Black Chilli Plant

JungleRain said:
Hi Guys,
Here's a couple of pics of the pods starting to ripen;


These pics make it look much bigger tric photo ! You need to get the ruler out ! lol
It's not Black Cuban
How many flowers start in same point in black cuban.
I got that JR plant and its flowering now,same point start grow 5-6 flowers
I think its closer Chinense than Annuum.
Hi Chilicutter,
could you post a few pics on this thread so we can compare and see!
From the picture you sent me I was also beginning to wonder whether also if it was chinense or chinense cross?
Hi everyone,
If anyone has any pics of the Black plant growing that I sent out to people, could they post them here. It would be very interesting to compare the plants that everyone has growing, thanks
JungleRain said:
Wait till you get it into the sun light, the foliage will change to black...

YEA IT DOES! This has got to be my favorite chili plant so far! I've had a few friends over and showed it to them and they all said the same thing as my parents, my brother and my girlfriend: "COOOOOOL!"

I had it in doors for most of the time and was starting to wonder why the leaves were green but the seed leaves were deep purple/black. I put it out in the greenhouse for a day and the plant changed from a bright green to nearly black the whole way through! It's just so neat! It should be bigger but I had it in coconut coir for a bit. Then after I found that coir wasn't working as good as a quality soil (I compared two Bishops Crown's germinated at the same time), I transplanted it into the 4" grower pot it's in now. It's doing pretty good. These would make some pretty cool gifts for friends.

It sprouted on 06-24-2009 and today is 07-07-09 so it would be two weeks old today. Huh, seems like it sprouted some time ago, but it hasn't been that long.
It seems that the reasons for the coloring of this Chilli Plant are that the dark pigmentation that we see in its foliage are due to the result of anthocyanins, which are plant pigments composed of, among other things, sugar. The more sugar a plant produces the more the anthocyanins are stimulated – and so the darker and deeper the leaf color. This could be why the pods are very sweet (not to mention hot).
Anthocyanins are also there to protect the plant from ultraviolet rays (sort of like melanin in mammals I presume?) – and the more of those they get the more anthocyanins are stimulated, thus resuting in the darker foliage. Grow the plant in a shaded area and that dark coloring starts fading and the chlorophyll which accounts for the green color of most plant begins to dominate... just some thoughts!
Here's an update of how my black chili is growing. It's still in the 4" grower and is doing exactly like JR said, it's beginning to lighten up and go green because I keep it indoors under floro's at night and haven't been putting it in direct sunlight during the day. I do put it in the greenhouse, but it's got white plastic all over it so it kinda diffuses the light.

I have noticed a small outbreak of aphids on a few other plants that I keep with this one and gave them all a shot of DOKTOR DOOM Pyrenthium spray earlier today in the hopes of controlling them. Other than that, it's growing strong. It's even got a little fungus growing on the soil to keep it company (totally planned by the way! TOTALLY! ;))

Just another update of the Black Chili plant I have on the grow. It's gotten a bit bigger and is starting to get bushier. We've had some decent sun here over the last little while and I've been putting my chili plants out for the day.


It even has 5 buds on the top of the plant. I doubt it'll produce anything this year given that my growing season is coming to an end within the next couple of months, but the plant itself is doing pretty good. Mom still has her eye on it too!
Hey Neil, its looking nice and healthy, do you need some more seeds for your mum? send me a PM with your address again and I'll send some over!
Hey thanks for the offer JR! I planted 4 seeds in total, had one germinate and still have 12 seeds remaining. I should probably plant a couple more and see if I can get one going for mom. She's not a chilihead by any means, but she REALLY thinks it's neat. Kinda blows her mind that a plant will grow black/purple. :lol:

It wouldn't be a bad idea to get a few more going so I could give them out as gifts either. All my friends really like this little guy. I'm hoping to try some of the peppers, but I doubt it'll produce this year. Should be good to go next year though. I can't wait!