to roll up bottles in packing bubbles like contraband parrots or something, and half the bottle count ...
I still managed to send my beers, but you got fucked out of the other six bottles I was planning to send up there from my stash - sucks for you, I tried ;)
Anyways, en route:
2x Kiss With A Fist
1x XXX - Mild
2x Bhut Subduction At Pitch Lake (one for you, one for JayT)
1x Steak & Mushroom Cabernet (I figured you'd enjoy reviewing it, at my expense)
FWIW, mine said "by Monday" by the time I was able to get it done ...
I'm completely fine with you drinking and reviewing the rest to be able to have weekend beers from the others, and doing mine when they come ...
I added you to the tracking, so you'll know when they're coming soon enough, and then you can do as you please ...
I have a feeling it won't actually take until Monday, but just in case ...
In other news, it felt really wrong pulling nice cold beers and boxing them up and having them get warm ...
Poor beers, it's hot as ffuuuuu ...

Wheebz, sorry that you have to drink this shit....but it is there.
I recommend having that after the Steak and Mushroom Cabernet in a bottle, you know, for dessert ...
Haha ...
Sorry about your beer 1010 ...
grantmichaels said:
I recommend having that after the Steak and Mushroom Cabernet in a bottle, you know, for dessert ...
Haha ...
Sorry about your beer 1010 ...
I guess it is what happens when you try to do something a little different. Such a good label too. Wasted.
I think it's part of the process. I know it took a few batches to learn the less-is-more lesson ...
I sent Wheebz two of the three extreme(ly) whack(y) beers ...
Sometimes the best way to find the line is to look back from the other side ...

wheebz said:
god damnit now I have to run the 250 feet through my back yard to the front door of the brewery to get my free beer
haha ... that makes fire ants your biggest risk, now ...
don't pass out in any fire ants stumbling home ...