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contest BEGIN! Soup n Sammie Throwdown

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The Hot Pepper said:
I forgot to mention, this one has a prize box courtesy of Thegreenchilemonster with some hot jams and powders and possibly charapita pods (if possible!)
I'll definitely be prepping a nice prize box for the TD. I won't be able to include any aji charapita though, since I already cut that plant down. I could throw in some seeds for it though, which must be worth their weight in gold, since fresh charapita pods now go for $25K a kilo...
okay, I'm in :)
let's do this     :party:





Pork roast
bacon grease
6 passilla chilies
6 New Mex chilies
2 heads of garlic
2 onions
1 large can of hominy
1 tbl. cumin
In large pot, fry up the pork roast (having been diced) when it starts to brown, add chopped onion and garlic. When onions start to brown add 8 cups of broth and drained can of hominy (as will all canned goods, it's always best to drain and rinse with water). Add cumin.
In the meantime, rehydrate the deseeded dried chilies. Put in blender with other head of garlic with some of the water from the chilies and some salt. Puree' then put through food mill with medium grate, as chili sauce to soup. Add several sprigs of Mexican oregano and thyme and a couple of bay leafs. Bring to boil and let it simmer. Add salt to taste
Drunken Torta
I call it drunken because I pure a lot of the chili sauce on top of the meat.
Pork roast
bacon grease
6 passilla chilies
24 arbol chilies
2 head of garlic
1 onion
1 can frozen orange juice
1 tb. Lime juice
1 tbl. Lemon juice
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp ground cloves
chili powder
4 cups of water
Brown the roast in the bacon grease. Mix the water, orange juice, lime juice and lemon juice and pour over roast. Sprinkle the roast with chili powder, garlic powder, onion powder, salt. Add a chopped onion and the head of garlic crushed and cook till the roast falls apart.
Deseed the chilies and reconstitute them in warm water. Put in blender with the remaining spices and globe of garlic. Take the stock from the roast and add in the blender. Put through med grinder on food mill.

4 cups of flour, 1 cup of water with yeast and sugar.
Mix yeasted wagter with the flour. Let rise once and then kneed and cut into 8 parts and roll into hand sized buns. Cook at 350 and mist occasionally with water until brown.
2 cups of masa harina and 2 cups of warm water. Mix. Let sit for a while and cut into 16 parts, rolls into balls and them put in tortilla press. Cook on both sides in a frying pan for about 30 sec. Each.

Refried beans.
1 can refried beans. 1 tbl. Bacon grease. Heat in pan until grease is incorporated into the refried beans.
Mush 2 avocados with 2 tbl. Lime juice.
Pickled Red Onion
Cut onion into rings. Salt well. Cover with lime juice. Stir occasionally. Set in fridge for several hours while the soup and roast are cooking.
Cut bun in two parts. On one side spread refried beans. On the other side spread the avocado. Take the roast and chop up the meat. Put meat on the bean side of the bread and then pour the chili sauce over the meat, put on pickled onions and a little cilantro and put the other side of the bread with the avocado spread on.
Really liking what I am seeing from everyone so far!  I am glad no one else decided to go Vietnamese.  I decided I am going to take advantage of the extra day tomorrow and finish my entry then.  It's football time and I am wanting wings right now.  My  soup is done so I'll just have to make the noodles tomorrow and add the beef and the toppings.  The pork belly will be a little more work, but it shouldn't take too long either.
D3monic said:
I'm liking this monday end time, really opens it up for those of us who work weekends. I for one wouldn't complain if they ended on mondays for now on.  ;)
+1 ;)
Ozzy2001 said:
Wow, I'm stumped ...
Love all that stuff though, so very curious! =)
hot stuff said:

That looks bangin' ... I'd grab that f****r by the *****! :D
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