• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter's 2017 Glog

Hello everybody!

This is my first glog and I know I'm really late with it. I've been growing superhots for a few years, but have never kept a record. So here it goes!

2017 Growlist

Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014)
BOC (Mine)
Black Naga (Mine)
Chocolate Lava (mpicante)
7 Pot Caramel (PL 2014)
Bishop's Crown
JPGS (Seacowboy 2014)
JRGS (Joefish 2014)
Chocolate Moruga Brain (Butch T)
Brown Moruga (PL)
Brazilian Moruga (Butch T)
BTR (Butch T)
CPR (Butch T)
Red Primo (Troy Primeaux 2014)
Yellow Primo (WM 2015)
CGN 21500 (WM 2015)
Peach Bhut (WM 2015)
Aji Fantasy Yellow (WM 2015)
PDN (WM 2015)
Pimenta Leopard (96Strat)
Aji Jobito (Hogleg)
Goat's Weed (Hogleg)
SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014)
Red Brainstrain (WM)
Brown Rocoto (TGCM)
Aji Limo Rojo (TGCM)
Aji Oro (TGCM)
C. Chacoense (WM)
Pumpkin Bubblegum (Ford's Thanks to BSH)
Big Black Mama x Caramel 7 Pot Madballz F2 (Mine)

I started my seeds in early February and continued starting seeds until April...just couldn't stop starting new varieties...again. I always take the cheap route and use plain old Miracle-Gro potting soil. It has always worked for me. I also start my seeds in paper towels then transfer them straight to 4 inch pots (I thought they were 3 inch, but they're 4). I use a 125w CFL for lighting and I usually grow around 30 plants. Here's the beginning.


I had crappy soil before this pic and some of these are bare-root transplants. But I did lose one...Chocolate Primo. It just looked funky after transplant.

Here they were just before plant out. Pic taken on May 4...with the addition of a few new seedlings and maters.


Peppers planted out May 10.


Then I ran into the bugs. The flippin' bugs. Judging by the damage, I'm guessing broad mites.


But I soaped then neemed a couple times and things are looking up. I'll have to get a pic of what that plant (Goatsweed) looks like now. This is the latest pic with the addition of the nursery veggies.


That'll probably do it for now. Thanks for stopping by!

Devv said:
Can't beat garden fresh buddy!
The wife, aka LB, makes squash fried in just a bit of olive oil, and adds fresh garlic, salt, pepper, and romano cheese, with a bit of Italian bread crumbs. She cooks Asparagus in a similar fashion.
That sounds pretty darn good with the Romano and Italian bread crumbs. We also use olive oil, but I find myself putting mozzarella on it...if any cheese. Gonna have to try Romano next time. Thanks!
Excellent updates, Adam.

Great looking pods! Looking really good.

On the "Should I wait for it to be stable, to name it thing". I say no. Its yours, you name it what you want. If the pheno's change over the years, it's still the same name. Almost all my plants in growing this year are not stable. Some only second and third year.

Congrats on the cross. I hope she takes. Black Naga x Peri-Peri would be interesting for sure. Got my attention.
OCD Chilehead said:
Excellent updates, Adam.

Great looking pods! Looking really good.

On the "Should I wait for it to be stable, to name it thing". I say no. Its yours, you name it what you want. If the pheno's change over the years, it's still the same name. Almost all my plants in growing this year are not stable. Some only second and third year.

Congrats on the cross. I hope she takes. Black Naga x Peri-Peri would be interesting for sure. Got my attention.
Thank you very much, Chuck! I'm feeling even better about the Black Naga x Peri-Peri. The in-ground plant set a pod and its starting out extremely tiny with a long pistil...like a Frutescens would. These seeds definitely came out of a Black Naga pod.


Thank you also for your advice on naming the BBM x Madballz strain. I guess I'd have to make it official somewhere, or just start labeling them with the name AND the cross for other people until the name sticks. Lol. But the name I like is 7 Pot Cinder. I just hope the name doesn't get snatched up. I also want everybody to be ok with it and the whole idea of naming an unstable strain.
Bhuter said:
Thank you very much, Chuck! I'm feeling even better about the Black Naga x Peri-Peri. The in-ground plant set a pod and its starting out extremely tiny with a long pistil...like a Frutescens would. These seeds definitely came out of a Black Naga pod.


Thank you also for your advice on naming the BBM x Madballz strain. I guess I'd have to make it official somewhere, or just start labeling them with the name AND the cross for other people until the name sticks. Lol. But the name I like is 7 Pot Cinder. I just hope the name doesn't get snatched up. I also want everybody to be ok with it and the whole idea of naming an unstable strain.
Your welcome! 7pot Cinder it is.
Bhuter said:
Thank you very much, Chuck! I'm feeling even better about the Black Naga x Peri-Peri. The in-ground plant set a pod and its starting out extremely tiny with a long pistil...like a Frutescens would. These seeds definitely came out of a Black Naga pod.


Thank you also for your advice on naming the BBM x Madballz strain. I guess I'd have to make it official somewhere, or just start labeling them with the name AND the cross for other people until the name sticks. Lol. But the name I like is 7 Pot Cinder. I just hope the name doesn't get snatched up. I also want everybody to be ok with it and the whole idea of naming an unstable strain.
Your welcome! 7 Pot Cinder it is. 7/28/17. Documented. As long as your comfortable with it , I am. You've got to start somewhere. Besides, It's yours. If you change it again, we will document again. LOL!

Go with it, Adam.
OCD Chilehead said:
Your welcome! 7 Pot Cinder it is. 7/28/17. Documented. As long as your comfortable with it , I am. You've got to start somewhere. Besides, It's yours. If you change it again, we will document again. LOL!

Go with it, Adam.
Awesome, Chuck! Thank you for documenting that. It's official. BBM x Madballz will now be known as 7 Pot Cinder. I hope everybody else is comfortable with that, also. I found one beginning to ripen on plant #3 today and it looks like this one will be Chocolate.


I'm surprised with how quickly this one is changing, but the other 3 plants will be a while.
I didn't realize Aji Jobitos got this big.

My Brown Morugas are pretty monstrous, too.

BOC looking convoluted.


Aji Oro. Not sure if these look accurate.


My Red Brainstrains are going crazy.


Here's a pic of a flower of what I now believe is Black Naga x Peri-Peri. I'll snap a pic of a tiny pod later.

Thanks for stopping by!
Devv said:
Good stuff Adam!
Loving the loaded down plants!
The Aji Oro looks spot on ;)
Thank you, Scott! Things are kicking into high gear. Pods are setting left and right (thankfully). Gonna be overloaded in the fall. Glad to hear that about the Aji Oro. I thought they were more slender instead of rounded. I can't wait to try them!
Superhot Sim said:
Some serious poddage going on here, plants are loading up nicely.
Some brutal looking pods as well. Great work Adam.

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Thank you very much, Sim! I have to say that most, if not all, of the phenos that I'm getting this year appear to be correct. I couldn't be more pleased. Now I just gotta hope they ripen to the correct colors. Lol.
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Nice pods! Those aji oros look correct.
Thanks, Dale! I'm really happy with the Oro plant. It's starting to flower tremendously and I've seen quite a few set. I was reading your glog and how you space your Pubes with Chinense in between. That's a great tip for pure seed! I'll definitely do that next year. I was thinking the other way and put the two Pubes together in hopes of getting more fruit this year. Lol.
Bhuter said:
Thanks, Dale! I'm really happy with the Oro plant. It's starting to flower tremendously and I've seen quite a few set. I was reading your glog and how you space your Pubes with Chinense in between. That's a great tip for pure seed! I'll definitely do that next year. I was thinking the other way and put the two Pubes together in hopes of getting more fruit this year. Lol.
Here is a pic of some Pubes from my garden last year. The two larger yellow pods in the middle of the pic are aji largo pods. Doubling up plants side by side can definitely increase yields, but make sure they are the same Pube cultivar though, of course.


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OCD Chilehead said:
I didn't know that the Jobito was so big as well.

Actually, all your pods look like they are juicing. LOL!

BOC is looking spot on. What a great pod.
Thank you very much, Chuck! Yeah, I was thinking Jobitos were about an inch or inch and a half long and about an inch around. Small. These are fairly big, firm, and solid. I'm anxious to try one out. I love BOC. I started this plant from seed from my last years' grow. And they're looking just like they did last year. Fingers crossed for orange!
Thegreenchilemonster said:
Here is a pic of some Pubes from my garden last year. The two larger yellow pods in the middle of the pic are aji largo pods. Doubling up plants side by side can definitely increase yields, but make sure they are the same Pube cultivar though, of course.
Absolutely beautiful! What great colors!! Yeah, unfortunately I have two different cultivars together. (I think that's the right word for what I mean). I have an Aji Oro next to a Brown Rocoto. So I guess the seed I produce this year will be hit or miss next year.