Cappy's Capsicum 2011

Selected only one Brian Strain 7 Pod plant that resembled the mother exactly for plant growth, pod shape and texture, and above all heat. Going to chop to about 3 feet and overwintering my newly selected mother Brain Strain plant to bring inside for the winter. :dance:

Selected only one Brian Strain 7 Pod plant that resembled the mother exactly for plant growth, pod shape and texture, and above all heat. Going to chop to about 3 feet and overwintering my newly selected mother Brain Strain plant to bring inside for the winter. :dance:


Ohhhh Yeaaaahhh! You know, Im lovin the looks of that :) Keep me in mind for some seed stock on that dude!
Selected only one Brian Strain 7 Pod plant that resembled the mother exactly for plant growth, pod shape and texture, and above all heat. Going to chop to about 3 feet and overwintering my newly selected mother Brain Strain plant to bring inside for the winter. :dance:

Have you ever experimented with taking cuttings? You could keep any plant alive for ever this way if you really wanted to.
That plant is a beaut. Good luck keeping it going Cappy. Those are some good genes. How did you get the guy from deadliest catch to stand next to it.
That plant is a beaut. Good luck keeping it going Cappy. Those are some good genes. How did you get the guy from deadliest catch to stand next to it.

Haha..A little facial hair and all of a sudden you like Capt. Phil Harris, I'd rather think more like Brad Pitt with a beard. :lol:

Thanks for all the replies guys! :onfire:
Thats a very nice tree you have growing there Cappy! You picked a perfect specimen to use as the new mother!
The trunk is huge ,,and it is unreal how big you grow them in those containers! :cool:

How does a plant of that size not get root bound? Do you have to feed them a lot? I have a poblano in the ground that has a stem that big but only about 3 feet tall. I'm guessing if you prune the lower foliage it will stretch out? Lower light conditions? Freakish genetics?
Keep that baby going.
Chopping your plant to 3ft. will leave a perfect "crown" on that plant...
With the combo of having a sturdy stem and the right topping, you'll have a massive plant
next season, with plenty of "fruit to be had"
If you dry those trunks...err stalks, I wonder if you could throw them in a smoker and get a good flavor??? Cherry wood, apple wood, pear wood, brain strain wood, scorpion wood, bhut wood. Hmmmmmm
Very impressive Cappy, I know that plant had to be a good producer. Makes me want to try a Brain Strain in my raised bed just for the hell of it. I think that's the tallest plant in a pot I've ever seen.
I know you all are getting tired of seeing my harvest but here is this Wednesday's table porn. Packaging up a large flat rate box this afternoon and sending a bunch of pods to NYC. Just want to show some fresh pods before I put in the mail. I underestimate my harvests each October and have pods coming out my ears, no more room in the freezer or 10L fermenting crock anymore. Thanks again to everyone who has ordered fresh pods from me this year and help lighten my load, and thanks THP for the awesome website. :D