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Capsidadburn 2011 Grow

I can't really even get my head around that level of devastation. It must have been surreal. I'm glad your family is okay.

Kudos on your garden, Mike. I really like the shade cloth frames and the general layout of things. Congratulations, very nice work.

The climatologists say that the next 100 years will be very different from what everyone is accustomed to: hotter and drier in the South, and cooler and wetter in the north. I'm guessing all of us peppers growers here in the South will be adopting your gardening methods!

I had planned to grow Cumari this year, but forgot to order seeds. Have you tried one yet? I seem to have a special fondness for bird type chiles.
Thanks Windchicken, I did not realize that it would effect me in such a way. I know its not about me as I am not the unfortunate one here but many others suffering thru the ordeal.

The Cumari was if not my favorite last season definitely in my top three. I have some isolated seeds I can send you if you pm me. I liken it to doing a tequila shot (must eat the whole pod), though I can probably count the number of times I've had one (shot) on one hand so my scale is not calibrated. There are several cumari's, mine is the do para variety. It is similar to charapita but to me, different than Wild Brazil.

Your garden and production is going better than mine certainly. My plants love the shade cloth but only a few are setting pods in this heat. I have my misters hooked up with the water drippers which precludes me from running them for any extended period of time that might alter the temp during the day. They should be separate. Everything is growing though and I am finally getting to the last group of plants on drip.

Thanks very much Buddy! I appreciate it.

Here are some recent pics;
Vladen at Rainbow Chile Seeds described this C. frutescens called "Gundu Red" as growing 1 foot tall and sprawling 5 feet wide. I was fascinated by that so I got it. It has nice little heat almost but not quite bitter. I hope to dry a bunch and make a powder or flakes.

Here is a 3rd year Bailey pequin

Close up of Bailey Pequin

Looking down on a Tepin from Williamson county

Last year when I started using bamboo stakes we started getting all kinds and colors of dragon flies. I've seen them eating the swarming gnats and other flying insects. Trying to figure out how to get the aphids in the air. I can get about 10 inches from them for these pics.

Another guardian chameleon. I think they eat the small flies that like the plant leaves.
Yellow Bhut Jolokia
WOW - Impressive garden and grow list! :cool:

That Yellow Bhut pod is SCARY big - do those normally get that large?

Those squirrel pics are classic - gives ppl an idea of just what kind of heat we are having to endure out here lately! Good thing you got that drip irrigation system installed - trying to hand-water 120 plants in this heat would not be enjoyable.

Up here, we have been getting 100's most of last month. We normally see the worst summer temps in August, so with it getting so hot in June, ppl here are wondering what is going to happen next month? :eek:

You said you are in Central Texas, are you near Eephus Man?

Hope y'all have a nice holiday, and looking forward to seeing your new pics tomorrow!
LG, Thanks a bunch. The yellow bhut in the pic is larger than most I've gotten so far. I think in the proper hands they can all be that big. I still have a long ways to go.

I am about a half hour north of downtown Austin and Eephus man is a half to 45 min. south of Austin. We have communicated a little bit. Maybe I will see him at the 21st annual Austin Chronicle Hot Sauce Festival at the end of August.

So far we have had 20 days at 100 or above and still have July and August to look forward to. Will trade any Northerners some hot days for cool ones! In years past when there is a fireworks ban there have always been people defying the orders. Not a peep so far and with no big displays it makes the 4th a bit sad.

Here are some other items I am growing this year hopefully as hot sauce ingredients:
Lycium barborum a member of the pepper/tomato family also called Goji berry or gooseberry excellent for clogged arteries

Naranjilla or Bed of Nails small fussy orange like fruits from Ecuador

Large leaf of Naranjilla
Is that Bed of Nails plant related to an eggplant? Some eggplant varieties I have grown have a very similar look with much less deadly looking spikes.....

EDIT:::: Asking questions and not commenting on the Beauty at hand, I should be ashamed of my self!!!

Lovely looking plants sir! I have a friend in Seguin who is battling pod set. You guys down there have at least +3 - 5 degrees on us everyday. I only have a few setting here and there. Keep up the great work and september will be an awesome month!!
Thanks Josh, SilverSurfer and NorTexC. I bought the "Bed of Nails" from a nursery in Sand Springs, Okla. Bustani farms I believe. I was concerned it's rated slightly out of my zone but I found someone growing it in South Carolina so I got it. Here is a link on the data and apparently is also in the pepper/tomato and eggplant family. Interestingly the data says no spines unless in the wild. Also states it will not tolerate temps or fruit above 85 F. Mine has small half inch diameter fruits on it now though.
Cheers Mike
Today's pics;

Tshololo plant no pods yet sorry



Royal Black

Have a good day!
Thanks WC, We got about 5 minutes of rain today. Cooled things off anyway. Saw one of the anole's drinking rainwater from my upturned pepper leaves. His ribs were showing pretty good. Here is a pic of a Butch T leaf;
Its around 8 inches long and just under 6 wide

Good day folks
Hot Hot Hot... Not much happening in pod setting lately. Plants look happy though. I think they are better now than last year at this time. I did have six Brain Strain pods pop on one plant this week. Can't wait till mid September heat break. 30 days at or over a 100 F so far. Small chance of rain next week. Here are today's pics;
Good day everybody!
Posted pics of this group of plants a month ago.


Found this dried pod in my seed stash labeled Trinidad bird. Dark red conical and smooth 1/4 inch diameter half inch long

Brain Strain

Will work for food
Late July update; Still not a lot going on here. Crazy hot 40 days over 100F. Lots of blooms doomed to untimely fate. Here's this weeks pics;
Thai bird (Prik Ki Nu Hom) and Super Chili courtesy PepperJam seeds


Beni Highlands

Onza Roja

First Orange I've seen, still no blue or green

Parting shot
Beautiful, verdant plants! You seem to be handling the heat wave quite well.

I always enjoy your wildlife shots, Mike. Amazing photography! I need to get a tripod...My hands are way too shaky to get those kinds of shots.

How tall does that Thai Bird get? Thai chiles are what inspired me to start growing peppers in the first place...I love their flavor and their versatility, and they are so easy to grow.
Thanks Windchicken, I do enjoy photography all my life, along with dirt-earth excavation of all sorts. Mine is a camera I bought from a wedding photographer (an early digital dinasaur) It is irritating sometimes. Much better stuff out there nowadays. I'm not certain on the Thai peppers. I grew the Thai Orange and Thai Dragon last year and they were easily 3 feet tall. I liked the orange better. I got these from Pepperjam here is a link to one of his threads with a pic of one type in post #3.

Thanks Mill, WC. Without the pod production the wildlife and the blooms are about it. But alas there is hope!
Accentuated with the help of my daughter and for your amusement, I give you, "Raised bed,woe is me theater"
"If only there was rain so that I could enjoy wonderful Fatalii pods"...

Well that was awful, how about this. Come on Don!
Unripe Naranjilla fruit,


Big Eye Fly "It's so damn hot"... Woeful me "How hot is it Big Eye?" BEF "Get out a my face punk!"