• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BigCedars SuperHot Grow 2012

Hey Everyone :) 2012 will be my first full year being a member of this great forum. So, I figured why not do a start to finish growlog for the first time. Instead of writing down a journal of germination times, flower times, ferts, soils, plant out dates, etc.. like I have in the past.. I'll be using my growlog instead. There will be extra information that I'm sure the seasoned pros won't need to read but I'm sure anyone new to this hobby will enjoy the extra info I'll be posting. I absolutely love checking up on other members growlogs, It's my daily newspaper! :lol: I figured as much entertainment you all have given me this year.. It's time to entertain back. Hope you all enjoy.

One more thing..
Before we get started with the grow porn..
A special thanks goes out to anyone that has helped me out since joining THP. I appreciate it more than you know.

Alright, lets get this party started.

So 12/15 and 12/16 were the only time I had to do this unless I wanted to wait until January because of my work and family xmas parties. I have a greenhouse, which means I can harden off earlier than those who don't. I figured.. Why not start a couple weeks early!? So that's what I did :D

I'm using Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix for the first time this year. I can already tell this stuff is as great as people have said. It's so soft and fluffy, I have an extra bag.. I told my wife I'm puttin a pillow case over it and swappin out my pillow :lol: I prepared everything 12/15



If you use hoffmans.. you have to soak it overnight or knead water into the soil in a plastic tub.. which is what I ended up doing after realizing it wasn't absorbing water from my spray bottle.. So after I did that, I prepped 4 72cell flats with soil, put 4 of each seed variety in the cups, let them sit for 8hours.


After planting 288 seeds by hand.. I've realized that before this season is over.. I need to invent a faster way to do this.. my god that took way to long. All worth it though :)


My grow closet.


I'm using hydrofarm heating mats with hydrofarm heat mat thermostats set at 82 (the one further back in the closet is always warmer..)


One more thing if you have kids.. My daughter use to love to open the closet door.. Now she likes to shut the door..
I came up with a solution for both the problems.
Bricks so she can't shut the door? Check
Dog leash so she cant open the door? Check.
Let the growing begin.


The List
I would love to have 3 plants of each.. so I'm starting 4 of each hoping for the best. If I have too many.. Well, I'll find room or give them away :hell:

I will be keeping this posted every week with germination rates.

Bhut Jolokia Peach: 0/4
Bhut Chocolate X Yellow 7Pod F3: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Assam: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Yellow: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia I Carbon: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Orange: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia White: 0/4
Bhut CPI X Douglah "Naglah": 0/4

Naga Morich Black: 0/4
Naga Morich Chocolate: 0/4
Naga Morich: 0/4
Naga Viper: 0/4
Naga BigBang: 0/4
Naga Monster: 0/4

TS CARDI Yellow X Bhut Jolokia F3: 0/4
TS Mustard: 0/4
TS Sunrise: 0/4
TS Long Tail: 0/4
TS Butch T: 0/4
TS Moruga: 0/4
TS Moruga Satan's: 0/4
TS Moruga Yellow: 0/4
TS Large: 0/4
TS Chocolate: 0/4
TS CARDI Yellow: 0/4
TS: 0/4
TS Fat/Long Tail: 0/4
TS X Pimenta Morango: 0/4
TS X Bhut F3: 0/4

7 Infinity w/tail: 0/4
7 Infinity: 0/8
7 Infinity Monster: 0/4
7 Infinity Fat Freak w/tail: 0/4
7 Brown Source 1: 0/4
7 Brown Source 2: 0/4
7 Primo Source 1: 0/4
7 Primo Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 1: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Yellow: 0/4
7 Cardi: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 1: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 2: 0/4
7 Jonah: 0/4
7 Congo: 0/4
7 White: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 1: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 2: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 1: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 2: 0/4
7 Long: 0/4
7 Barrackapore: 0/4
7 Douglah X TS Moruga: 0/4
7 Chiguanas: 0/4
7 Orange: 0/4
7 Madballz: 0/4
7 Jonah Cross: 0/4
7 Primo Hybrid F2: 0/4
7 Bubblegum: 0/4

Mystery Superhot Red w/tail: 0/4
Trinidad Viper: 0/4
Monster Naga X Douglah: 0/4
Mystery Cross Red Douglah: 0/4
Black Naga Red Cross: 0/4

Bih Jolokia: 0/4
Dorset Naga: 0/4
Habanero XXL Hybrid: 0/4
TS Habanero Cross: 0/4

I'm just doing supers for the first time this year.
I have a good amount of non supers that I'm overwintering. I figure with what I'm growing, If something does cross..I'tll most likely be a superhot cross. And you can't go wrong there!

Your garage looks great so far!! Can you do us all a favour? If the cops ever turn up at your house, can you please take a photo/video of their expression when they see a room of chilli peppers. Now that would be priceless. :rofl:

Thank you! You got it! I've already thought about that many times lol. If they do show.. They're not leaving without taking a picture with me! lol.

:dance: :party: :dance: :hot: Apocalypse to poddage!!! Way to make them grow Brandon! Hope your weather cooperates with you from here on out. The two I am assuming you are asking about are the Fatalii and Wild Brazil...The WB is fine, and I don't think the leaf drop was related to whatever hit the Fatalii. I think its container was just getting too hot in the spot it was in. As for the Fatalii I transplanted it into a 2# container and cut it way back, it dropped all its leaves, but is starting to put out some pretty good new growth. I decided to try grafting a few supers onto the stumps...we'll see how that works out. Garage is coming along! I am trying to decide on my overwinter plan too...Stays warm enough here that I could get by with a greenhouse and a small heater/lights on the few cold nights we get. Throw in some auto vents for the warm days and I think I'll be solid. Should put out pods like Jamie all winter...I hope!

Hey Shane! Thanks for the good words my friend. Grafting onto a stump? Now that sounds pretty freaking cool! I hope it works out for you man. You would be the first to do it! Your OW idea sounds great, I can only dream of having a climate like that! Sounds like you and I both are striving for the same thing.. "Jamie Style" also known as.. pods year round! lol. Good to hear from you Shane. I hope you had a great Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers day to you as well. Your grow is amazing and that inside set up is gonna be off the scoville scale.

Thanks Jamie! I hope you had a great fathers day, you deserve it! Thanks for the grow compliment. It's hard to feel that way sometimes. I try to not look at pictures before the bac spot. Kills me everytime. Gotta stay positive though! Hell, if it wasn't for the bac spot problem I probably wouldn't have thought of the garage idea! :)

Your plants are coming back with an attitude!..............a good, badass attitude. New growth all over the place...............
I have some similar hail damaged plants trying to make a showing.
Hey, ...tea anyone???..........I can't wait to hear about the progress when that tea compost .hits the soil
The new indoor grow area is starting to take shape. You'll be pleased with the results coming from the added reflected material. I know, it does the trick
300 plants .....wow, that's nothin to sneeze at..........................ahhh.......chew,............... excuse me I have a chile-head-cold
Man that's quite a few plants........I may be hitting you up for some rare seeds.........
Have fun with your garden, another fine update!

Hey Greg! Thanks buddy, I appreciate it! Tea has been treating me pretty well since I started using it. I had yellow leaves that greened up quite a bit after the first dose. That reflective material I'm sure will help out alot. My hopes is to have most of the heat generated by the lights and that stuff.. Cut down the use of portable heaters. Ha! when I say 300 plants, 50 of them are non-chile but still, I guess 250 is alot lol.. I'd like a few hundred more really. Have I mentioned I have a problem? lol. Any seed you want, just let me know. I got ya covered buddy. All I need is for these babies to produce and we'll be set! Thanks for stoppin by bud. Happy Fathers Day to ya! Hope it was a good one.

Hey Brandon. Good to see you are fighting the good fight. I have been away for a long time being a caregiver to my father in El Paso. I see June has not been kind to us in the NW with the rains and cool weather. My plants looked the same as when I left them almost a month ago. They really want to bust out now when the warm weather comes. Once again, thank God for the greenhouse. :rolleyes: That is where most of our pods will be ripening, I think. Glad to see you come on board with the worm farm. The tea and castings are the best things you can give the plants I believe. Combine that with the sun in July and these babies are going to EXPLODE with growth. Your perseverance is an inspiration to us fellow frustrated chile growers in Western Washington.

Hey Richard! Long time no chat buddy! How are things with you?! Dad doing okay? Grandbaby loving life?? How was El Paso? Man.. Going from El paso coming back to this weather would have given me a really bad attitude lol. Glad your in good spirits! It's good to hear your plants look the same from a month ago, well, not good.. but, it lets me know that it isn't something I'm doing wrong lol. Man.. With that week of 70s in May.. I thought for sure we were gonna be smoking this June. I was very wrong. May was nicer than June has been! I hope that our local produce farmers weather gurus will be right and we will have a late HOT summer. Were so overdue for it.. As for the worm farm.. I'm on board! I've been finding red wigglers by my compost pile since I went on vaca and adding them to the bin. I'm guessing I've found a good 400 red wigglers so far. I'm gonna keep adding more. I read that adding wet cardboard to an area attracts them.. Tried it out tonight. We'll see how it works. I'd like to get to the point where it takes less than a week to compost 5gallons. 5,000 worms in a bin? Fine with me! haha. Thank you very much for the nice words. I can only hope I inspire a few.. Especially in a climate like ours! I hope all is well with you Richard. PM or reply, would love to hear how things are with you :)

Been using the tea for about 3 weeks...and it make a HUGE difference, especially on the newly transplanted or recovering ones. The ingrounds exploded within about 3 days of the first dose. I mix mine down to about half strength then add some 1/2 strength nutes to top it off. Hit my containers with it the first time this weekend, hopefully I will see big results in short order...you've been super busy! Keep it up man. All this time off your plants are gonna really start to kick in!

Glad to hear the tea is working out for you! I've already seen a difference in leaf color after using it. Thank you, I will keep up my busy-ness no doubt about it! Happy Fathers Day to you buddy.

Looking great Brandon! That garage is Pretty freakin amazing man!

Thanks Matt! It's gettin there, a few more months and a few more OT Paychecks and it should be pretty sweet. Your grows lookin good as well man. Congrats on the poddage! That brain pod you posted looks like it's gonna be picture perfect! Hope all is good with you and your family buddy. Thanks for stoppin by.
Hey Everybody
It's been a month and a half since the last update? Man time flies by!

Well Fernando and few others have talked me into it... Time to update yall.

Where to start..

I apologize for the lack of updates, I've been busier than ever with work and aside from that, I didn't wanna be the "debbie downer" of the glog community.. The updates up until now wouldn't be very fun to check up on, and I'm no party pooper! Things are finally positive in my neck of the woods so I'll wrap up the not-so-positive as quickly as my rambling talk-too-much self can.

Shortly after the last update, my plants got lit up by mites and aphids, and I mean bad.. It was hard to find a normal shaped leaf or a leaf that wasn't infested for that matter. After more pruning.. (I know.. really?) lots of bonide applications.. That problem went away along with most of what was left of my plants. Almost a month ago, I decided to get the local soil I've always used in years past analyzed. In years past this soil has grown 3-4 ft tall plants loaded down with pods for me. This year the plants were not responding at all, it was almost like they were telling me the soil had an issue everytime I walked by (soil problems again? Really?!) So turns out the company started replacing peat moss with ground up year old beauty bark, instead of peat being a base for the soil... bark was... Needless to say I was pissed and now had to make some serious decisions.

It's already July and after all my problems this year I'm no where close to where I should be with these plants, especially in our climate. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, weve had an absolute shit summer. Weve had maybe 2-3 weeks of actual sunshine, 10 days above 75 with the years high so far being 81 in my area. It's been a cloudy with no sunbreaks summer around here.

With that said,
Do I throw in the towel and call it quits and try again next year? I'm not gonna lie, I really did consider this option. I've had so many things happen in one year it's not even funny.

Or do I try to salvage what's left of this season? Head to the store, whip out the credit card for some new soil and repot for the 2nd time and hope for the best? And even if I do go through with this option, how many do I save and which ones at that? There was no way I could save all 250, I'm no millionaire lol.

You guys know me.. Of course I decided to give this thing one last shot. With the soil issue once again, I decided to make my own, then there would be no guessing whats in it. I made enough soil to repot 140 plants, I specifically picked out 2 plants of each variety I'm growing and crossed my fingers.

It's been almost a month since repotting them and I gotta say, I'm pretty happy I threw that hail mary.

Lets start things off with a few before and afters.

TS Moruga "Satans Strain"
1 Month Ago. You can see why I thought about throwing in the towel..


Naga Viper
1 Month Ago


7 Yellow Brain Strain
1 Month ago


This picture doesn't do it justice but these plants are SO dense.

To give you an idea, I moved some of the plants I couldn't afford to repot and placed them to the left of the plants I did save, can you see a difference? lol.

The foliage on the Trinidad Viper X Purple Bhut Jolokia is pretty freaking cool if you ask me. It's like purple green camo. Also, this baby is starting to pod up! The world will soon see the first ever TV X PBJ Pod :)


Could I getta bump please? :)
Brandon that is an awesome recovery that sucks about them switching soil base without saying anything did you bring it to their attention or asked them the reason for the switch. This will provide get method of teaching people how resilient pepper plants even when your an short season. This year I went cheap as well lowes peat moss, cow manure, perlite and some dr.earth veg and worm castings producing better results than pro mix and fox farm ocean much more cost efficient which was a plus. TS viper x purple bhut is amazing foliage and can not wait to see your plants get started poddage. Amazing work keep it up
Compared to the normal purple foliage on the TS X Pimenta Morango

TS X Pimenta Morango Flower

TS X Pimenta Morango Pod.
This guy doesn't look anything like Grants, it is the first pod though so we shall see..

Serrano Del Sol

NOT Scotch Bonnet

Super Chile



Thai Accent

Moruga Red Habanero

One More please? Thanks Fernando :)
Double Yellow Bhut Jolokia Flower

Never thought I'd see the day... Superhots in my own yard! lol..

7 Brain Strain CMPMAN

TS Moruga "Satans Strain" starting to load up

Just thought I'd throw this guy in there
Passion Flower

I might be jumpin the gun a little bit.. 2013 seeds anyone? lol.
Figured with the garage up n runnin I might as well :)

That's all for now, thanks for checking this out and a special thanks to everyone wondering how things have been goin for me :)
I hope all is well with everyone!

Thanks for the bumps guys!
Now that is what I am talking about man! Looking great bro, can't wait to see that crazy TV x PBJ! Lol. Sounds yummy!

You really have held on like a freaking true growing machine! I don't know if I could have stuck it out like that, but it looks like your wait has paid off.
Hey, Brandon, my friend!
Another great recovery, amigo; I nominate you for president of the NWPack!
I am so jealous of your indoor grow space. I'd give my left testimony for a
space like that. Your grow is really starting to look like the real thing. I'm
really hoping for a really nice Fall to extend our season a bit. I will have to
say that July hasn't been half bad here - way more good weather than bad.
Even the overcast days are warm enough for the plants liking. A little August
heat followed by two months of moderate sunny weather would be just perfect!

Enjoy the weekend, brothah; continued success up your way. Here's to making
your own soil :cheers: I hope you showed those pics to the nursery and then
gave them a piece of your mind for the phony changeup with no notification!
Not a very responsible provider, at least in this case.

Oh yeah, are you going to start dabbling in hydro grow?
'Bout damn time! Glad to see you got some action up there Brandon! Still time for a great couple harvests! Those pics made me smile to my soul! Great job man!

Hey Brandon, great too see you didn't decide too throw the towel in the ring :) It payed off bigtime and your plants do look great now. I myself had a lot of struggling this season with soil, etc. and I know how frustrating it is too see all of your hard work (while your time is already limited) down the shitter. If things are keeping up like this your still gonna have a lot of harvesting too do this season :dance: Good luck with the rest of the season!

Great to see you back on page 1......I figured the grow was going kinda rocky but I can see you've been hiding the progress!

Its cool to see varieties that are less common around here. I'm looking forward to the pod shots as the plants grow and the peppers ripen. There's few more months of good growth left, you'll be needing to get the bushel baskets out for those big harvests...
How many plants did you end up with?
Nice start with the new seedlings...I've got a few started myself for wintering over and continueing indoors under lights...then, they'll also be the overwinter group to tend to.
With a much "LATER" startup (Jan/Feb) with the 2013 seeds...
Good luck with the 2nd half of the season...
Keep us updated with your creativity and crazy photo skills!

Brandon that is an awesome recovery that sucks about them switching soil base without saying anything did you bring it to their attention or asked them the reason for the switch. This will provide get method of teaching people how resilient pepper plants even when your an short season. This year I went cheap as well lowes peat moss, cow manure, perlite and some dr.earth veg and worm castings producing better results than pro mix and fox farm ocean much more cost efficient which was a plus. TS viper x purple bhut is amazing foliage and can not wait to see your plants get started poddage. Amazing work keep it up

Hey Fernando, Thanks buddy! Oh hell ya I brought it to their attention, they blew it off like it was no big deal though.. I got one up on them though, we won't be carrying their soil next year at my work :) It's amazing how well homemade soil is, I've never tried it until now, it's the only way to go for me. Mine was also super simple, peat, worm castings, sand, perlite, blood, bone, bat guano, and kelp :) Thanks for the compliments man, I hope all is well with you brother.

I like that not scotch bonnet, how big are the pods?

Hey Charles, they're smaller than a dime. It's weird though, I've tried a few of them and they taste like SB's but non of them have seeds.. which leads me to believe that maybe the pods are just super small for some reason? I'm going to keep an eye on that plant. I hope all is well with man.

Now that is what I am talking about man! Looking great bro, can't wait to see that crazy TV x PBJ! Lol. Sounds yummy!

You really have held on like a freaking true growing machine! I don't know if I could have stuck it out like that, but it looks like your wait has paid off.

Hey Matt! Thanks alot man, it's been tough up until recent weeks but now my entire moral has changed and I'm pretty freaking happy to these guys finally doing what they should be and loving life :) Thanks again for your care package, I hope you like the videos I'm about to post ;)

Hey, Brandon, my friend!
Another great recovery, amigo; I nominate you for president of the NWPack!
I am so jealous of your indoor grow space. I'd give my left testimony for a
space like that. Your grow is really starting to look like the real thing. I'm
really hoping for a really nice Fall to extend our season a bit. I will have to
say that July hasn't been half bad here - way more good weather than bad.
Even the overcast days are warm enough for the plants liking. A little August
heat followed by two months of moderate sunny weather would be just perfect!

Enjoy the weekend, brothah; continued success up your way. Here's to making
your own soil I hope you showed those pics to the nursery and then
gave them a piece of your mind for the phony changeup with no notification!
Not a very responsible provider, at least in this case.

Oh yeah, are you going to start dabbling in hydro grow?
Hey Paul! Another recovery indeed, I hope I don't have to say that ever again lol. President of the NW, thoughts quite the honor and compliment my friend but your already the PNW President in my eyes and I'm not runnin against you! ;) lol. Your left testimony comment had me crackin up lol. I hope the indoor space works out, I won't know for sure until the time comes, I'm glad the weather has been treating you well buddy and thank you very much for the compliments. Those pictures were indeed sent and I won't be giving them business ever again. Hydro? Maybe someday man, I might be wrong but it just seems like alot more work than soil, I'm still fine tuning my soil grow process so maybe when I have that down I'll give it a shot. I hope all is well with you and the family buddy!

'Bout damn time! Glad to see you got some action up there Brandon! Still time for a great couple harvests! Those pics made me smile to my soul! Great job man!


Hey Shane, thanks for the good words buddy! I hope things are going well for you.

Hey Brandon, great too see you didn't decide too throw the towel in the ring It payed off bigtime and your plants do look great now. I myself had a lot of struggling this season with soil, etc. and I know how frustrating it is too see all of your hard work (while your time is already limited) down the shitter. If things are keeping up like this your still gonna have a lot of harvesting too do this season Good luck with the rest of the season!

Thanks Meat! I'm glad I didn't as well man, it is incredibly frustrating and definitely can put a damper on your whole moral to see these plants not do well, are all of your problems turned around now as well? I hope so buddy. Thank you for the compliments and good words my friend!


Great to see you back on page 1......I figured the grow was going kinda rocky but I can see you've been hiding the progress!

Its cool to see varieties that are less common around here. I'm looking forward to the pod shots as the plants grow and the peppers ripen. There's few more months of good growth left, you'll be needing to get the bushel baskets out for those big harvests...
How many plants did you end up with?
Nice start with the new seedlings...I've got a few started myself for wintering over and continueing indoors under lights...then, they'll also be the overwinter group to tend to.
With a much "LATER" startup (Jan/Feb) with the 2013 seeds...
Good luck with the 2nd half of the season...
Keep us updated with your creativity and crazy photo skills!


Hey Greg, long time no talk buddy! Finally seems like this grow of mine is smooth sailing, definitely overdue. I hope your right and I do so a decent harvest by the end of this year, I ended up saving 145 plants. 2 of each variety so I'm happy about that. Obviously I wish I could have saved all 250 but hey, you win some you lose some right? I'm glad I'm not the only one with seedlings indoors already! lol. I've been doing some buying and trading and figured why not :) Nice call on the later setup, I bet you'll be itchin' to get things going by January though ;) I'll try to find the time to keep this updated a bit more, thanks for the good words my friend. I hope things are well with you, the fam, and your grow.

Soil! Yes! Those recoveries are looking so damn good. Making your own soil rocks!

Hey Rich! Thanks buddy. Sure does man, I think some guy named pepper-guru gave me the idea awhile ago.. who knows. ;)

Mini Update.

Long story short Matt surprised the absolute hell out of me, got my addy from Jamie, and sent me a box of pods from his garden :dance: I was like a little kid at Christmas time. Btw, thanks Jamie! Needless to say I was super excited, I've yet to try almost all of the pods he sent. After Jamie surprised me last time with his pods, once they were all gone I was left feeling like I should have done a few video reviews. I mean what better way to say thanks than to film yourself crying while eating your buddys pods right? So I decided to hop on the video review band wagon with Matt's pods. I recieved these guys on Friday, started eating Saturday and I'm still trying to get through all of these before they spoil. I've got a few filmed so far and also will write quite a few written reviews for the ones I didn't get to film. I've never done these on camera before so it's a whole new ball game for me and I kinda wanted to see how they go before I continue doing them, if they're fun to watch, please let me know! dumb to watch? please let me know! I will appreciate either response. I'm concentrating on filming the crazy looking supers more than the hab-heat ones so far. Matt THANK YOU again buddy! I hope you enjoy watching me cry lol. Everyone else, I hope they're enjoyable to watch.

Saturday July 28th


Brain Strain W/Tail

After the Brain Strain my video camera died and I went after....

Fatalii X Red Savina F2

This guy was not what I was expecting at all. I've tried Fataliis and Savinas and this guy really didn't taste or burn like either. It had a very minor citrusy flavor but this guy was actually pretty bland, to me anyway. It reminded me of hot lemon water if you will. It had a tiny bit of bite which came from the Savina but it really was not putting out the heat or flavor I thought it would, I'll be interested to hear your review Matt. Heat, I would have to rate a homegrown hab 5/10 so with that said, this guy was 4/10, like I said, really not bad at all in the heat department, the fataliis I've had were hotter and so were the red savinas which is weird to me that combined it made the pepper less hot. Flavor, I hate to say it but this guy was a 3.5/10 for me, everyone has a different taste pallet so I'm sure some would love it but it really wasn't doing it for me. This guy would be alot better as a powder IMO, definitely worth trying, not the tastiest thing I've ever had though.
That guy didn't kick me in the face like I was hoping so I did one more that night...

Yellow Habalokia.

This guy was pretty tasty and had the heat I was hoping for with the fatalii X red savina. It was bright yellow, unlike all the other golden yellow pods I've tried in my day. In your face cirtus flavor right off the bat, and it heated up right away. The cirtus wasn't as intense as I've experienced with fataliis but it was definitely there, it was followed up with that sharp flavor you get with alot of bhuts but not as intense, which I was happy about since it was the 4th pepper I had eaten that day lol. The burn was all mouth for me, it didn't affect my stomach at all, which again, I was happy about, the brain strain already murdered that part of my body lol. Overall, heat, 7/10 for sure. It was just as hot if not a bit hotter than some of the Fataliis I've had. Flavor, I'm gonna go ahead and give this guy an 8/10, I enjoyed the citrusy, sharp with a bite flavor this pepper had.

Thanks for checking this out guys.
I'll try to get around to uploading a few more videos after work today.

Yesterday I took the BJ I Carbon to work and shared half of it with a co-worker
Video reviewed the Infinity, and ate the 7 Red X Bhut Jolokia at midnight.

My Stomach HATES me right now.


How Could I forget pictures!


7Brain Strain W/Tail

Great pods from Matt and great reviews for sho. You handled them like a champ Brandon.

Can't wait to watch more reviews in the near future. :party:
Great pods from Matt and great reviews for sho. You handled them like a champ Brandon. After seeing the pods Matt sent(coheed196) I am very jealous.

Can't wait to watch more reviews in the near future. :party:

I can't take credit for the pods he got romy, I'm Vincent and I just sent my pods out to him today :)