• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BigCedars SuperHot Grow 2012

Hey Everyone :) 2012 will be my first full year being a member of this great forum. So, I figured why not do a start to finish growlog for the first time. Instead of writing down a journal of germination times, flower times, ferts, soils, plant out dates, etc.. like I have in the past.. I'll be using my growlog instead. There will be extra information that I'm sure the seasoned pros won't need to read but I'm sure anyone new to this hobby will enjoy the extra info I'll be posting. I absolutely love checking up on other members growlogs, It's my daily newspaper! :lol: I figured as much entertainment you all have given me this year.. It's time to entertain back. Hope you all enjoy.

One more thing..
Before we get started with the grow porn..
A special thanks goes out to anyone that has helped me out since joining THP. I appreciate it more than you know.

Alright, lets get this party started.

So 12/15 and 12/16 were the only time I had to do this unless I wanted to wait until January because of my work and family xmas parties. I have a greenhouse, which means I can harden off earlier than those who don't. I figured.. Why not start a couple weeks early!? So that's what I did :D

I'm using Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix for the first time this year. I can already tell this stuff is as great as people have said. It's so soft and fluffy, I have an extra bag.. I told my wife I'm puttin a pillow case over it and swappin out my pillow :lol: I prepared everything 12/15



If you use hoffmans.. you have to soak it overnight or knead water into the soil in a plastic tub.. which is what I ended up doing after realizing it wasn't absorbing water from my spray bottle.. So after I did that, I prepped 4 72cell flats with soil, put 4 of each seed variety in the cups, let them sit for 8hours.


After planting 288 seeds by hand.. I've realized that before this season is over.. I need to invent a faster way to do this.. my god that took way to long. All worth it though :)


My grow closet.


I'm using hydrofarm heating mats with hydrofarm heat mat thermostats set at 82 (the one further back in the closet is always warmer..)


One more thing if you have kids.. My daughter use to love to open the closet door.. Now she likes to shut the door..
I came up with a solution for both the problems.
Bricks so she can't shut the door? Check
Dog leash so she cant open the door? Check.
Let the growing begin.


The List
I would love to have 3 plants of each.. so I'm starting 4 of each hoping for the best. If I have too many.. Well, I'll find room or give them away :hell:

I will be keeping this posted every week with germination rates.

Bhut Jolokia Peach: 0/4
Bhut Chocolate X Yellow 7Pod F3: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Assam: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Yellow: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia I Carbon: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Orange: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia White: 0/4
Bhut CPI X Douglah "Naglah": 0/4

Naga Morich Black: 0/4
Naga Morich Chocolate: 0/4
Naga Morich: 0/4
Naga Viper: 0/4
Naga BigBang: 0/4
Naga Monster: 0/4

TS CARDI Yellow X Bhut Jolokia F3: 0/4
TS Mustard: 0/4
TS Sunrise: 0/4
TS Long Tail: 0/4
TS Butch T: 0/4
TS Moruga: 0/4
TS Moruga Satan's: 0/4
TS Moruga Yellow: 0/4
TS Large: 0/4
TS Chocolate: 0/4
TS CARDI Yellow: 0/4
TS: 0/4
TS Fat/Long Tail: 0/4
TS X Pimenta Morango: 0/4
TS X Bhut F3: 0/4

7 Infinity w/tail: 0/4
7 Infinity: 0/8
7 Infinity Monster: 0/4
7 Infinity Fat Freak w/tail: 0/4
7 Brown Source 1: 0/4
7 Brown Source 2: 0/4
7 Primo Source 1: 0/4
7 Primo Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 1: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Yellow: 0/4
7 Cardi: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 1: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 2: 0/4
7 Jonah: 0/4
7 Congo: 0/4
7 White: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 1: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 2: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 1: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 2: 0/4
7 Long: 0/4
7 Barrackapore: 0/4
7 Douglah X TS Moruga: 0/4
7 Chiguanas: 0/4
7 Orange: 0/4
7 Madballz: 0/4
7 Jonah Cross: 0/4
7 Primo Hybrid F2: 0/4
7 Bubblegum: 0/4

Mystery Superhot Red w/tail: 0/4
Trinidad Viper: 0/4
Monster Naga X Douglah: 0/4
Mystery Cross Red Douglah: 0/4
Black Naga Red Cross: 0/4

Bih Jolokia: 0/4
Dorset Naga: 0/4
Habanero XXL Hybrid: 0/4
TS Habanero Cross: 0/4

I'm just doing supers for the first time this year.
I have a good amount of non supers that I'm overwintering. I figure with what I'm growing, If something does cross..I'tll most likely be a superhot cross. And you can't go wrong there!

I figured I'd start a not-so-hot segment within my glog.. I'm growing so many other things and I feel it's silly not to share. BUT.. If it's not interesting.. Makes you wish there was a "dislike this" button lol.. then by all means please tell me :)

The not-so-hot stuff..



Bleeding Hearts.

Hot n Spicy Oregano.



Gerbera Daisys




Cool? Dumb? Lemme know :)
Thanks for posting those Brandon! I have been tying to identify a flower in the front yard for some time...now believe its a Gerbera Daisy!!! Really cool nons those fuschia and bleeding hearts are amazing! I have a ton of nons in bloom and have posted a few pics here and there, but like you I'm worried people only wanna see the peppers.
So they plants will all live the season in containers??? Sorry if I missed the answer earlier. I an thinking of "planting some 5 gallon buckets that have drain holes. A neighbor does it so they gain the benefit of the natural water table, thereby reducing the need for as much watering. Also I assume it would help maintain a lower root ball temperature. Biggest plus in my book is the ability to lift out at the end of season for overwintering.

Going to go back and read again. Looking friggin awesome. Hope you have a longer then normal season.
Thanks for all the responses everybody, I'll respond back to them the second I get some time :)

I wish I had another positive update but the universe decided it had been one too many months for Brandon to go problem-free with his big grow lol..

Weekend Update...........

How do I put this..

At my work (produce market/nursery) we bought 2000+ 1gallon tomato starts.. They all looked super healthy when they came in...

Some way...

Bacterial spot showed up at my work, and it has now spread like wildfire throughout almost all of the 2000 tomato starts. Sucks right? Sorta..

What really sucks? Those 20+ gallon tomato starts that were pictured in my last update.. Yea.. They came from.. You guessed it.. My work.

Needless to say those tomato plants decided to spread the love around my backyard.
In literally.. less than 24 hours almost every single superhot plant, overwinter, cucumber, and zucchini plant was infected or dead and the infection was spreading fast. TOO fast. It was like watching a plague in slow motion.. My plants went from looking fine to near death in 2days time. Of course it had to happen while I was in the middle of my work week.. All I could think about was saving these plants so I've been up at the crack of dawn before work, work in the yard, work a full day, get home after dark so I'd light up the yard with floodlights and work until 1-2am to fix this problem.. I contacted pepper-guru right away after first sight, thanks again my friend. My initial thought was to spray everything with that Bonide fruit nut and orchard spray stuff that I had stock piled last winter incase of the unthinkable.. I'm glad I did because well, that's what happened. I didn't want to take off the infected leaves because well, that was almost all of them. I had a feeling I had to though.. Besides, I was sure they were going to fall off in a few days anyway with the way they looked. Guru let me know that it needed to be done. So I put myself in my happy place and started picking..

Warning.. These pictures will not be fun to look at..

The Overwinters







This is literally.. less than half of the leaves I pulled off over the last couple days.

Taken in the dark so quality isn't so good but here's the aftermath.. I'd say there MIGHT be 30 plants that weren't completely infected.




In conclusion. I've always believed that being negative only makes a negative situation worse. So I'm staying positive :) It's only May anyway. The plants will (hopefully) grow back. I've seen worse. Infact I thought of Patricks last season and that gave me alot of hope. His plants after the hail storm looked alot like mine do now and he ended up with a great season.. Ha, I've come so far, I'm not giving up now, and after all the crap my plants have gone through so far this year I sure as hell don't think they will be either.

Wish me luck everybody.
I need some freaking sleep. Finally done with the plucking and spraying as of an hour ago. Gooooood night.
Oh man Brandon, that awful :(. Everything was looking great, then this comes your way. At least you had the know how to to get it under control, and awesome that Guru got to help you figure out what to do.
Hope they come thru man
Sorry to see that Brandon, you had no way to prevent that since the tomatoes looked healthy.

It does spread like wildfire. It could have originally started from some infected soil that was used when the nursery potted up. I'm surprised it moved through the containers . It would make more sense if they were bedded or in the ground.
That's the main reason I don't start planting in the raised beds to early even though the day temps are warm............its the consistant moist cooler soil temp thats susceptible to blights and viruses.
I hope to see your plants regain growth..............they may be set back for awile though , but like you said its only May and there's along growing season ahead.

Keeping my fingers crossed for a full plant recovery

Oh, man, I felt like crying when I saw the news; I can't imagine
how you must have felt. You are a real zen master to maintain
a positive attitude through that. Here's all the positive energy I
can muster for a speedy and overwhelming recovery for your
plants (and you!)

If there is any way i can help, let me know. Fortunately, they have
healthy root systems, so should be able to rebound - those that
come back will do so with a vengeance, I'm sure!

Good luck, Brandon...
Hang tough Brandon. You will find out what it takes to get a decent harvest, and those little devils will taste even better. I found one leaf on one plant this morning that looked like b. leaf spot and immediately removed it. Keep up the hard work and excellent documentation buddy. :hell:
Man, sorry to hear about that... If you need any seeds, let me know and I can send you some... I don't have 2000+ of anything of course, but what I have I'll share.
If there is anyone that I know that can come back from this, it is you. Im rootin for ya, but you wont need it. Everything will be back before ya know it!