food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Ok finally in this thang...

Beef, bacon, dried choc habs (thanks Sic Daddy), wisconsin cheddar, butter lettuce, blackening, mustard, sesame seed bun (sorry frydad no homemade...yet) 

split, smash (thanks TB), season, bacon, choc habs, wisconsin cheddar  

womp diggity

gone in 60 secs...
Oh Holy Crap Outlaw!!! That's amazing!!!
Is that your first posted burger??? Damn bro, you set the bar high for yourself!!!
Blackening seasoning goes great on cheeseburgers!! (I usually use bleu cheese)
You'll have homemade buns in no time!!!!!
Perfect job!!!
frydad4 said:
Oh Holy Crap Outlaw!!! That's amazing!!!
Is that your first posted burger??? Damn bro, you set the bar high for yourself!!!
Blackening seasoning goes great on cheeseburgers!! (I usually use bleu cheese)
You'll have homemade buns in no time!!!!!
Perfect job!!!
Thanks a lot man, you are definitely someone I look up to! I've seen a lot of your creations and I know that bar is higher than ever. I really appreciate your kindness, advice, and willingness to help! 
That's a bloody heart attack waiting to happen.

Let's be serious now folks the amount of fat in that is insane, I know what I want for breakfast....
Thanks for all the kind words my burger brothers! It was definitely one of my personal best - the no form smash technique and the cast iron made a world of difference. In the past I would season the beef, ball it, then use the burger press. Burger press is in the trash. 
Nova said:
That's a bloody heart attack waiting to happen.

Let's be serious now folks the amount of fat in that is insane, I know what I want for breakfast....
Haha!! The gym is in my future the rest of the week
How'meye 'posed to follow outlaw's awesome burger?
It's all I got.

Like little alien tentacles attacking the meat.

Right after the last pic I slapped some pepper jack scheeze on 'em and splooged a little beer into the pan and put the 
lid on for about 6 seconds.

Toasted slider bun with a slice of roma tom and bigass splooge of xalapa crema.

Take a bite of scheezeboiga' and then a bite of jalapeno.
Thas'all the multitasking sheeit I done did lass' night.

The sliders were kick ass as usual.
And I am lovin' the dadgum crap out of the crema splooge.
Its like stackin' paper y'all!
What you just did there is my go to for boigers now.  What I did yesterday is more special occasion now.  As in, already have the grill/smoker going and have extra room.  Glad to see you eating meat ya damn hippy.  Now where is that brisket you were talking about?
JayT said:
Ok then how about smoking some salmon.  I am sick of not having that salmon.
And I am sick of not having any fresh salmon lately.
That sheeit has gone through the roof!
The cute gal that runs the seafood dept. at my local Try-N-Save had some organic Norwegian farmed atlantic
yesterday for $14.99 a pound.
She said she couldn't move it and that she'd give me a price of $8.99. (which is what it really should be)
I bought 4 pounds and ratholed it in my freezer until I figure out what to do with it.
The onliest reason I bought that was because she was out of steelhead and Alaskan sockeye was $17.99 and looked 
like shit.
JayT said:
Tell the missus to work more overtime!  You gotta have salmon!
Damn woman works more hours than anyone I know.
And that's when she's home.
Not this week.
She's hatin' life in NYC.
And I'm hatin' her bein' gone.
She's home on friday and I'm aimin' teh get lucky.
Maybe even some role playin' sheeit.
Magic 8 Ball says..."My Sources Say No".
More likely I'll be watchin' Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury all weekend.
More likely you will be eating out of Missy Lou's dog bowl.  If you're lucky you won't be sleeping in her dog house.