contest BEGIN! Pizza Party Throwdown

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Thanks for the help... I'll get it right yet...
All my pies are or will be made with whole wheat dough. The recipe is as follows:
1 heaping tablespoon of yeast
1-1/4 cups lukewarm water
1-1/2 cups whole wheat bread flour
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
added the yeast to the lukewarm water and then the honey. Put flour and salt into a food processor and gave a few pulses to mix. When the yeast mixture was frothy, I added the oil and poured the wet ingredients in a stream through the gate of the food processor while it was running at low speed. When the dough formed a ball that was rolling around on top of the blade of the food processor, I took it out and kneaded it on the counter for 10 minutes. Let the dough rise for an hour, punched down and divided the dough into 4 pieces, formed into balls, sprayed with olive oil and put them onto an oiled plate and covered with cling wrap. Refrigerated overnight until ready to make the pizza, then allowed to set out at room temperature for an hour before shaping the pizza crust. I'll end up with 4 seven inch personal pizzas. Once the dough is formed and the toppings added, bake in a preheated 500 degree oven for 7-8 minutes, or until done to your liking.
Next up is Stickman's Classic-style Frutti di Mare Anchovy White Pizza. For this one, I crushed and minced a clove of garlic and stirred it into 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil with 2 tbsp of a grated cheese blend of romano, asiago and parmagiana. Brushed onto the dough, covered with shredded mozzarella, and added 2 anchovy filets cut into narrower strips, a heaping tablespoon of capers, 8 takanotsume peppers that had been soaked for 20 minutes in hot water to soften them, and dusted with chopped fresh parsley.

The crust puffed up nicely on this one and had a firm, chewy crust.
I'm in on this tomorrow. 
Picked up a baking stone today(THANKS, SCOVIE!!!) and had it drying out and conditioning in the oven on 150F today.  Okay, the stone is actually construction project debris, so do I get bonus points for using a recycled product that would of ended up in the landfill? 
Fresh basil, oregano and mozzarella....
Stickman- your pies are looking good, looking forward to seeing what Essigi comes up with. 
grantmichaels......just have TheBetterHalf make this TD!!!!  'Bout time she gets a TD crown~~~ 
salsalady said:
I'm in on this tomorrow. 
Picked up a baking stone today(THANKS, SCOVIE!!!) and had it drying out and conditioning in the oven on 150F today.  Okay, the stone is actually construction project debris, so do I get bonus points for using a recycled product that would of ended up in the landfill? 
Fresh basil, oregano and mozzarella....
Stickman- your pies are looking good, looking forward to seeing what Essigi comes up with. 
grantmichaels......just have TheBetterHalf make this TD!!!!  'Bout time she gets a TD crown~~~ 
She's got the only crown in this household ...
salsalady said:
grantmichaels......just have TheBetterHalf make this TD!!!!  'Bout time she gets ANOTHER TD crown~~~ 
grantmichaels said:
She's got the only crown in this household ...
FIFM~  (fixed it for me)  :lol:

Couple starting pics with the granite slab-  PINK wonder Scovie was happy to give it to me!



PS- that's a circa 1989 Cuisinart food processor and vintage 1990 Chianti.


There's alotta sexy goin' on there SL!!!!! Loving it!
I have to 'fess up to something. I saw stickman's dough, and realized I couldn't watch this TD, and not start craving my favorite food something fierce! Dough/crust continues to confound me, so I won't be throwing my pie in the TD mix. Am hoping to glean some tips from you Masters tho! :)
But in the spirit of things, I started my tried and true my bread machine (because I HATE sticky finners)...and proceeded to fry my appliance. RIP Bread Machine. (Scovie's tryin' to fix it for me). I'm sad. But I rescued the dough, and guess I'll try and do it traditonal-style. No pics. Just know that some of you gave me kahunas to go for it tonight! :) So much looking forward to seeing how you entrants finish this epic TD!!!!!! Don't hold back on the deets!!!! ;) (some of us still read the words!!!)  xo everyone! HAVE FUN!!!! that you mention it....where are those SloFlow buggers?  
(just stirring the pot, guys~)  but I've been literally doing that all day... time for leftovers for dinner-

AW, BUMMER, CJ!  We used our bread machine for all sorts of dough until the kid yanked on the cord when he was a toddler and pulled the thing off the counter, crashed to the floor...  DeadBreadMachine~~~
salsalady said: that you mention it....where are those SloFlow buggers?  
Let me paint you a picture, set the stage ...
I inform Danielle that the TD doesn't include dessert pie ...
She's since finished watching the 2nd season of American Horror Story on the wall, and then decides to sneak in re-watching the entire 1st season over again on the wall (because she watched it on her tablet originally), JUST SO SHE CAN WATCH THE WHOLE 3RD SEASON LATER AND TOMORROW.
I just told her "I'd feel better if I had a chainmail banana hammock" ... her response, "You know what pairs well w/ chocolate? ... silence!" ...
I'll keep working and watch BBQ videos on the couch until the sun comes up, then sleep w/ one eye open.
Chile Juju said:
There's alotta sexy goin' on there SL!!!!! Loving it!
I have to 'fess up to something. I saw stickman's dough, and realized I couldn't watch this TD, and not start craving my favorite food something fierce! Dough/crust continues to confound me, so I won't be throwing my pie in the TD mix. Am hoping to glean some tips from you Masters tho! :)
But in the spirit of things, I started my tried and true my bread machine (because I HATE sticky finners)...and proceeded to fry my appliance. RIP Bread Machine. (Scovie's tryin' to fix it for me). I'm sad. But I rescued the dough, and guess I'll try and do it traditonal-style. No pics. Just know that some of you gave me kahunas to go for it tonight! :) So much looking forward to seeing how you entrants finish this epic TD!!!!!! Don't hold back on the deets!!!! ;) (some of us still read the words!!!)  xo everyone! HAVE FUN!!!!
Nice to see you in the mix, CJ ...
There simply MUST be a setting on Scovie's new gadget to finish that! ...
GM: A) I am most definitely NOT in the mix! I am merely a wicked curious spectator, taking notes from my Pizza Gods/Goddesses! Bless them all for sharing!!!!! 
and B) There IS a dessert category....and Danni should throw her glitter in the mix! I know she has some great ideas, and she should ROCK THEM OUT! We'd all love to see what she's got! ;)
p.s....Scovie is my HERO. He just fixed ma machine. So happy!  :D
reminds me of a knight in shining armor boston pic ...

in other news, i've convinced danielle to make an apple pie (or "crisp") between episodes of AHS ...
i'm going to try to talk her into entering a pizza tomorrow ... she did make some very nice looking dough this time, so maybe she'll feel like doing something in the oven tomorrow night ...
i understand her reluctance to have her first peel-work have to be in the kettlepizza - thing is HOT (over 1000F) ... the flames roll along the roof and occasionally shoot out the front window, it's admittedly a little startling ...
Chile Juju said:
p.s....Scovie is my HERO. He just fixed ma machine. So happy!   :D
Scovie's a 2x hero.  He fixed my Milwaukie last year. Sumthin to do with a reverse-threaded set screw....:crazy:..
looking forward to an apple PIE crisp PIE.....
and that kinda sounds like my father-in-law's favorite after Thanksgiving meal...a stuffing sandwich!  True Story!  A Bread Sandwich...
His mind werks in ways I just don't understand! But then, I've heard Einstien couldn't tie his own
That's why I love so much watching him in the Kitchen! :mindboggled:
K, I've just taken some pics....just in case this night's shenanigans work out!!!   :rofl:
I was excited to try a deconstructed pizza ... I was going to make a crispy cheese round as the bottom, use a pizza-flavored stuffing row as the "crust", and make large pepperoni-looking circles of pectinized-sauce and smaller circular slices of rolled-up/meat-glued tube of Benton's bacon ... Unfortunately, the bacon won't be here until Tue (they took a week to ship) and I'm at about 80x hours of work for the week thus far, and kind of worn out from the extra burdeon of processing my programmer friend's passage ... I'll give it a shot in the future and put it in the LGPT, though ... sounds fun.
The idea for the pizza came to me after seasoning some stuffing the day after Turkey Day, having seen the bacon move done elsewhere, just to properly attribute etc ...
I'm not out, I just can't make what I wanted because some things didn't arrive and I lost time to making a working and making a website for a friend who passed.
If you look closely, I think you'll see that I like your new gadget perfectly well.

I understand how you've become a little defensive, though ... been there.
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