• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2020

2020 is underway, so it's time to start the new season's glog!  Odd times though, as I'm still harvesting stragglers from last season while the earliest of my 2020 starts are already up.  Grow areas are a bit disorganized as a result  :rolleyes:
This season's grow should be a little more balanced than last season, though I'll still have a ridiculous number of rocotos - many OW's plus a bunch of new varieties - and quite a few carry-over OW wilds, too.
A big "thanks" to all who shared seeds with me for this season.  I'm appreciative and excited to have lots of cool varieties in the mix, many of which I got to watch you grow last season and can now try myself.  I think I'm current with everyone, but if by any chance you were expecting seeds from me that may have slipped through the cracks just shoot me a PM.
As I mentioned, things aren't super organized right now, but here's a few pics anyway.
I planted a few seeds early, just because I couldn't hold off the extra few weeks without planting something.
Amarillo de Arequipa Rocoto just popped- Thanks CTB!
20200102 Amarillo de Arequipa.jpg

Ecuador Sweet Rocoto twins - and a big shout out to the two peeps who sent me seeds for these. Both sources germinated and I'm really happy to have them growing.  Disclaimer: they may look overly wet, but these just got sprayed (to avoid HH's) and it's a very porous medium.
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Put another few rocotos in to soak today.
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This is a galapagoense that popped a few days back, exactly 100 days after sowing.
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And this pod contains Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1, one of a couple F1 JZ crosses I'll be growing out this season. The other is Tekne Dolmasi x JZ.
20200101 JZ x PJ #1.jpg

Finally, I got a solid recommendation on a new media mix I'll be trying out this season in a few variations. The mix is heavy in partially composted bark fines, a fir/hemlock mix as pine's hard to get locally. It's proving to be a veritable mycelium factory.  Bodes well for good symbiosis with the appropriate fungal species this year.
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Heck, they're even fruiting out the drainage holes...  :)
20200101 Fungi#2.jpg

That's it for now.  Good luck to all in 2020!
Murupi large red? Never heard about a red murupi before, unless Its a completely different pepper perhaps?

I hope your seeds for the lemon spice jalapeño are better than mine, which where close to zero Scoville - sourced them from semillas and they confirmed by mail that their grow out had been a very mild pepper.

Other than that, its always interesting to see what crosses youve come up with! Looking forward to seeing what comes of the above F1 Jalapeno cross
Mildfruit said:
Murupi large red? Never heard about a red murupi before, unless Its a completely different pepper perhaps?

I hope your seeds for the lemon spice jalapeño are better than mine, which where close to zero Scoville - sourced them from semillas and they confirmed by mail that their grow out had been a very mild pepper.

Other than that, its always interesting to see what crosses youve come up with! Looking forward to seeing what comes of the above F1 Jalapeno cross
Yeah, I'm not sure.  Plus I haven't grown the typical Murupi Amarela so I lack a point of comparison. By looks and description, they're pretty close. I'd been thinking about ordering from FFF, but then Bhuter came across a few seeds and hooked me up.  I'm expecting them to be similar to the FFF ones.
Interesting about the Lemon Spice.  I have a bag from Sandia Seeds too, but I'm growing the ones you sent.  The bigger of the 2 is just now forking - It's a really good-looking plant.  Maybe I'll drop a couple of the Sandia seeds for comparison, because a little more heat would be nice if these grow mild!
Likewise on your crosses.  They're not always winners, but it's fun to try and hopefully get lucky from time to time :)
I had a pair of HeatMiser's Texas Tepin pop this morning - at day 37.  These are his originally sourced seeds from 2014 and I planted either 3 or 4 of them, so good viability.  Funny with the wilds how they can wait so long only to have multiple germinate at essentially the same time.  Patience definitely pays off.
Thanks again HM!  The one that had already spouted now has true leaves and is looking sturdy.
stettoman said:
Well 'Dog, you saw my announcement, hooks after an overnight soak and 3 days in the pods (so far 4 or 5 out of 36)! How many of those Big Jims you got going this year?
I saw that and great job with those.  I don't have any started yet.  I was planning to start them last weekend, but things have been a bit crazy so next weekend will have to do.  And hey, if mine germinate as quickly as yours did I won't really be behind, right?  :)   
Hope your germination #'s are good and you end up with plenty.  I'm aiming for 3 of them this season and hoping they're productive and the pod's are good ones.
Heh, I'm doing at least two rows, depending on the layout of the half-of-an-eighth-acre...

So I ordered these little fabric-ish seedling bags you had displayed. I was unaware they are NOT flat-bottom, they need a bit of craftiness to stand up, but they should prove convenient in the end..
I found those bags to have pluses and minuses.  I found I under-watered with them initially and needed to adjust for that and get water periodically though the whole of the media (I guess that's on me and not really a minus).  Also, on some they let the plants shift and I had to correct for that.  Again, that's probably on me for not filling and packing them well enough - and also for moving them around more than I should have before they were rooted in well.  In a hard-walled container I'm focused on not packing the soil tightly, but on these I probably should have a bit more.  Also, if I'd watered from the top more often instead of only bottom watering I might have gotten better root development near the surface, which in turn might have helped hold them in place better.  This only affected maybe 15% of them, though.  The rest held firm.
Since I just started transplanting out of them I can say that the root development was good without root-wrap and the plants seemed to like them.  Things responded well and grew fast.  What I'm really curious to see is how well they transition into the nursery pots I've started moving them to.  Hopefully they will root in quickly and get right down to putting on the foliage.
I hope they do well for you and will be curious to hear how you like them.
AND awesome to see that XLB going for you.  I think that's going to be a great plant!
Essegi said:
Wow, cool pics!
Also, i really like your OW collection!
Thanks, Essegi!  The OW's did very well this year - I think the cooler (in terms of heat, not wavelength) LED lighting helped quite a bit.  I hope to keep the momentum going and get them potted up, unfortunately, that's going to take a fair amount of soil, time, and effort.  But if I can do it soon I'm sure it will pay off  :)
CaneDog said:
:thumbsup:   I'm really happy with how it turned out.  I'm hoping I can get something that's fun and still tastes good out of this.
Edit to add plagiarized pixelated duck
Pixelated Duck.png
Hehe... Nice duck CD! 
CaneDog said:
I had a pair of HeatMiser's Texas Tepin pop this morning - at day 37.  These are his originally sourced seeds from 2014 and I planted either 3 or 4 of them, so good viability.  Funny with the wilds how they can wait so long only to have multiple germinate at essentially the same time.  Patience definitely pays off.
Thanks again HM!  The one that had already spouted now has true leaves and is looking sturdy.
Glad they germinated well for you, I had a similar experience in that I had 2 or 3 germinate about a month after the first one, which popped out about 6 days after planting. Looking forward to see some pics of these Tepins!
CaneDog said:
Yeah, I'm not sure.  Plus I haven't grown the typical Murupi Amarela so I lack a point of comparison. By looks and description, they're pretty close. I'd been thinking about ordering from FFF, but then Bhuter came across a few seeds and hooked me up.  I'm expecting them to be similar to the FFF ones.
Interesting about the Lemon Spice.  I have a bag from Sandia Seeds too, but I'm growing the ones you sent.  The bigger of the 2 is just now forking - It's a really good-looking plant.  Maybe I'll drop a couple of the Sandia seeds for comparison, because a little more heat would be nice if these grow mild!
Likewise on your crosses.  They're not always winners, but it's fun to try and hopefully get lucky from time to time :)
Wow! They sure do look like the typical Murupi Amarela but in red, what a pepper! If they turn out like the picture you'll have one good looking pod! 
I hope you get a bit more spice in yours, but they were good strong plants that's for sure. Looking forward to see how they all turn out for you
Taking a mini break to post some pictures.  Happy Friday!
OW Tovarii in a sunny window
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& some recent sprouts...
My last chances to preserve my old reaper and original brain strain varieties.
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HM's 2014 Texas Tepin
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I tried to get a snapshot of the 2 that recently sprouted, but my phone focused on a photo-bombing fungus gnat, instead. Thankfully these guys are largely under control.
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Mutant Candlelight
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Purple Flower Baccatum
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"Special" Cachucha
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MF Giallo
20200320 MFGiallo.jpg
I finally dropped my big annuum round, about a week later than planned. 
Some of the final roster cuts were tough, but I trimmed it down to these 20 varieties. I have a half-dozen or so annuum from earlier plantings that are just starting to flower.  There's also a few other varieties still in the germinator, mostly wild types, which I'm still hoping will sprout.

Big Jim
Facing Heaven
Golden Cayenne
Guntur Sannam
Ho Chi Minh
Jalapeno Zapotec
Jimmy Nardello
Serrano Tampiqueno
Sulu Aldana
Tekne Dolmasi
Turkish Cayenne
Turkish Pepper
Urfa Biber
Variegated Jalapeno