contest C.I.T.D. - BEGIN!

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Here's the last teaser pics. The beef, 2 hours later, and cooking some reduction with the wine and juices from the roast.
SL - oh no you didn't.....THE GRAVY!!!!!!!!!! I know that GRAVY!!!!!!! I miss that GRAVY!!!!!!!!!

more pics pleez SL????? paaaleez??????
Well, a little more out of order, this whole not-back-to-back posting is messing me up! ('course, it doesn't take much to mess me up~~~ :lol: )



im all done

the CI is in the oven finishing up right now

although I just realized I am gonna have to go to work and get my phone cable to upload them

shitty phone pics are shitty

but I went with a classic dish on THP, and funked it up, a lot
SL - that CFS is making me crazy over here!!!! If you guys eat all of that breakfast, you're gonna sleep for another 11 hours!!!!!!!!
Braised, veggie-wrapped beef with chimichurri sauce and candied bacon rice.

2.5 lb Chuck Roast
2 Carrots
1 Turnip
3 Green Onions
1/2 Package of Spinach
1/2 C Red Wine
1 Head of Garlic
1/2 Tsp Oregano
1/2 Tsp Salt

I cut the Chuck Roast lengthwise, pounded it a little bit thinner, and seared it on the flatiron grill. I then covered it with spinach and placed carrots, green onions and turnips on top, rolled it up, put some toothpicks in it to hold it together and placed it into the dutch oven along with the wine, salt, spices, and garlic. I brought it to a rolling boil on the stovetop then threw it into the oven for 2 hours at 250. I then took roast out, added some arrowroot and sugar and reduced the pan sauce until it was thick.

1/2 C Olive Oil
1/3 C Red Wine
1/2 C Italian Parsley
1/4 C Cilantro
3 Cloves Garlic
1/2 Tsp Coriander Powder
1/2 Tsp Cayenne Flakes
1/2 Tsp Salt

Combined all ingredients into the food processor and pulsed until pureed.

Hot Candied Bacon
4 Slices of Bacon (halved)
1/2 C Dark Brown Sugar
1/8 tsp Superhot Powder

I cut the bacon in half and pressed it into the brown sugar until it was heavily coated. I put it in dutch oven and baked at 350 for 15 minutes.

Rice & Kale
1 Package Rice-a-Roni (Long Grain and Wild Rice)
3 Cups Kale chopped thin
1 3/4 C Water
Splash of Red Wine

I simmered the Rice-a-Roni in the dutch oven for about 10 minutes, then added the Kale and a splash of red wine. I plated it up with chopped up pieces of the hot candied bacon.

Matambre is an Argentinian dish. Last year I saw a recipe in GQ for a variation and had been wanting to try it. I'm glad I did. It came out delicious, despite the chuck roast coming apart when I butterflied it. I decided not to put the pan reduction on the plate with it, mainly because I just wanted to load the food up with the chimichurri when I ate it.
Salsalady's Cast Iron Cure!

Saturday morning, this'll cure what ails ya.

Chicken-fried Tenderlion
sausage gravy and waffle
sausage links and scorp-sprinkled bacon
over-easy eggs
biscuits with pepper jelly

Bloody Marys and Orondo hard cider

The process-
fry up the bacon and sausage links, sprinkle with t-scorp powder, keep warm in oven

Bake biscuits in a Ci skillet in the oven ~375 until nicely golden brown.

Waffles- bake batter on hot CI waffle iron

Sausage gravy- fry sausage until nicely brown. Remove cooked sausage, and melt a stick of butter in the CI chicken pan. Add flour and cook until lovely golden brown. Add milk, black pepper, ham base and when it's all back to a creamy gravy, toss in the cooked sausage.

Chichen-fried tenderlion-
Trim up the steak to remove all fat and gristle. Pound the crap out of it with a meat mallet or use a needler. When the meat is tender and thin, dredge in seasoned flour (flour, Sethsquatch Mild-heat powder, black pepper, salt) dip in milk-n-hot sauce wash, and back into the seasoned flour.

Fry it all up in a CI skillet (outside on the bbq burner to keep a little of the grease out of the house :lol: )

The Construction- layered from the bottom up-

crispy waffle
sausage gravy
chicken-fried tenderlion steak
sausage gravy
over-easy eggs
hot sauce

and on the side-
seasoned bacon and sausage links
biscuits with blueberry pepper jelly (made in Washington!)



POL in one of the prep pics.
THANK YOU! Now I can finish posting and get back to ....whatever else I was doing this morning....:lol:

crappy cell phone pics, I don't know how to work the new gadget yet. OH WELL!

The CI is all clean and ready to go for the next meal. The rest of the kitchen.....well....not so much~


Scovie and CJ,

there's left overs and dishes....come on down! :lol:

I think I will give this a shot. I have never cooked anything before and don't really know my way around the kitchen, but I will do my best.

WOOT! Sam's in da House!

and as to his claim of "not know his way around the kitchen"......... :rolleyes:


Nice to see you here Sam! Cook Up sumthin AWESOME!
Sam - somehow I don't believe you one bit!!!! Dazzle us!!! :)

This is the WRONG thread to be in if you're hungry!!!! And I am...Very!

MJ - Beautiful and unique dish! Matambre...I'm going to have to try that out someday...I'm a chimichurri junkie!!!!! :) (candied that even legal?!)

heres some teaser photos

i decided to do poppers, and at the last minute i was like, well shit, lets do some enchilata poppers, and then at the last last minute, i was like well shit lets make 2 shrimp poppers

i wish I would have made more of the shrimp poppers, because they were hands down the berst poppers I have ever had






the plating pictures are absolutely horrible, but i dont give a shit these things weere awesome

damn, it didnt separate the posts

dumb post merge thing
I've been getting pimp slapped by poppers all morning!!! Now I seriously neeeeeeed some!

Those sound too good Wheebz!!!!! More pics...mooooore piiiiics!
no more pics

i ate everything in like 4 minutes

not to mention until I get a proper camera, my phone sucks

Wheebz Cast Iron Prestigious Poppers

Jalapeno's dug out the inside

for the mexican poppers

coated the bottom with Refried Beans, then sprinkled on cumin, smoked paprika, chili powder, and habanero flakes

topped with monterey jack cheese

chicken was done in blackened seasoning, beer, and Buffalo Wing sauce, then tossed on top of the poppers, then on top of the chicken i threw on extra sharp cheddar

For the shrimp poppers

dug out jalapenos

made rice in the cast iron, you should have seen how freakin dumb that looked making just enough rice to cover the poppers in a 15" cast iron skillet

on the bottom of the poppers, i covered them in Thai Peanut sauce, then threw the rice on top of there, did a couple of drops of soy sauce, and sprinked asian sesame seasoning

shrimp were done in the cast iron as well, turned out awesome, just did them in sesame oil, chopped them up, and sprinkled them on top of the rice

covered them in extra sharp cheddar cheese as well

then the entire thing went into the oven, and bam


Damm! Poppers! I'm wanting to be eating some Poppers.

This IS NOT my entry, so settle down. Just breakfast to fuel up for my official entry later...



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