pics BigT Plant Pics 2011

Agreed Spicegeist, I can probably skip growing Yellow 7's.

At least this one kind of Yellow 7 I'm growing... seems there are a good handful of different types out there.
Suweeeeet! Plants are getting loaded down with pods!

If you wanna trade some of those yellow scorpion seeds this year let me know :dance:
Thanks for posting the Yellow Scorpion full plant pictures.

Its truly an awesome plant.

I might joing Alphaeon on the list for some seed swapping.

Thanks for posting the Yellow Scorpion full plant pictures.

Its truly an awesome plant.

I might joing Alphaeon on the list for some seed swapping.


Just PM me.

Good lord... those look delicious!

They're really quite good - I'm surprised how much I like them. Not quite Fatalii flavor, maybe a bit more similar to a Beni Highlands, but Fatalii level of heat, just below a Bhut. The heat is manageable and the flavor is there and the pods are big enough & meaty enough so the flavor comes through even when cooking. Right now, this is my favorite Trinidad pepper. Brain Strains are OK, but the heat to flavor ratio is way out of whack. This is a much more usable pod - especially with chicken, pork, tuna(any fish) or eggs. I will grow this again next year. Thanks to Jason in Alaska(dakota_115) for the excellent seeds.
Both my 7 Pot Primo are doing great. (quality PRF seed stock) I have one in a 7 gallon (pictured) that's a little bushier and another in a 5 gallon that's surprisingly a little taller. Both look like they have good pod production. Pics were snapped just before sunrise this morning.

Some gnarly looking pods this one. If you stumbled upon these in the forest, you wouldn't eat one just from their looks. :lol: More pics soon!

Hey BigT must have missed your update last week but those pods look scary! Thanks for the shout out you just grow some very productive plants and make my seed look good. The Yellow Scorpion has the look of a 7 pod more than a scorpion pod by the wrinkles around the crown of the pepper. I'll have more cool seed for you again this fall thanks T. :clap:
Hey BigT must have missed your update last week but those pods look scary! Thanks for the shout out you just grow some very productive plants and make my seed look good. The Yellow Scorpion has the look of a 7 pod more than a scorpion pod by the wrinkles around the crown of the pepper. I'll have more cool seed for you again this fall thanks T. :clap:

Thanks Cappy - I still have the Yellow 7 Pot seed I got from you last year and I should grow it next year just to compare side by side with these Scorpions. I also have some Douglah pics to update soon from your seeds. I look forward to tasting both the Primo and Douglah as soon as they're ripe - for now I'm fairly content with these Yellow Scorps.
When I realized I had more plants than I needed back in March I decided to sell a few seedlings and also start a lazy mans garden. I threw a tarp on a patch of grass behind my house for a few months trying my best to kill it. Then I just bordered it with some planks and threw my growing pile of old potting soil between some rows of 2x4's. I didn't think it would do much, but thought what the hell. This side of the house sees direct sunlight from 8am until 1pm - I was concerned that 5 hours of sun would not be enough. There was no tilling of the soil - just 3-4 inches of old potting stuff (some of it 5-6 year old MG) thrown on top of semi dead grass/weeds. No fertilizer was used but I did throw down some eggshells, old coffee grounds and a handful Espoma Garden Lime. Results were better than I expected - not only did things grow, but they grew well.

The tomato plant(Better Boy) in the middle weny crazy and now has over 40 active tomatoes growing on it. (Not counting flowers that look like they're trying to add more) I don't grow tomatoes much so I don't know if that's a lot but my other 5 tomato plants in 5 gal containers don't have half that much combined. It over grew the cage which I'm trying to support with bungee cords in 3 directions. There's also another 2x4 behind the plant helping to prop it up. That's a Fresno plant to the left of it that's also doing great - there's a smaller Fresno behind it which you really can't see because the front plant is hogging the sun. I think the proximity of the downspout on the right might be helping to keep the soil deeply watered - I haven't really watered it that much despite a lack of rain and 100F heat. I moved a 3 year old Bhut and my smallest Giant Bhut plant in containers to the left thinking that getting them off the hot asphalt might perk them up - we'll see. I'll double the size of this plot next year, raise the level of old potting soil and put all my tomatoes here along with a few annuum and chinense plants.
Chocolate Bhut pods ↓

Wegmans Serrano plant ↓

Wegmans Serrano pods ↓

I like the size and flavor of these Serranos, and although they have a decent kick, they are not as blazing hot as some I've grown before. Next year I plan on growing 2 types of Serrano, both seed sourced from Sustainable Seed Company in California. I expect them to be smaller and hotter.
Nice lazy mans garden. I d the same thing on the side of my house and like have been surprised at how well things are growing. I just have some kind of cursed vine I can't get rid of...
BigT those are some Beautiful heavily podded Plants right there sir. I like your lazy mans garden too. Great idea.
You've got me pumped sir. :woohoo:

I want to grow some Yellow Scorps now those pods look wicked sick.

Keep Growin'. :clap:
Nice lazy mans garden. I d the same thing on the side of my house and like have been surprised at how well things are growing. I just have some kind of cursed vine I can't get rid of...

I was shocked actually. Peppers like containers but love the ground.

BigT those are some Beautiful heavily podded Plants right there sir. I like your lazy mans garden too. Great idea. You've got me pumped sir. :woohoo: I want to grow some Yellow Scorps now those pods look wicked sick.Keep Growin'. :clap:

Thanks much - the garden is easy and Yellow Scorps would be a great choice.

Those yellow Scorpion pods are soooo sexy :rofl: nice!

:beer: Yup, they're sweet!

Love the pics... everything looks great ! xo Nicole
