Here's some pics from my ibatphone from todays soiree at In-N-Out on Preston Rd., Frisco, TX.
Single cheese, animal style (they add their proprietary 1000 isle, which they call "spread", and grilled onions). Side of well done animal style fries with the aforementioned "spread", melted scheeze, and grilled onions.
'Posed to be INO's proprietary chile's on there too although I can't see 'em in the pic.
If after looking at this burger and you aren't certain whether or not to go balls deep in on it, you should have yer' noggin' examined.
Just look at all that spready spready splooge covering the scheeze, onions and crispy fries.
Thats animal style right 'thar!
Chairman Mao'd!
I believe I mentioned in the thread starter that IF you ate the burger you bought and it meets the other criteria, posting pics of a store bought burger is allowed and even welcomed.
Still waiting for THP to honor us with a NYC ShakeShack burger. I know he said its because he only likes backyard burgers but c'mon Dan...take one for the team por favor.