Cappy's Capsicum 2011

haha noah miss u too bub driving cosscountry livin in cali now.

damn cappy i hope ur still not pissed at me, but i cant wait to see ur pizza deliveries!
It has been raining about a week straight and finally had a chance to get outside and harvest some fall pods. The garden pics was taken yesterday and there is a 6 foot privacy fence directly behind the hedge many plant tops 8 and 9 feet tall. Lots of green pods still hanging and that should continue to ripen for at least another month. Here's a pizza delivery for Nate because I don't know what you're talking about being pissed? Just get back here and join the fun and quit moving around not good for your garden. :D





Those plants are ridiculous Cappy, I can't believe there that big in that size of container!
Amazing pods, as always.
Nice knife btw :cool:
Hey Karl the orange pods with the cool bonnet shape are the Bahamian Goat pepper all these pods are headed to the freezer for a hot sauce. I used 100% recycled peat based mix and 200 lb. of Espoma fertilizer over the course of the growing season nothing special. Every year I consider doing things different but the cluster planting works well for my growing conditions. After the first freeze I just pull out the machete and have a bon fire then move the containers to the side of the house till next season, I try to let the ground under the pots recover over the winter. The big clay pots are 6 or 7 gallons they looked huge at the beginning of the year. Thanks for all the reply. :onfire:
Benny it is a 400 watt metal halide and it is the only grow light I use for the plants. I germinate under a floro shop light but that's it. I run it for 6 weeks and turn it off, actually cheaper per lumens than a bunch of floros.

Hey Cappy, what kind of fluoro shop light do you use, as in brand? Also, what type of 400 watt halide? I'm gathering supplies for my explosion of plants this coming January, and want to make sure I optimize my materials. Just bought some heat mats for germinating today, already have my Jiffy pellets, and have a nice list of stuff I still need to pick up a little at a time until late-January 2012.

Really pushing myself next year, with about 70 different varieties and over 100 plants, including a bunch my mom is letting me put out at her place, which gets lush and green and huge plants sooner than my own property, which is partially shaded by a huge birch on one side and a GIGANTIC maple on the opposite neighbor's property (I live near the heart of a city of about 7000 people). In fact, one variety I am growing is your very own Brain Strain 7-Pot!