contest C.I.T.D. - BEGIN!

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You northwesties really love your eggs. SL- That looks great! I bet that gravy with the chicken fried steak is to die for. Scoville- Did you steal that skillet from Verne Troyer?
MJ <> (get it??? <> = DIAMOND :::;: Ok back on topic)

MJ those braised beef bits look wonderful and a chimmichurri sauce ....MMMmmmmm....

For the Chicken Fried Steak-
They had some pre-breaded things at the local store, about the size of a baseball mit, and about as tender. I beat the snot out of that chunk of meat, and honestly, I've never tasted a more tender piece of meat. Cut it with a fork......

And yea, we do likes us some eggseesss :D
<>... heh, heh, heh...that's COOL!

Yeah SL - made the mistake of buying those breaded frisbees once - BLEH!
I'm so glad you added CFS to your entry! That's what I was toying with doing when I thought I was gonna enter! I'm studying the heck out of it too! In case I get adventurous later this week....
who ever heard of making a chicken fried steak out of a TENDERLOIN? Didn't PLAN on that. :lol: that just happened to be the first steak I could find in the freezer.
LOL, I bought it to use as a Merkin, but it's WAAAAY to small.

Nothing like cast iron smacking you in the shnizzuts every other step.

MJ <> (get it??? <> = DIAMOND :::;: Ok back on topic)

MJ those braised beef bits look wonderful and a chimmichurri sauce ....MMMmmmmm....

For the Chicken Fried Steak-
They had some pre-breaded things at the local store, about the size of a baseball mit, and about as tender. I beat the snot out of that chunk of meat, and honestly, I've never tasted a more tender piece of meat. Cut it with a fork......

And yea, we do likes us some eggseesss :D

Thanks SL, and creative with the <>. I played baseball through my freshman year in college, until my back couldn't take the day after pitching anymore, so I'm kind of impartial to the flavor of a nice baseball mitt! ;)

MJ that chimichurri looks freaking tasty! Gonna make some this week. Thanks for the idea!

Heading into Mass so I can get forgiven for last night's gluttony. Then to the sushi bar to stuff my face so I will have something to get forgiven nex week!

Would rather stay here and play, but it's kinda an obligation....
It's all,MGold, we'll be here when you get back, with arms open and tongues flaming...

I see lots of folks watching. Hoping to see more posting........I know it's early, only mid-day on Saturday. Nothing like the last minute rush to get the blood pumping. Who was the one in the last TD that posted with <30 seconds to spare????
im just looking :shame: :mope: no touch
:shame: you started it!

but if you find something that's a cast iron anything....PLEASE ...cooky and posty!!! COme On, Sici!!!!

You still have tons of time. Aren't there lots of flea markets on Sundays? Heck, do like I did for the first few and borrow from the neighbor! I bet there's someone out in your neck of the fields that has something you can use for the day.

actually, the second time I borrowed the neighbors CI, she didn't even know! I found it in their garage, took it home and seasoned it up so it could be used.

As my high school drama teacher used to say, in regards to procuring props for the show...."Beg, Borrow or Steal!" ( And just for the record, I cannot officially condone the 3rd option.) But if it were in reference to rescueing a piece of black iron.....any methods of rescue are viable~
yea i never expected to win this at all

not with my crappy phone pics and this being my first full saturday off in 7 weeks

just wanted to chill and cook some good food

SL rocked out on this one

i wanna see what Jay comes up with
I really need some ambition. The kind Im talking about is over on the f-it im drinking page.

Then, Ima blow minds...
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