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Biggest Pepper Tree/Bush?

Wow Andres that is a very nice tall plant so picture of your son, I think the realy tall peppers is they call it Tree pepper, that one on your pictures remind me on Lemon chili peppers the onlly think your pods are much lighter in color & flat.
andres said:
Yeah... umm... this topic took a wild detour somewhere. You all have dirty dirty minds. Or is it just me?

No, most of our topics go waaaay of the beaten path that is normality....and yes, most of us do have dirty minds. ;)
How big are those chili pods & how they taste (aroma), are they wild variety?
Do you consider any trade if you discover any more new peppers from your area, if you do I already email you under your profile.Thanks again for those seeds you send on the way if you ever need some seeds I have you are very welcome.
Guatamalens, damn! That just reminded me, on the next day I gotta find this Guatamalen and drag his ass to the nursery where I work at and to get him to turn in an application. I told my boss that we need to hire another employee that will do most of their work onsite instead out on all of these landscape jobs. This guy did not know that much english, but he would be a valuable asset if he did know a lot about peppers. (I spotted him in a store getting a copy of the jobs working on fishing boat, I told him that would be the worst thing that he would have ever done, because he has a lovely wife and a 8 month old baby. I told him that working on those boats would 1)tourture him to hell and it would not teach him very good english, just pure profanity. 2)he would miss out on his baby's life, and a lot of 'firsts') Anyways, I hope that I get this guy working there, or anyone from out of country who has experience in growing semi-tropical plants and peppers!

Damn, you're right, people drift off top... Ooooh, look! A Deer-fly!


Hey! What the? Dirty Mind? I thought that was a requirement here. Or at least the 40-60 people that post regularly have dirty minds. Maybe the other 950 members just sit back and watch with a shocked look on their faces.;)

But, seriously folks, that is one fine bush. I would definitely not trim it, and I would put truck proof barriers around it.
That's an amazing find! It's beautiful! (Adorable boy too)

If I tried to grow a pepper plant that big outdoors, it would die the first winter. It gets way too cold here. :(

I could try in a secluded corner with lots of artifical light.... maybe I'll try that with my Peach Habanero.
imaguitargod said:
Ummm...dude...that's a picture of me in his avatar....we had a whole thread about it in the Lounge...lol

and you were quite a handsome young lad at one time IGGy.... :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
and you were quite a handsome young lad at one time IGGy.... :lol:

Backhanded complement but I'll take it.

That picture was taken about 4.5 years ago and was one of my "character shots" for headshots. I usually don't look like that much of a geek, lol...usually...