i will definitely look for that one Mike. 

WarrantMan said:
Now that is a better thing to stock up on than TP.WarrantMan said:
MikeUSMC said:I saw this in the store yesterday...
I was like, *Tell me that Collective Arts made a can with Ashen*s name on it!!!*
Spun the can a little more and saw that there was no *N* on the end
i`ve tried a few of theirs and didn`t like them but i never saw that one.The Hot Pepper said:
so what are you drinking from firefly?WarrantMan said:Dang, some bad vibes on Lagunitas... Perhaps not my favorite (I tip my hat here for Edmund's Oast) but not bottom of the barrel either. To that end, I'll give'em props. One in particular (that I now cannot recall) reckon my point is moot, but I haven't had the one mentioned by THP.
Firefly products this eve, no beer, ... props to local dudes. So close I can smell it....
that sounds kinda tasty. i usually unflavored plain whiskey but i do like Fireball.WarrantMan said:Well Kev,
These local guys made their mark with an infused vodka called "Sweet Tea." An incredible story for real. Tonight, I am blessed by another interesting spirit...
I am a "traditionalist" with my whiskey, but I am open to other stuff, never bite the hand....
Very smooth, sweet, with the chocolate and pecan tones forward. The kind you drink unmixed and sip over ice, but be careful, creeper. Not too shabby all things considered...