• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


OK so I thought I would do a little write up on a great Australian sauce which is just now finding its way across the globe.
IF you weren't aware THPs very own Bent has been working on a curious little sauce he has aptly named PAIN.
The first thing that will strike you about this sauce is the scent, it smells interesting... it smells like fruit and heat and tanginess a little desertish yet savory god I think I smell a fruit.
The texture is thick but very pourable which I like in a sauce.

The taste... where to start....
there are many flavours going on here and all are doing one and another justice asia meets hell I'mout of my league.... I get cinnamon I get ginger and I get a fruitiness.

The heat.... this sauce is a classic creeper it has a burn up front from Siams and birds eyes (maybe askbent lol) an its also got that classic habanero rise and burn... put it this way its hot enough tobe called PAIN.

Basically I like this sauce alot...because its unique .....there would be very few sauces made that you can honestly say this about.

If you get the chance to try it give it a go so you can experience something truely out of the box.

Bent post some pics of the label man.


OK I only had a little taste of this but man its good...like pain 1 but with nagas...... oh yeah

Thats it...

Since my bottle arrived, I've been pouring it on everything that goes down the gullet. The only thing I haven't tried is in my cup of coffee.....hmmm, there's a thought.

Very well crafted, goes with Mexican food perfectly, sausage, Italian food... you name it. The heat isn't overwhelming, but it's just enough. If it was any hotter, the balance of all the ingredients would get thrown off.

Great sauce, mate!!!
Sounds awesome Bentalphanerd! I love Japanese bbq for ribs. You enjoying the Australian Open? Maybe you should be selling your sauce there and you could get in for free :)
DevilDuck said:
Since my bottle arrived, I've been pouring it on everything that goes down the gullet. The only thing I haven't tried is in my cup of coffee.....hmmm, there's a thought.

Very well crafted, goes with Mexican food perfectly, sausage, Italian food... you name it. The heat isn't overwhelming, but it's just enough. If it was any hotter, the balance of all the ingredients would get thrown off.

Great sauce, mate!!!

DD Congrats on your winning the Label Design Contest thing on HSB
DevilDuck said:
Since my bottle arrived, I've been pouring it on everything that goes down the gullet. The only thing I haven't tried is in my cup of coffee.....hmmm, there's a thought.

Very well crafted, goes with Mexican food perfectly, sausage, Italian food... you name it. The heat isn't overwhelming, but it's just enough. If it was any hotter, the balance of all the ingredients would get thrown off.

pain2 is pain 1 with nagas, more habs & black olives....it carries the extra heat well (takes a full 3 minutes for the full heat to hit). Oh yeah - stick more pain 1 on your food, it gets way hotter.

DevilDuck said:
Great sauce, mate!!!

Thanks DD it is an unusual flavour that i honestly made selfishly to my own tastes. I'm truly gob-smacked by how many people like it.
Ive had the fortune to try both these delights from Bent, absolutely one of kind sauce! its a flavour sensation! And Ive said before the smell of this stuff is amazing! The Pain2 is that good, your tasting all these fantastic flavours, and then whooska the Nagas build heavily & pound away on your senses for a good 15mins. Awesome:hell:

We had the Pain2 at our BBQ first (Bents fault) (see the manic monday thread), for the rest of the tastings I couldnt detect heat in any sauces that were not featuring heavily in the Naga department, and we were proberly tasting only two sauces every 30 mins.......
OK, now I'm officially licking my chops at the chance to taste this sauce. Nothing quite like word of mouth to recommend a good sauce.

- Joe
Sorry for the delay everyone, I'll be sending off tomorrow with...wait for it-

REAL LABELS at least thats the rumour the printer is spinning me. So if you've put an order in you'll be getting one of the first labelled bottles. A truly historic moment *sniff*sniff*
Sorry for the delay everyone, I'll be sending off tomorrow

:D Your going to love the way bents Pain takes your tastesbuds on a little journey. Im interested in peoples thoughts on this one so Im looking forward to little reviews on your tastings please:)

Yes Pain is good nice flavor first taste was like a hot cinnamon candy, but then you will fill a good heat. Is one of the best sauces with fruit that I have had. Way to go bent. I got to try pain 2,will pm you .
