beer Begin! : May TD: Golden Stout

Here we go again!
White CVC Oatmeal Stout
Doughing in

Temp not exactly where I wanted it to be but did not want to add too much hot water and make my mash too thin

Vorlaufing after a 60 minute mash

Wort in kettle, burner on

Wort at a full boil

Hot Break achieved

Hops addition

Irish Moss addition

Wort chillin

Wort aeration and transfer to fermenter

Gravity reading (Kind of a worthless picture.  I took 3 and this was the best.  Would not focus well, probably because my battery was low, but gravity read 1.066)

Pitching crashed then decanted yeast starter

Fermentation underway!
Made a quick starter by boil-sanitizing an Erlenmeyer flask, and then loading it up with 800mL canned wort and a smack-pack of Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale ...

I haven't ironed out the details for post-brewing treatment yet, but I settled on the grain-bill and yeast last weekend ...


I'll transcribe it to text for my entry post, later on ...

Planning to mash into 122F water, and then step it up to 153F, for about an hour - or until ~18 Plato, and then boil for an hour to 75 mins ...

I am going to experiment with some different treatments for in the fermenters after I brew, but I'll use some combination from: licorice root, cinnamon, raisins, cacao nibs, espresso beans, vanilla bean, oak, cypress, chai extract, rum, vodka, or bourbon ...

I have an idea which, but I have to make some test concoctions after I taste the wort at the end of the boil ...

Flying blind on this one ...

The only thing I've used before, here, is Golden Promise ...
grantmichaels said:
Made a quick starter by boil-sanitizing an Erlenmeyer flask, and then loading it up with 800mL canned wort and a smack-pack of Wyeast 1332 Northwest Ale ...

What do you think of that new canned fast pitched wort?  Are they economical or is the ease of using them make up for their cost in your opinion?
tctenten said:
You know that guarantees that he will use it.
Haha ... I hate clove that way, and doubt I like anise, and actually don't like licorice much, but I might experiment with a background amount (just for you) ...
jbeer32 said:
What do you think of that new canned fast pitched wort?  Are they economical or is the ease of using them make up for their cost in your opinion?
Not cost-friendly, but convenient ...
I don't plan to buy more than what I have remaining, but to pressure-can my own starters going forward once I run out ...
grantmichaels said:
Not cost-friendly, but convenient ...
I don't plan to buy more than what I have remaining, but to pressure-can my own starters going forward once I run out ...
I still need to do this. I have a few jars of washed yeast in my fridge I need to use up then I'll just use those jars.
I've only used Wyeast yeast once before, and I dumped it straight into the fermenter because it was a small beer, the XXX - Mild ...
It doesn't even look like a starter like I'm used to seeing from White Labs and/or when I've made starters using US-05 ...
When I start the boil I think I'll kill the stir-plate and make sure it shows some sign of life before I pitch it into the wort ...
There's no sediment ... it's all very translucent ... and there's no froth or foam on it, at all ...
I have a ton of yeast, so if it doesn't blow me some bubbles later, I'll just transfer the wort onto a pair of packages of US-05 and call it a day ...
Ozzy2001 said:
Yeah. Doesn't sound good.
Not a confidence-inspiring appearance compared to what I'm used to from WL, for sure ...
It might be compounded by the fact that I'm running the plate much slower now ...
It's no big deal ... I have a bunch of yeast ... I'll kill the plate after a bit and see what happens after an hour ...
That batch that went sour on me was Wyeast. My starter was just as you described. I attributed it to LAB from my starter in a mason jar, but I think it may have been due to that yeast being bad and easy for the Lab to take over.
I yanked it off teh plate and sat it next to me, and grabbed a beer ...
I'm going to see if it starts to bubble at all, but I don't trust it ...
It wasn't milky like I'm used to when I poured it into the erlenmeyer, barely more opaque than wort ...
I have a feeling this batch was toasted by it's initial shipment to me some months back, and it's like 7-8 months old ...
I'm not very busy working right now, so I'll just brew in the AM when I get up ...
If it generates bubbles quickly, I'll throw it back on the plate and add 400mL more canned wort before bed ...
I doubt it, though ... I think it's a dud ... in which case I'll either make a new starter tonight, or probably just pitch a pair of US-05's dry tomorrow ...
A pair of US-05's pitched dry, based on a 50% kill rate for doing so, put it's right where it should be for this batch ...