beer Begin! : May TD: Golden Stout

You're lucky that it's not voted on, with that name! LOL ...

I ran the MM3 for the 1st time with the corded-driver ...


Didn't even slow down ...


I'm ready for wake-n-brew too, but not when tctenten gets up!
This has never happened to me before.  The yeast are so active and the krausen got so big that a it is coming up thru the airlock.  A 5 gallon batch in an 8 gallon bucket.  I have had this happen many times with a 5 gallon batch in a 6.5 gallon carboy but not in an 8 gallon bucket.  It is seeping up rather slowly.  Does anyone think I need to put on a blow off tube?
jbeer32 said:
This has never happened to me before.  The yeast are so active and the krausen got so big that a it is coming up thru the airlock.  A 5 gallon batch in an 8 gallon bucket.  I have had this happen many times with a 5 gallon batch in a 6.5 gallon carboy but not in an 8 gallon bucket.  It is seeping up rather slowly.  Does anyone think I need to put on a blow off tube?

Every time I've ever used those orange udder-like cap thing on a carboy they've been blown off repeatedly during peak krausen, and I've never picked up nasties ...

I always clean up the lip of the glass w/ StarSan and put a fresh airlock on when it subsides from peak ...

Wort is boiling away.  My readings after the mash seemed low for what beer smith spit out as the OG.  No biggie for me as this is a complete experiment.  Put 4 oz of white chocolate bakers bar in for the whole boil.  I read a few things that this helps mitigate the negative effects from the oil in the chocolate.  Cinnamon sticks at 15 minutes and vanilla bean at flameout.  
grantmichaels said:
Cool! I love a good experiment ...
How many sticks of cinnamon you throwin' in there?
Considering it is a 2 gallon batch…should probably do just one…but I may do 2.  I put 4 oz of chocolate…..I want to be able to taste it.   
tctenten said:
Considering it is a 2 gallon batch…should probably do just one…but I may do 2.  I put 4 oz of chocolate…..I want to be able to taste it.   
Sounds like a lot of cinnamon ... I was thinking about using 1/2 to one stick in a 2.5 gal batch ... but I *didn't* want to be able to taste it per se ...
I didn't do any homework on it, so you might be correct ... I shot low ...
This is going to be your first messy boil kettle, that I can recall anyways ...
Reminds of the Mulberara batch - with the damn rose hips and cacao and shit all caramelized onto the boil element etc ...
grantmichaels said:
Sounds like a lot of cinnamon ... I was thinking about using 1/2 to one stick in a 2.5 gal batch ... but I *didn't* want to be able to taste it per se ...
I didn't do any homework on it, so you might be correct ... I shot low ...

This is going to be your first messy boil kettle, that I can recall anyways ...
Reminds of the Mulberara batch - with the damn rose hips and cacao and shit all caramelized onto the boil element etc ...
I think one is definitely enough from what I read, I want to weigh the sticks before I put em in.
This will be an interesting one.  Completely missed my OG marks as derived by Beersmith, or my efficiency really dropped off.  There is a good possibility that I am not using beer smith correctly.  Basically I am just winging this shit…..just like DT….Huge……here are some pics of my stovetop brewing.   
Mash at 152f for 60 minutes.


My sparge setup.  Really need to get one of those custom stainless steel things that I have seen on the webz.

The boil for 60 minutes.

My homemade wort chiller

Well… least I nailed the color.

see you when we have some bubbles.
Last minute recipe tweaks.
Didn't have S-04, but I have a pair of Mangrove Jack's British Ale packs, so it'll all good.
Since I'm overpitching yeast pretty significantly, and I've learned in the past that having a shit-ton of yeast strips hops/IBU's from the beer, I'm shifting the hops a little bit ...
AA% of the Galena was different from Beersmith's standard for the type, too, so I'm taking that into consideration ... but especially since my beers have tended towards being a little bit sweet, rather than bitter - and I don't want to do that for one's going to Sir Wheebz ...
Going to do a beta-glucanase rest, since I'm mashing with a lot of flaked*, and then mash high for the mouthfeel towards the parlor trick of spoofing a big stout ...
In my case, a lot of the shit will go down in the fermenters ... I have a lot of stuff I'll be experimenting with in the coming days!
Since it's hot, I'm going to put the wort chilled with the plate chiller in the freezer for a bit after I brew, mix the dry yeast in warm water on the stir plate until the temp of the wort goes down to a nice temp to pitch ... good for the yeast, good for the beer and all ...







Let's go!