contest BEGIN! Regional/Ethnic Sandwich Throwdown

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Here it is. This sandwich is everything you could ever want in a breakfast sandwich. It starts with French toast, then a half pound of bacon, fatalii apple chutney, and cheddar cheese. Here's the action shots.



JayT's PA Dutch Eighth Wonder of the World Breakfast Sandwich


The French Toast includes PA Dutch Potato Bread, two eggs, milk, cinnamon, nutmeg, cocoa chili powder, orange juice and vanilla extract
The Apple Chutney (I know it's not authentic) includes sliced gala apples, sliced fatalii, butter, pure sugar and brown sugar. It is baked in the oven at 375F
The bacon is local applewood smoked
The sandwich is assembled after everything is cooked and slices of the cheddar are added to each slice of bread and it is toasted again just long enough to melt the cheese.



Pepperfreak said:
:shocked: Dude! You are like rock'n man! 2 out of this world entries.

You gotta try this one! It is soooo good! You get salty and smoky from the bacon, sweet and sour from the french toast, sweet and hot from the chutney then all the different textures it is something you have to try yourself!
JayT said:
You gotta try this one! It is soooo good! You get salty and smoky from the bacon, sweet and sour from the french toast, sweet and hot from the chutney then all the different textures it is something you have to try yourself!

It's a WIN all the way around!!!

Speaking of something you have to try for yourself.......

....pickled asparagus.

Blister said:
We usually have pickled asparagus on hand here paulky. I know of which you speak ;)

:Nodding in a most enthusiastic manner:

Beats the heck outta regular pickles....especially on spicy stuff!
Please put the region/ethnicity in the title of the sandwich POTWAIE and JayT. See the rules about that for explanation. Thanks
POTAWIE that club is crazy. The pics look good but if you size them a tad bigger we can see what's going on there better. I can't see all the detail.

I love clubs.
Pulled pork sammy with peach BBQ sauce? Or glazed peaches? Yummy!!!!! I'm liking this already.
Serbian cevapcici with "kajmak" and North African harissa

Oh boy! I'm not hopeful on my chances, all you folks have some kick ass stuff and some real photo skills. But wtf, I have this stuff and it is something I do make and eat a lot, so might as well participate.

Serbian cevapcici with "kajmak" and North African harissa

Cevapcici translates to little sausages. (my wife says it should translate to little meat turds) Meat content varies by ethnicity or religion- no restrictions over here! I mix lamb, pork, and beef w/ egg white. Then add some garlic and some 7 Jonah powder, salt, black pepper, paprika, and little baking soda. Eaten as a sandwich on pitas or english muffins by my Serb friends over here.

"Kajmak" in parentheses cause this is a recreation/easy version of the fresh Serb cheese is made out of Feta, cream cheese, and some butter. Mixed and molded in a plastic container.

Harissa is blended oil (you can use vegetable, olive, whatever) garlic, salt, coriander, cumin, some lemon juice, and 2 tablespoons of 7 Jonah here. Usually made w/ peri-peri I guess.

I make my cevapcici like fat breakfast sausages, direct grilled em with olive wood on the fire for some smoke. Or a lot of smoke...


Here's a group shot- omg Not good w/ food setup or pics. All of our plates are weird and patterned, so I bailed on em.


Close up lol. I usually spread the kajmak, left it in chunks here. And always throw some chopped up white onion in there.


Will it look any less meat-turdish outside on a chair maybe? No? Oh well-


I'll just eat it anyway! Fold it, sandwich!

Have another idea, a sandwich famous in Point Loma down here in SD, the Sloppy Squid on sourdough. Not sure if I'm gonna do it, cause I'm thinkin' fish tacos tonight. That and- I love my squid, but I'm guessin' probably won't be much of a crowd pleaser...
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