beer Begin! : May TD: Golden Stout

Get one and save a water bottle. There only like 6-7 bucks. You can taste a sample right away. Pretty sweet.

Don't give up on your beer yet. I remember tasting some of mine early and wondering if it was going to be any good, then all carbed up it tasted awesome.
Looking good everyone!  Been busy trying to get the gardens in between all the rain we have been getting lately.  The cacao nib/vanilla bean mixture has been in for 7 days now so it is coffee time!

2.0 oz coffee beans in sanitized bowl

In the carboy.  Will taste after 2 days and if good, will bottle
It has been almost 2 full days since I added the coffee beans.  I just tasted a sample to see how 'coffeed up' it was and I was impressed.  I could taste vanilla, chocolate, and coffee notes.  Nothing overpowering but all there.  I am excited for this one.  Will be bottling in a couple of hours.
send me ALL THE BEERS!!
Well, here is my final post for this BD as Wheebz stated in the opening page with all my pictures again.  This will come in 2 posts because THP will not let me post all in one thread.  Here we go...


Yeast starter going strong

Vanilla Bean

Vanilla Bean chopped up and gutted

Cacao Nibs measured out

Cacao Nibs and Vanilla Bean soaking in vodka to cover

Mashing in

Temp a bit off but within range


Wort in kettle

Wort boiling away

Hot Break achieved

Adding hops

Irish Moss

Wort chillin

Aerating and into fermentation bucket

Once wort cooled to room temperature, gravity checked it at 1.066

Pitching Yeast

Fermentation begins...

Very active fermentation coming up thru airlock

Final Gravity clocking in at 1.009

Racked into secondary

Cacao Nib/Vanilla Bean mixture

Mixture dumped in secondary

After cacao/vanilla mixture has been in secondary for 7 days, coffee beans weighed out in sanitized bowl

Coffee beans added to secondary

After 2 days of 'dry coffeeing', tastes great and now bottled
2 gallon brew
72oz Maris Otter
12oz Flaked Oats
10oz Flaked Barley
8oz   Caramel Mat 10l
1oz East Kent Goldings @ 60 mins
8oz Bakers white chocolate @ 60 mins
1 vanilla bean @ 15 mins
whirfloc tablet @ 15 mins
2 cinnamon sticks @ 10 mins
60 minutes @ 152f
60 minute boil
10 days @ 68f
3 days cold crash
OG  1.064
FG   1.016
ABV  6.3%
Attenuation 73.8% 









I tried another one today and it has gotten a bit better, but still not good.  Only sending this so I can find out why it sucks.  My guess is the bakers chocolate, but lets see what Mr Awesome has to say.  