Ambiotic said:
Just picked one up. Still on sale. Thanks for the tip, Aaron.
Hello ALL!
So, In London ATM and just visited the "XSCargo" store today...
They have been bought out by another company so have to sell everything!
There were DEHYDRATORS there for under $30 (I believe), but are reduced another 10%-30% on top of that! I picked one up earlier this summer while visiting.
For those who live near or close to an "XSCargo", and need a dehydrator. Good buy...
They seem to be all over Canada (sorry, not in Quebec it seems).
Anyway, just a quick catch-up on my growing...
Seems most of my plants flowered HEAVILY but late (For Moosonee). Have had a very small harvest, but nothing really I can do. I am gonna build a more permenant greenhouse for all seasons (may take a couple of years to achieve). For now, as long as I can extend the season from maybe 1 "good" month to 4-6, I will be VERY happy!
Been researching Passive Solar heating and there are some really inexpensive, but VERY effective ways to heat a greenhouse all year long. Even as far north as Moosonee.
The two I am concentrating on are the "Pop can Solar Heater" (Youtube it...WOW!) The other is to use water cans/jugs (most people use metal drums), the water absorbs heat during the day and releases it slowly through the night, keeps a constant temperature.
Though researching as much as possible, my finished greenhouse should be a "lean-To" type and 20' x 10' x 10'(upper top)-8' lowr top). Lots to do between now and next grow season!
Talk soon!