beer Being Crafty


The Brooklyn Black Imperial Stout is not too shabby. Have to let it come up to temp...
The Hot Pepper said:
The Brooklyn Black Imperial Stout is not too shabby. Have to let it come up to temp...
Love that beer ... great roast and chocolate flavors ...
Dude's a master of that style.
I think he might be gone, now, though - believe it or not ...
I've been meaning to poke around and see if ABInbev didn't quietly buy Brooklyn, because I saw something that seemed to hint it had quietly happened, and I follow Garrett Oliver elsewhere and noted he took a very nice vacation recently ...
He likes speed - fast, fancy cars ...
He's an ex-chef and comes across clearly on cheese ... and well, a good IG follow, anyways ...


The Hot Pepper said:
Kirin owns a minority stake. That was a 2016 deal. It's not my fave brewery by any stretch, most are mediocre at best.
I don't like a single other beer they make, including the Black Ops ...
Giving my 2nd bottle of B.O. to JHP because he likes it ...
I want champagne flavor with my stout never, ever ...

But the Chocolate Stout is one of my favorite stout's ... I think it's absolutely fucking delicious ...
I hate to diss them but they are on par with Sam Adams. Most are swilly drinkables with nothing special, and some not even "drinkables." FWIW.

grantmichaels said:
But the Chocolate Stout is one of my favorite stout's ... I think it's absolutely fucking delicious ...
Yeah they did this one right. We agree on their entire line lol.
Hahaha Magic Hat is one of the worst. A lot of craft beers are like cheap sports beers taken up a notch but the breweries don't put a lot of effort into "cheffing" the recipes with the hops and ingredients. Going to Other Half is like a tasting menu at a 5-star restaurant minus all the pretension. Still just beer, beards, and good times lol.