beer Being Crafty


Cryin' the (nothing's fermenting) blues over here ...

aka The Empty Blues ...
If this tank is full, and I'll know soon ... I'll be able to try out the QuickCarb this evening, and carb up all three new beers throughout the evening ...
I'm breaking down and all of the tubing and worm clamps and gas connections from all of the distributor blocks and shit ...
Tarantula Hawk. Collab with Triple Crossing. Dry hopped with Mandarina Bavaria, El Dorado, and Columbus. I was surprised that this was a west coast style DIPA, when I poured and tasted it. At least the contribution from another brewery on this collab actually changed the beer style for once. It is bitter, and has a citrusy licorice type aroma that is quite pleasant. Very different from any other Aslin beers, but I'm glad a collab actually made a difference in the style of beer that was brewed. The weird thing is that Triple Crossing also brews NEIPAs, so maybe they decided they would join forces to make a WC style super DIPA. It's actually really good.
