Photos of the food on this thread are mouth watering. I need to get creative and come up with something good. One of my most favorite breakfast foods is to make breakfast burritos. Its so easy, it can be very healthy, and quick to make.  I pretty much eat ghost peppers for breakfast. I dont use fresh cut pods. Just smoked ghost flakes. Homemade hash browns are also amazing with some heat and herbs.  
Been wondering about making a habanero or some kind of hot pepper ketchup. Not sure which pepper would provide a good pairing for flavor to ketchup. Something good for hash browns or fries. 
Oh yeah ... I just woke up and I would love to have that right now ...
Love marmalade, too ...
I think I'm going to have to try to make some - I can't shake the pics from user AldenMiller (sp?, something close to that, anyways) ... been on my mind for months ...
Scoville DeVille said:
Is that chipped beef on an English Muffin? Is there an egg under there?

I need deets!
There's no egg and the beef is not chipped.  I cheated and used some beef lunchmeat.  The sauce is simple you just make a roux out of butter and flour and add some milk then stir it until it thickens.  Then you add some salt and a bunch of pepper.  When you're done you slather it all over some extra crispy english muffins.  I might try some scrapple next time even though its not beef. 
chipped beef on an english    ;)