food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Retta is in Panama City at the moment.....
She digs the beach.......I do not (being that I was a Beachmaster for 4 years!)
Pics fast as PB will go!
This has been a huge PITA.....
Photobucket is getting worse and worse!!!









I have more....but I bet I'm already over the "limit"......

I win
One more....
Haysoos palomino Pauly!
That 'thang is not only the burger bomb but its a got dang 2000 pound JDAM!!!!
Reckon I'd need 3 fat ladies and a team of clydesdales to eat it.
Or maybe just knife n' fork it.
Definitely burger pie holing at its finest.
Most excellently well done senor.
That is the second time this week you mentioned eating a sandwich with a knife and fork.
I reckon you are becoming hoidy toidy.  I bet you eat it with your pinky out too.
I like to infuse the ingredients into my burgers before I grill them. You can do whatever ingredients you want...peppers, cheese, bacon extra...

Two on the left are blue cheese, two on the right are bacon and cheddar

My local Kroger aka Try-N-Save does pre-made pressed patty's just like those.
They sell heaps of 'em.
Usually on sale 2 for 5 shekels.
Not my style of burger but I've been tempted to try one.
Posty up some plate pics por favor Sarge.