food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Hi. I just felt like stopping by and bug you all with this image from the internet.

I know I'm going to get a warning now!
nate6279 said:
Hi. I just felt like stopping by and bug you all with this image from the internet.


I know I'm going to get a warning now!
You were obviously joking and posted that.
But more importantly, you posted a pic of what a good many folks around the world really like to eat.
Sure its Mickey Dee's.
But its still a cheeseburger.
And it may now these days be a sorry example, at one time it wasn't all that bad.
The fact is, many of us grew up on such burgers but they inspired so many of us
to improve on it and make it into something fantastical.
I loved Whataburger as a kid but they are shit now.
That's okay.
I've shifted to a new paradigm as many others have. 
Just look at Boom's, JHP's, et. al. burgers.
WE are the new Mickey Dee's and greasy diner burgers from back when we were kids.
And soooooo much better.
Dig it....
One of the biggest staples on the planet is rice.
But not for every country.
But there ain't a single country on the planet, no matter how large or small that you can't find a hamburger.
Hear me know, 'bleed me later.
When the kids are begging for mcnuggets I make sure to eat also. Double quarter pounder with cheese , large fries and large Dr pepper. I agree with TB. McDz used to be pretty dang good.
nate6279 said:
Hold the mayo and im all over that!
That's funny.
I also loathe mayo on a burger.
Just like I loathe ketchup on a burger.
But I'm also a hypocrite. 
When I lived in Seattle I used to hit up Dick's.
Awesome good burgers.
And yeah, they came with mayo.
LOTS of mayo!
And its well known I hate lettuce on a burger.
For a Dick's cheeseburger with the lettuce and mayo I didn't care.
I left it on there and ate it like hot redhead puss......
frydad4 said:
Sound's like you've had your fair share of Dick's!!
Had to...
And Booma that's the first time I've seen tortilla chips on a burger.  They look like nacho effing cheese doritos in fact.  And it entices and repulses me at the same time.  Perfecto guac shmear on the bottom bun by the way.  Excellent pic.
I used to not be liking the mayo on any damn thing.  But it all started with BLTs.  I need a touch of mayo on the top slice - keeps the maters from wetting the bread ya mean?  Soggy bread esta no bueno muchacho.