• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BigCedars SuperHot Grow 2012

Hey Everyone :) 2012 will be my first full year being a member of this great forum. So, I figured why not do a start to finish growlog for the first time. Instead of writing down a journal of germination times, flower times, ferts, soils, plant out dates, etc.. like I have in the past.. I'll be using my growlog instead. There will be extra information that I'm sure the seasoned pros won't need to read but I'm sure anyone new to this hobby will enjoy the extra info I'll be posting. I absolutely love checking up on other members growlogs, It's my daily newspaper! :lol: I figured as much entertainment you all have given me this year.. It's time to entertain back. Hope you all enjoy.

One more thing..
Before we get started with the grow porn..
A special thanks goes out to anyone that has helped me out since joining THP. I appreciate it more than you know.

Alright, lets get this party started.

So 12/15 and 12/16 were the only time I had to do this unless I wanted to wait until January because of my work and family xmas parties. I have a greenhouse, which means I can harden off earlier than those who don't. I figured.. Why not start a couple weeks early!? So that's what I did :D

I'm using Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix for the first time this year. I can already tell this stuff is as great as people have said. It's so soft and fluffy, I have an extra bag.. I told my wife I'm puttin a pillow case over it and swappin out my pillow :lol: I prepared everything 12/15



If you use hoffmans.. you have to soak it overnight or knead water into the soil in a plastic tub.. which is what I ended up doing after realizing it wasn't absorbing water from my spray bottle.. So after I did that, I prepped 4 72cell flats with soil, put 4 of each seed variety in the cups, let them sit for 8hours.


After planting 288 seeds by hand.. I've realized that before this season is over.. I need to invent a faster way to do this.. my god that took way to long. All worth it though :)


My grow closet.


I'm using hydrofarm heating mats with hydrofarm heat mat thermostats set at 82 (the one further back in the closet is always warmer..)


One more thing if you have kids.. My daughter use to love to open the closet door.. Now she likes to shut the door..
I came up with a solution for both the problems.
Bricks so she can't shut the door? Check
Dog leash so she cant open the door? Check.
Let the growing begin.


The List
I would love to have 3 plants of each.. so I'm starting 4 of each hoping for the best. If I have too many.. Well, I'll find room or give them away :hell:

I will be keeping this posted every week with germination rates.

Bhut Jolokia Peach: 0/4
Bhut Chocolate X Yellow 7Pod F3: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Assam: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Yellow: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia I Carbon: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Orange: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia White: 0/4
Bhut CPI X Douglah "Naglah": 0/4

Naga Morich Black: 0/4
Naga Morich Chocolate: 0/4
Naga Morich: 0/4
Naga Viper: 0/4
Naga BigBang: 0/4
Naga Monster: 0/4

TS CARDI Yellow X Bhut Jolokia F3: 0/4
TS Mustard: 0/4
TS Sunrise: 0/4
TS Long Tail: 0/4
TS Butch T: 0/4
TS Moruga: 0/4
TS Moruga Satan's: 0/4
TS Moruga Yellow: 0/4
TS Large: 0/4
TS Chocolate: 0/4
TS CARDI Yellow: 0/4
TS: 0/4
TS Fat/Long Tail: 0/4
TS X Pimenta Morango: 0/4
TS X Bhut F3: 0/4

7 Infinity w/tail: 0/4
7 Infinity: 0/8
7 Infinity Monster: 0/4
7 Infinity Fat Freak w/tail: 0/4
7 Brown Source 1: 0/4
7 Brown Source 2: 0/4
7 Primo Source 1: 0/4
7 Primo Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 1: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Yellow: 0/4
7 Cardi: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 1: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 2: 0/4
7 Jonah: 0/4
7 Congo: 0/4
7 White: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 1: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 2: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 1: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 2: 0/4
7 Long: 0/4
7 Barrackapore: 0/4
7 Douglah X TS Moruga: 0/4
7 Chiguanas: 0/4
7 Orange: 0/4
7 Madballz: 0/4
7 Jonah Cross: 0/4
7 Primo Hybrid F2: 0/4
7 Bubblegum: 0/4

Mystery Superhot Red w/tail: 0/4
Trinidad Viper: 0/4
Monster Naga X Douglah: 0/4
Mystery Cross Red Douglah: 0/4
Black Naga Red Cross: 0/4

Bih Jolokia: 0/4
Dorset Naga: 0/4
Habanero XXL Hybrid: 0/4
TS Habanero Cross: 0/4

I'm just doing supers for the first time this year.
I have a good amount of non supers that I'm overwintering. I figure with what I'm growing, If something does cross..I'tll most likely be a superhot cross. And you can't go wrong there!

Awesome update love the trinidad viper x purple bhut through it grow stage can not wait to see what type of flowers come out. The weather looks like it is treating you right over there hopefully that continues for you Brandon and great parting shot with a future pepper lover and grower.

Thanks Fernando! You and me both, the second I see one I'll be sure to post a picture of it. Yes, the weather has actually been very nice this year, couldn't have come around at a more perfect time too! I had a thought the other day.. the last time we had a great grow year was the last time it was an la nina year, this year happens to be another! :) Thanks for the parting shot compliment, she loves to help already, except when she picks flowers off of the overwinters.... lol. Thanks for stopping by dude

Hey Brandon,

Great update as usual!
The gnats will leave once the plants are brought outdoors. You shouldn't see any damage with plants that size.....they're huge.
How big are those black nursery pots? Man that's a process potting up all those plants. Are you going to sell some at work.........
Hey if you start later next season you could have many more smaller plants........less potting up. Hmm..................but do you really want more smaller plants or less larger plants.................

Nice catch with the woodpecker photo. I can here "Woody" now. ......Ha.Ha.Ha...Ha.....Ha
Seriously, I can see what you're going through between work, family and taking care of the plants. But it will all pay off in time. Recognition makes it all worth while.....that and a few $$$ along the way.
Once you get everything that you're keeping planted in their permanent homes you can sit back and relax a bit. Those plants will be on auto pilot with just alittle help along the way.....watering, staking.............harvesting bushels of peppers....................
Haha, cute picture of your daughter, she looks like shes ready for action.....lol

Nothing like a 30 pack.....Milwaukee's Best Ice...................any good? or was the price right

Good luck with your weather and the rest of the vege planting. It's always a pleasure checking out your updates
Hope all is well on the western front

Hey Greg! I noticed that the gnats on the first 220 are almost all wiped out now that they are outdoors, I'll take gnats over aphids anyday! Those black nursery pots are mostly 5 gallon containers, the tan ones in the back are 7 gallons, and theres a few grey 4 gallons thrown in there.. I'm actually going to be keeping 99.9 percent of the plants, give a few to friends and Aaron(habheat81) Haha! No no no.. more smaller plants isn't my style lol. I still want some 15inch tall monsters come plant out but now that I'm comfortable with the starting process I think I can get em to that size in half the time! The plants and family part is the fun stuff :) it's when you throw 5-6 12 hour work days a week in there and 4 hour sleeps that it can get a bit tiring lol, I caught up on sleep last night though, I just need one day.. lol, so I'll be back at it tomorrow! I'm looking forward to the auto pilot/harvest time, thanks for the "light at the end of the tunnel" thought haha. As for the 30 pack of Milwaukees Ice? Nope.. not very good at all.. but the price? Very good! It's my drink on a budget beer lol. Thanks for stopping by Greg and thanks for the good words. I appreciate it. Hope all is good with you my friend!

Well Greg beat me too it. Beast Ice?.... I see how you can afford all the pots and soil now. Good luck with potting all of that up. Way more than my schedule allows. What are your plans for all of these?

LOL. Yes you guys called it. I knew when I posted that picture I was gonna hear about it lol. weighing out my options... Good beer? Less plants?... Bad beer, lots of plants?.... Bad Beer Lots Of Plants. haha. My schedule is having a hard time allowing it but I'm making it happen slowly but surely.. As for the plans for all these? Eating, freezing, drying, seed saving, I'll be selling a few to customers at work and restuarant owners, giving them away to members here, etc. Thanks for stopping by! Hope all is well with you man.

Hey Brandon, I'm jealous of your 7 week olds. The seeds I started 4 weeks ago are still in the pellets They haven't shown any signs of growth, well not til recently. I put a new light on them and ferted them and now they appear to be doing something. We'll see soon I guess. Once you think your getting it down they throw a curve ball at you
I'll be updated my glog in the next couple days, but had a real scare with the new ones I got (possible transplant shock). In either case your plants are looking amazing! And knowing you can start later probably makes the wife happy

Your daughter seems to be enjoying the chile growing, but for now the shoes might be a little big
Enjoy the weather we're getting and hurry finish getting the rest repotted cause soon the rain will be here again.


Hey Aaron, don't worry man, it's all about trial and error and finding out what works best for you.. The lighting has ALOT to do with it.. They love the HOT5s, what kind of lighting are you using? I know all about the curve balls, I had quite a few hit be right in the face earlier this year lol.. Once I get all the plants organized into rows I'll be sure to hit you up and find a time we can meet up for a plant hand off.. should be a few weeks. Yeah the wife is happy about the later start.. but she doesn't know about the 75 OW's I'll be bringing in this winter lol. I saw the rains coming back.. Not to worry, my trusty raingear that I normally only wear during christmas tree season at work has been getting a work out lately lol. My wife looks at me like I'm on crack when I'm out there potting up plants in the pouring down rain lol.. I tell her it aint' work if it aint in the rain! Ha. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Looking great dude! Next year, I wanna see you with less plants, in enormous containers, putting out more peppers in the same amount of soil! You have the fundementals down to a T, my friend. Next year its insane soil amendments, teas, and volkswagon sized pepper trees! Grow on dude!

Hey Rich! Thanks for stoppin by man! Volkswagon sized pepper trees lol, I hope to have a few of those one day! I know who to talk to for tips on getting them that big too ;) Thanks for the good words, I was thinking the same thing for next year, along with alot of plants too though haha, I'm gonna see how my 10 OWs do this year in the 20 gallon containers and act accordingly next year. I hope all is good with you dude! How are things in your neck of the woods?

A labor of love is supposed to make you ache isn't it? They are a little labor intensive now but like Greg said once they're in the final pot and outside it's just water, feed and pick. I suppose you're going to complain about picking the several hundred pounds of pods too?

Looking great as always Brandon.

:rofl: No no no, I promise there will be no complaints when I'm picking pounds of pods, if there is feel free to fly over to my house and kick me in the balls lol. Like I told Greg, It's really the 60 hours at work a week on top of this that is driving me to the advil container lol.. It's all good though, I knew damn well what I was getting myself into and am loving every minute of it. I wanted to have a challenge this year and I've accomplished that for sure :) Thanks for the good words buddy. I hope all is well with you, btw, I've potted up 3 of the 4 SB7J's and they're looking awesome! I also have some chocolate bhuts from you that are doing really well!

[sup] :clap: [/sup]

Thanks Richard! :party:
Brandon!!! Your plants look absolutely amazing! I'd say yours are a little ahead of Matt's at this point looking at his Glog but I think the NC weather may change that shortly...will be really fun to watch you two through the season with most of his in the ground and most of yours in containers and see how they stack up! I hear what you saying about the back breaking and time consuming. I commute to work 100 miles each way every day between San Diego and LA traffic is terrible on both ends and in between. I spend the remaining daylight each day out checking and tweaking, but I find it helps me shake off the stress. Especially when coupled with a Shiner Bock. Hope to have some of those "pounds of pods" to come home to soon which will give me even more satisfaction than the tweaking, trimming, potting up, watering and fertilizing.
Doing good man. Left the seed starting to the Mrs while I was on my trip. She did pretty well! Just got done potting up out of the cell trays and into gallons for a few weeks. Then its into the raised rows. Gonna throw some mothers into air pots along with that Brain Strain to really see what shes got! Got some other seeds from Thailand too but thats for another forum... ;) Enjoy your season dude.
Wow brandon you plants look amazing. :onfire:

Sweet grow !!!

Thanks Jamie! I'll have you know every time I see your pod pictures I'm salivating.. I miss your care package already! lol. Thanks for compliment and stopping by bud. I hope all is good with you my friend.. send some sunshine my way would ya? haha.

Brandon!!! Your plants look absolutely amazing! I'd say yours are a little ahead of Matt's at this point looking at his Glog but I think the NC weather may change that shortly...will be really fun to watch you two through the season with most of his in the ground and most of yours in containers and see how they stack up! I hear what you saying about the back breaking and time consuming. I commute to work 100 miles each way every day between San Diego and LA traffic is terrible on both ends and in between. I spend the remaining daylight each day out checking and tweaking, but I find it helps me shake off the stress. Especially when coupled with a Shiner Bock. Hope to have some of those "pounds of pods" to come home to soon which will give me even more satisfaction than the tweaking, trimming, potting up, watering and fertilizing.

Hey Shane! I forget if I had time to comment on it but I did watch it!... Loved the barrackapore video! It was a nice mix of laughter when your mouth was on fire and also a mix of WOW nice lookin plants! haha, good stuff man. Yeah... I know mine are ahead of Matts in size.. His plants WILL make mine look like tiny starts in the months to come.. Growing in NC compard to WA is like comparing AZ to the Arctic. lol. He'll do great, and have 5-6 ft tall monsters.. At our peak I'll be happy to have 3ft plants.. They just don't get that big up here. So yep your right, he'll pass me up like I'm driving a VW beetle and he's in a Lambo on the autobahn in the coming months lol.. You won't see any serious growth from me until mid-June when our temps get above 70 for more than 3 days out of the month lol.. Dude.. 100 miles each way? That's freaking nuts. I think I know that commute too, I drove down to huntington beach with a buddy a while back, and yes, traffic was terrible! Atleast californians know how to drive though.. I was so happy to be driving around Cali, if your ever in WA you'll see what I mean, you would think that everyone just got their license lol.. I know what you mean about shaking off the stress.. After I say hi and hang out with the fam I grab a flashlight and head out in the backyard to check everything out, makes all this worth it! And just like you I'm coupled as well.. it's keystone ice though lol. I've rambled enough.. I hope things continue to go well for you dude. Thanks for stopping by.

Doing good man. Left the seed starting to the Mrs while I was on my trip. She did pretty well! Just got done potting up out of the cell trays and into gallons for a few weeks. Then its into the raised rows. Gonna throw some mothers into air pots along with that Brain Strain to really see what shes got! Got some other seeds from Thailand too but thats for another forum... ;) Enjoy your season dude.

Thanks for the reply Rich! I'm glad things are going well for you. Tell your wife WAY to go starting seeds!! I'm glad your throwing mothers in air pots this year, I can't wait to see all of em look like that fatalii last year! Other seeds from Thailand huh? Now you got me wondering, peppers? I hope the Brain does well for you, if anyone can get a plant to produce like crazy and be 7 feet tall it's you man. Enjoy your season as well, and please, post pictures every once in awhile! Your a big inspiration around here. Thanks again for the overwinter advice.

Looking great Brandon. Keep up the good work. Your daughter is adorable. :) I always have to recruit mine to help me plant the peppers too. lol. She gets bored though after the first 10. It looks like you're going to be kept pretty busy.

It definitely is easy to get too eager and start plants earlier than they should be sowed. I am guilty of that too. I'm slowly learning my lesson over the years. Patience is becoming a bit more tolerable now.

Looking great Brandon. Keep up the good work. Your daughter is adorable. :) I always have to recruit mine to help me plant the peppers too. lol. She gets bored though after the first 10. It looks like you're going to be kept pretty busy.

It definitely is easy to get too eager and start plants earlier than they should be sowed. I am guilty of that too. I'm slowly learning my lesson over the years. Patience is becoming a bit more tolerable now.


Hey Chris! Thanks alot buddy. hah, she's at that age now where she loves to help me with anything and everything I'm doing so I'll take it! :) I know one day she will be just like yours and be bored in a couple minutes flat so I'm enjoying it now lol.

Being busy is definitely looking like a guarenteed deal until fall for me lol. I'm pretty excited this year for everything else to grow as well, I don't think there's much I'm not growing this year produce-wise. It should be fun harvesting all the fresh fruit and veggies, I'm definitely going to have more than I know what to do with but that's part of the fun right? haha.

That's my problem.. Patience. lol.. I started sowing dec15th last year.. I'll be starting February 1st next year lol. Thanks for stopping by Chris, looks like we have a break in the rain so I'm gonna head out to pot up some more plants :) Hope all is well with you bud.
Thanks for the update on the SB7J's Brandon. I wish the darn things would hurry up and start producing pods!!

I think I'm really going to spoil the one I have going.

Best of luck Brandon.
That's awesome Brandon. I should have the GH ready by then in case the weather still isn't just right for them. THANKS AGAIN! I got my father-inlaw working on getting the material. He says he has 4 big windows already for them plus some of the flooring. No cost at all :).
Thanks for the update on the SB7J's Brandon. I wish the darn things would hurry up and start producing pods!!

I think I'm really going to spoil the one I have going.

Best of luck Brandon.

No problem Patrick. I just got done potting up a few more of your chocolate bhuts, they're lookin good as well. Ha! you and me both man, this being my first year from seed and this many supers I'm gonna be doing cartwheels in excitement if I can get these things to produce pods. I can't wait. If you do end up with no SB7J I'd be glad to send you as many pods as you want bud.. along with many others ;) Thanks for stopping by man.

That's awesome Brandon. I should have the GH ready by then in case the weather still isn't just right for them. THANKS AGAIN! I got my father-inlaw working on getting the material. He says he has 4 big windows already for them plus some of the flooring. No cost at all :).

Hey Aaron, Ha, speaking of GH's.. I got ballzy.. No more GH over here! :cool: Hopefully that whole idea doesn't back fire on me but so far everything is doing fine.. You can tell they don't like the rain were getting. I lost a few lower leaves due to excess water but that's alright. Pretty interesting actually, I noticed while potting up all these plants that the healthiest biggest plants I have are the ones I almost killed or accidently pruned the top off. Funny how that works. Good form on the GH you got going! No cost at all? That's awesome dude! I can't wait to see some pictures! Hope all is good with you and the fam dude. Thanks for stoppin by.

Another Mini Update..

Yesterday.. knee deep in the potting up process :cool:

Random shot

Overall shot of everything potted up so far..

30 left to pot up!! I see the light at the end of the tunnel now lol.

Well I'm off to mow. Hope all is well with everyone.

Lookin great Bradon! I have about a dozen or so that I am gonna pot up tomorrow, I bet you are jealous....12......:rofl: But everything is looking really healthy and ready for their new shoes!
Brandon...are those extra holes you drilled? Or did the pots not come with drainage holes? I was thinking of adding some to my pots, but wasn't sure it was worth the effort.

That's a ton of plants and a TON of soil!!! Probably pretty close to accurate on the soil part! My wife complained about the 10 3cf bags I bought...You probably tripled that??? I feel your pain on the potting up brother, but almost done. You got this! Can't wait to watch them grow into those big containers.

Lookin great Bradon! I have about a dozen or so that I am gonna pot up tomorrow, I bet you are jealous....12...... :rofl: But everything is looking really healthy and ready for their new shoes!

Thanks Matt! good to hear from ya dude! Jealous of 12 pot ups? Heck yeah! you have no idea how jealous I am! lol.. I'm more jealous that you can plant in the ground in your area, if I could I would put them all in the ground, so much easier that way! unfortunately the ground in this area might as well be gravel.. Thanks for stopping by man, I hope all is good with you and the fam, and the plants of course :)

Brandon...are those extra holes you drilled? Or did the pots not come with drainage holes? I was thinking of adding some to my pots, but wasn't sure it was worth the effort.

That's a ton of plants and a TON of soil!!! Probably pretty close to accurate on the soil part! My wife complained about the 10 3cf bags I bought...You probably tripled that??? I feel your pain on the potting up brother, but almost done. You got this! Can't wait to watch them grow into those big containers.


Hey Shane! Those pots actually didn't come with drainage holes.. I collected them from work over the last year, we use them for bouqet buckets and during mothers day last year they sent us WAY to many of em so I snatched them up with the idea that I might try my luck at a big pepper op and here I am today.. lol. Glad I brought em home! But I will tell you, even the pots that DID have drainage holes, I drilled more holes in them as well. You really can't have TOO much drainage with these plants so I figured why not.. With that said, it is worth the effort but then again you live in California so I don't know if it really matters where your at.. We get LOTS... and lots.. and lots of rain until June-ish around here so that's what made me start drillin.

As for tons of plants and soil? Yes.. and yes.. lol. The soil I actually lucked out with, I had alot left over from my 60+ tomato plant operation I did a few years back (they were too easy to grow so I graduated to peppers lol..) anyway, I added some nutes and recylced that soil. Other than that I did have to buy an extra 60CF of new soil. All together I would say its a good 120+ CF of soil if not more.. And that doesn't include the 20 tomatos, rhubarb, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cherries, onions, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, gooseberries, lettuce, spinach, greenbeans, snappeas, carrots, trees, nuts, flowers, and exotic flowers I have going.. Have I mentioned I need therapy? lol. Thanks for stoppin by each week Shane. Always good to hear from you. I hope all is well buddy.

Looking really great, very organized and healthy plants. Are you growing Pimenta Morango?

Hey Charles! Thanks for stoppin by man. How are things going for you? Thanks for the compliments. I plan on organizing more once the other 32 or potted up.. I'm gonna put each kind next to each other in rows to hopefully lower cross pollination rates and such. I am not growing the Pimenta Morango.. But! I am growing the TS X Pimenta Morango, both plants turned out purple, which seems to be a bit rare since Grant asked me to save seeds for him and he's the one I got the seeds from.. Apparently alot turned out to be green plants for him. Should be interesting. Hope things are growing well for you man :)


Wow I am caught up on your GL. Looking good. I like how you were able to get in photos of a woodpecker and short people with big feet. LOL. Looking good. Enjoy those harvests to come.
Wow, glad to see your update, my man! Your grow out is assuming epic proportions!
The potted up plants look good, like they are really getting their groove on!! I hope
you are not doing all that potting up on the ground, bro. I had to start using a table
top for that kind of stuff. It makes a huge difference in how my chronic back ache
manifests itself. Standing up and working is the way to go!

Glad to see you got some sun your way. The forecast is looking good for the next 5
or six days; 'bout the same for you? Oh, man, your daughter is so cute in those boots.
I remember watching my young daughter trying to walk in my big boots. What a funny,
touching scene.

You definitely have the rockin'pepper farm going in WAState, Brandon. Keep up the
good work, (standing up ;) ) Best of growing to you, bro!
Weekend Update.

Whats new?
Everythings potted up! :dance:

It's been pouring down rain for about a week now, a few hail storms, the works..
The plants haven't been too happy about it at all, lost a few lower leaves from the rain overwatering them, a few got the crap kicked out of em from the wind but I'm not too worried about em. They'll make a recovery, they just need some sunshine which will be around starting tomorrow through the week :)

Picture time!


Another angle, tomato starts need to be potted up still. There's another 2 rows of peppers up against the house that you can't see.

Rear view.

I decided to mess around with the hardening off process with the last 30 or so plants that came out of the closet 5 days ago..
My ghetto lawn chair patio chair set up! :lol:
Suprisingly, no sunburn at all!

Here's one of the 5 or so that lost the battle with the wind a few days ago, coincidentally they were the few leggy less sturdy plants from the video I shot a few weeks back. Once again, shows ya what a fan will do for them inside.

The peach bhut that the slug topped off is coming back nicely even with the nasty weather weve been getting

Yellow Bhut

7 Barrackapore

Naga Morich

Bhut Chocolate

Hope everythings goin well for everybody.
I'll post some boring non-chile grow pictures in a bit. :)

Wow I am caught up on your GL. Looking good. I like how you were able to get in photos of a woodpecker and short people with big feet. LOL. Looking good. Enjoy those harvests to come.

Hey Justaguy! lol glad you liked the pictures :) chiles aren't the only thing I have growin up around here, My peppers aren't going through terrible twos like somebody I know though :lol: Thanks for the compliments, I hope to have quite the harvest if all goes according to plan. Hope everythings going well for you buddy.

Wow, glad to see your update, my man! Your grow out is assuming epic proportions!
The potted up plants look good, like they are really getting their groove on!! I hope
you are not doing all that potting up on the ground, bro. I had to start using a table
top for that kind of stuff. It makes a huge difference in how my chronic back ache
manifests itself. Standing up and working is the way to go!

Glad to see you got some sun your way. The forecast is looking good for the next 5
or six days; 'bout the same for you? Oh, man, your daughter is so cute in those boots.
I remember watching my young daughter trying to walk in my big boots. What a funny,
touching scene.

You definitely have the rockin'pepper farm going in WAState, Brandon. Keep up the
good work, (standing up ) Best of growing to you, bro!

Hey Paul! Good to hear from ya bud, thank you for the kind words. I'll be honest, I did pot up a good 50 on the ground, I figured since I'm bending over all the time picking up pot and boxes at work that I'd be good to go.. Nope! That was all I needed to figure out that standing up was a better way to go, I had a young n dumb moment that day lol. Sun heading our way is goooood news, my plants need a chance to dry out! I can almost here em cussing me out everytime we have a down pour lol. Glad you like the boot picture. she's got this thing now about wearing big people shoes, it's pretty dang cute. Hows everything going in your neck of the woods? I hope your plants are alive and well and lifes treating you good man!
Sucks about the weather man...I feel your pain, but you're right they'll come back with a vengeance! Wow you got a ton of buds going on! Won't be too long now for us buddy! Your glog has been epic from the start. One of the first ones I looked at when I checked in on here (if not the first) got a real kick out of the grow closet you had going with the door propped open but roped closed. Then the crazy winter storm and loss of power...your soil trouble. You've come a long way from then man. Fingers crossed your weather cooperates from this point on.