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Biggest Pepper Tree/Bush?

No I haven't really :lol: Here's my biggest so far.


I had a fun time re-potting this beanstalk two weeks ago- the reason why a lot of the bottom leaves are no longer there. I'm sure it would be happier in a bigger house though.
Im running out of room in my grow tent due to some prolific growing plants.

I have a Bhut Jolokia and a Red Savina Habanero that keep climbing above the height of the 600W lamp I have hanging in the tent. There's probably only a foot of space to raise the light any higher, and the tent is 2 metres as it is.
I love the massive plants you can grow in warmer climates. I would like to build my own indoor jungle.
Without the aphids of course... if that's possible.
ABurningMouth said:
I love the massive plants you can grow in warmer climates. I would like to build my own indoor jungle.
One of my dreams is to build a large enough biodome that I could live in. I invision different sections, one with a nice waterfall connected to a lake with fish that peters off to a stream. I would have a few fruit trees (apple, mango, avacado) in another section, and a very large veggie garden. I would then have my medicinal section (aloa, Ginko tree, pot), and in another section I would have my peat bog with carnivorous plants.

I can actually visualise what it looks like and where evrything would fit.........it's a nice "happy place" to visit. I hope it becomes real one day...... :(
I like that plan. If I was a rich man I would hire you as a consultant for a new park right next to Kings Island call it>
Iggy's Gorilla Jungle.
I bet the birds know where they are Willard...