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Bonsai Chiles...

Has anyone ever tried growing Bonsai Chiles? I've read Fatalli's article on his website. Some really cool Bonsai or as he calls them "Bonchi" chiles.

I only grew cayennes this year, so I do not have a selection of varities from which to choose. There is one plant that I particularly like and it has a 1/2in. wide, woody stem. I think that I am going to try it with this one.

Has anyone tried this and how were the results?

I definantly be trying this with my Dorsets after they grow up:) They are only 2 weeks old now.
Go for it..A lot of Pubescens variety's seem to grow quite well (after germination) in the cooler months so by next spring you will have a few decent plant..Some of the wilds are very similar and the way the worlds weather is changing..Anythings worth a try :)
I've got two little Orange hab plants that are growing a bit big but I haven't pruned them as they are flowering.


Next year I'm going to do a bonsai chilli with this plant as it has a nice thick stalk (an inch) and rooty bits.

I don't bonsai, but, I clone plants until they dwarf. This a 9-yr old purira:


And a dwarfed Bolivian Rainbow:


And a dwarfed Tangerine Bell


Chiles can be kept quite small.

I'll keep adding to see if Igg will relent.
I did several bonchis last fall but once spring came around I let them grow out again.
I've never been able to dwarf a plant by cloning, they seem to always grow to about the same size
Here is my favorite old bonsai(Hanoi Red). It has been attacked by a squirrel many times. All the bark was chewed off. I thought it would die, but it seems to be doing fine.
how old is that plant? the stock is so thick, i guess its because i live in Vermont, but ive never seen a pepper stock so thick... i hope my bhuts last long enough to get that strong, thick, and healthy
ABurningMouth said:
Here is my favorite old bonsai(Hanoi Red). It has been attacked by a squirrel many times. All the bark was chewed off. I thought it would die, but it seems to be doing fine.

That is one funky looking plant. Now I want to try that too! How do you do it...do you just keep cutting back as it send out new shoots?
Just make sure the branches are not too thick, so they look "to scale".
All branches and trunk should taper from thick to thin, instead of being all the same thickness from tip to tip. Like this very young plant:

Here is a shot of my gnarly plant a couple months ago after it was attacked.

A pic of an old Black Pearl that shows where I cut it. The top cut needs to be hidden by a leaf, but probably should have been cut before it was allowed to get thick like that. I will cut the branches way back so they will be thicker at their bases and taper to the tip.