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Can't Fight Mother Nature

Some of you that have followed some of my threads have seen my efforts to protect my plants. I've built what I'll now call JUNK to try and cover my plants. In my part of Texas we get wicked weather this time of the year. Wild wind , heavy rain , hail, and tornados. Ya can't fight a tornado but I was hoping to fight the rest. At 2:00 am this morning the tornado alarms went off and I woke to lightning and the sound of a heavy rain !! There was no tornado but wild wind and tons of rain. We got somewhere around 3" of rain in a hurry. Here's what things look like this morning !!

Not all my pepper plants were jacked but many are .... I'm having a beer for breakfast ..... then I'll go out and sort things ...... Guess you can't fight mother nature

I'm going to have a Greenhouse for next year !! The heck with this .....

P. Dreadie



Man, sorry hear about your setup getting wrecked that sucks. hopefully the plants that did get damaged can make a recovery. best luck , and the beer for breakfast will definatley help ease the pain of cleanup
My wife is from just down the road from you in Clovis, NM....know what that wild wind is all about. Hope it all turns out OK
Hope everything works out for you. Sorry to hear of your disaster. I am in Brownwood, Tx. and I know how them winds can blow!!!

Its been wild windy and wet here, too. Last frost is supposed to be April 15 here, but I havent put out plants yet because we had to many severe storm sirens of late, as well. My plants will live on a second floor balcony, so I have been waiting. just putting them out on nice days. Hang in there, good luck with what you have left!
Damn P. man. If my season goes well and you need some heat bro just say the word and it's on the way.

Good luck with the clean up and the rest of the season.
Thanks everyone ....... I guess I'm lucky. I only lost two plants , several are darned mangled , the rest aren't as happy as before but should turn out fine. The ones that really hurt ( me ) where some Bonnets I started from seed. I was hoping to breed them.

I can't wait to get things rockin' again.

P. Dreadie
Ooo, major bummer, sorry to see that. I've seen some rubberized fabric signs along roadways that have U shaped flaps cut in them to allow the wind a way through so they don't act like sails; just an idea. Motha Nacha' will always win if you fight her. ;)
Sorry to hear that. Was planning on building something similar in our yard but i was worried about strong winds and all that.

I'm new here btw. =)
AjarnV said:
Ooo, major bummer, sorry to see that. I've seen some rubberized fabric signs along roadways that have U shaped flaps cut in them to allow the wind a way through so they don't act like sails; just an idea. Motha Nacha' will always win if you fight her. ;)

+1 had to do the same thing. You would be surprised how much of a difference taking a razor and cutting a "V" into the tarp makes. Just be sure to use a lighter and melt the cut edges cuz they will fray like wildfire!
franzb69 .... I used electrical conduit tubing and pre-made canopy fittings. Corners , peaks , etc. They used eye-screws to hold things together. The wind this year has had gusts up to 60 mph. That and the heavy rain that night caused the fail. Being as tall as I made them didn't help I'm sure. A PVC hoop type of set-up might have made it. I may try that. All I want to do is protect the plants from hail during the storm season here.

Or I may just plant everything and cross my fingers. But I sure hate the thought of hail jacking my beautiful plants !!

P. Dreadie
Sounds pretty well thought out to me. Winds like that here are normal specially when super typhoons frequent my country a whole lot. Last one that passed by wasn't really a super typhoon, it was more like 3 typhoons that converged together to make a really big one. Brought trees and Electric posts down! There wasn't any power here for 11 days. It was like the end of the world. I thought I was gonna go crazy from the lack of technology I was getting exposed to. LOL.

If things go well, maybe I could get my family on agreeing on building something a bit sturdier like this:


only slightly larger and the floor would be full plants and containers. :)