• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2014

Here we go again.  Seems like it was only yesterday.  I've recieved a lot of pods and seeds from great folks here.  THP and those folks are awesome!   I'll be growing most all of them as well as an order I just placed yesterday with Semillas.
I will seriously have to alter my logistics and layout to grow everything and keep it as asthetic but affordable as possible.  Big problems;  I need to trim my front yard trees to get more morning and mid day sun in the back.  I really need to haul in new soil.  Hello wheelbarrow and backpain.  My city is currently in a stage 2 drought restrictions (once a week watering).  I usually water with drip irrigation everyother day until summer forces me to each day.  Barrel collection (which I've been tinkering with for a while) will have to happen.
Here is my list in no particular order.  Seeds and or Fresh pods from; Pepperlover/ Judy, GAGrowhead/Jason, Windchicken/Gary, Sawyer/John, Spicegeist/Charles  Meatfreak/ Stefan, PIC 1/ Greg  Thanks to all!                  
                                                                                               Transplanted to 3x3's;
Butch T Scorpion /Me
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise/Jason
Peach Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Sepia Serpent/Jason
Bhut Orange Copenhagen/Jason
Peach Habanero/Judy
7 Pot Not Red (Yellow) Barrackpore/Me
White Devil's Tongue/Jason
NagaBrain F3/Gary
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Congo Black/Judy
White Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Bonda ma Jaques X Yellow 7 Pot/Gary-Charles
Brain Strain/Judy
Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Bubble Gum 7 Pot #1/Jason
Yellow Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Yellow Bhut Jolokia/Judy
7 Pot Chiguanas/Judy
Texas Pequin F2/Gary-Brian
7 Pot Jonah/Judy
Brown Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Elysium Oxide Bonnet F4/ Me
Tepin X 7 Pot/Charles
MOA Scotch Bonnet/John
7 Pot Burgundy/John
7 Pot Barrackpore/Me
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Cumari do Para/Me
Giant Yellow Brainstrain/Judy
Carolina Reaper/John
Funky Reaper/John
7 Pot Brown/John
Donne Sali/Charles
TFM Scotch Bonnet/Jason
Tepin X Quintisho F1/ Me
Mini-Mini X Purple Flash F1/ Me
Trinidad Chocolate Bonnet/Jason
Trinidad Cherries/Jason
Giant White Hab/ Jason
Espelette Basque/ Me
Green Habanero
CGN 23255
Brown Bhutlah
Brown Rocoto
Sara's Green
El Oro de Ecuador
Jalapeno Jalastar
Habanero Naranja Picante
CAP 217 Rocoto
Jalapeno Goliath
Lota Bih
Jalapeno El Jefe
Yellow Bhut SG
Naga Suomi
Madballs 7 Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Yellow Infinity
St. Martins Red Hab
Miss. St. Butch T
Madballs 7 Chocolate
Och Rios Scotch Bonnet
Numex 6-4
Spanish Naga Morich
Big Bang Chocolate Naga
White Fatalii
Have a great day people!
Great pics Mike! Love the dragonfly shots.
Your container MoA looks like a drawing. Amazing work. Plant looks like its really thriving. It's been one of my more finicky plants for some reason... maybe they don't like the big city.
Ripening Naga is going to taste great. And your sauce tutorial is going to be a huge help. Thanks for sharing.
So, Mike, is that characteristic of the EOBs, that they point skyward, then drop to normal?  I replanted some missing plants today and only had one NWYB for four losses.  So I went from 10 NWYB & 7 EOBs to 7 NWYB and 8 EOBs.  (Still have some spots yet to be filled elsewhere.)
May have to start calling you and your daughter the Doctors Doolittle of Dragonflies.
OCD Chilehead said:
That's so cool. Thanks for the pics.
Thank you for looking Chuck!
romy6 said:
That last pic made me smile . Thank you  :fireball: Well all of them did but that one sealed it :)
Me too Jamie!  She's had her heart set on a new camera for her birthday.  Now her new Nikon can leave me behind with my old Canon.

Devv said:
+1 on 320!
Glad to see your daughter is out there with you, and she likes to take pics too. Can't beat the family!
Thanks Scott!  I'm pretty sure she will be a long term gardner (herbs anyway) in her life and photographer.  Her fascination with the Dragonflies is growing.
maximumcapsicum said:
Great pics Mike! Love the dragonfly shots.
Your container MoA looks like a drawing. Amazing work. Plant looks like its really thriving. It's been one of my more finicky plants for some reason... maybe they don't like the big city.
Ripening Naga is going to taste great. And your sauce tutorial is going to be a huge help. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Adam!  I have plenty of those finicky plants as well!  Glad I could help, I feel I learn something everytime I try.  Eventually I might command something other than my work!
Sawyer said:
So, Mike, is that characteristic of the EOBs, that they point skyward, then drop to normal?  I replanted some missing plants today and only had one NWYB for four losses.  So I went from 10 NWYB & 7 EOBs to 7 NWYB and 8 EOBs.  (Still have some spots yet to be filled elsewhere.)
May have to start calling you and your daughter the Doctors Doolittle of Dragonflies.
Most of the pods are pendant or end up that way eventually in the past.  If there were erect pods before this season, I did not notice and don't see any in old pics.  There have been several that are erect as well as pendant this season which I find interesting.  Also the plant I've been posting pics of has a little texture to the pods that I don't think was present before.  Mostly smooth Congo, habish, or bonnet like shape.  Maybe some old Douglah gene's coming thru.  I'm very pleased at this point after a fairly rough outdoor start.
I have two NWYB that I need to update in your thread.  Just now have blooms.  Big dark green leaves with spacious room in the branching.  The unknown pods (not MOA) I asked you about maybe NWYB, the leaves don't match up very well with the NWYB leaves from mine.  Those pods seem very bhut loooking to me.  I will keep an eye on them.
As far as I know none of the animals have started talking, but I think I saw my daughter whispering to the dragonflies!
Here's a old pic of the EOB a couple seasons back in raised bed.  Not sure if I showed this to any of the folks I sent seeds to.

edit; There is a pod at the very top of the pic that is from a different plant.
Later good folks of THP!
meatfreak said:
You haven't shown this picture, that is absolutely beautiful with all those pale green pods :)
Thanks for the updates on the Pimenta Lisa, very excited how yours will turn out. Like the Saras Green, it looks like an very interesting variety :D Have a good weekend!
Thanks Stefan!  I think this shot is the overwintered F1. Image taken in 2012.  The P. Lisa are a joy to bring to life!  Like the Sara's quite abit too.
We are headed out of town in the next 30 min.  My daughter wants to go to a zoo in San Antonio.
My first Jay's Peach an Red Ghost Scorpion's from Jason.  Love these!

Another Unknown Brain Strain Cross from Greg

My new Tepin x Quintisho F1 cross.  C. chinense ripens red so far.  Hopeing for an occasional Yellow pod.  Took me awhile to be convinced it actually took.  Very hot

Have a great weekend!
Thanks guy's! 
I start vacation tommorrow!  My wife was not able to get the same days off as me so I will be caticng up on neglected chores Monday.  Here's some of our trip to the San Antonio zoo pics and we did not forget the Alamo!  My daughter took 1100 pics with her new camera.  I took around 160.  Here's a few.

Cheers everybody!
Dang Mike!
You were right around the corner from us here. The riverwalk is a nice place to hangout, if you have a hotel ;)
Looks like your daughter has a nice SLR, the new ones handle color sooo much better.
And I see you have a Shiner in front of you, wasn't your first was it? :drooling:
Glad 'yall got some family time in. We're off to Long Island Thursday to visit LB's kin.
Have a great week!
Devv said:
Dang Mike!
You were right around the corner from us here. The riverwalk is a nice place to hangout, if you have a hotel ;)
Looks like your daughter has a nice SLR, the new ones handle color sooo much better.
And I see you have a Shiner in front of you, wasn't your first was it? :drooling:
Glad 'yall got some family time in. We're off to Long Island Thursday to visit LB's kin.
Have a great week!
We've had the kids in San Antonio a couple times years previous but had failed as parents to get them to the Riverwalk and the Alamo.  My daughter wanted the zoo for her birthday so I made sure to correct the other parental lapse.  We had pretty good time and no Shiner has been in front of me plenty.  Always a winner in my book.  I am much more of a fan of Belgium type ales.  I am constantly trying new stuff too.
Have fun on your trip!  Thanks.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Very nice glog of your garden Mike have a good vacation I can never leave my plants for a week in the middle of summer.  Pray for rain while your away!
Thanks Cappy!  I certainly couldn't leave without the drip irrigation.  I've tried friends in the past and it just doesn't work.  Thanks for stopping in!
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice to see you get some quality down time with family. Note to self. Take a break.

Thanks for the pics.

Thanks Chuck!  Sometimes it's hard to get away from everything.
I bought a new lawn mower this week so that's how I will start my vacation tomorrow.
Later folks!
 Good time Mike . Love the pics . Got one for ya . My EOB is growing too fast . Time to head outside in the heat . Hope he does not mind:)
GA Growhead said:
Looks like you had a great time! Looks like you have great kids too!
That snake is cool. Do you remember what it is?
Good luck in the yard. I actually find mowing the lawn quite peaceful.
Thanks so much Jason for the kind comments!  For those who don't know that I replied about the snake in Jason's glog;  it is a Rhinocerous viper and one of a few types of Puff Adders.
Spicegeist said:
Great pics.  You look happy... next to the beer ;)
Beer, vacation, and my family, all are capable of making me happy.  Not neccessarily in that order!  Thanks Charles.
romy6 said:
 Good time Mike . Love the pics . Got one for ya . My EOB is growing too fast . Time to head outside in the heat . Hope he does not mind:)
Great to hear Jamie!  I don't see why Florida would be much different that Texas summer heat, but I've never been so what do I know?  Good luck with the hardening off!  That plant sure looks healthy.
Early July update;
Not sure who this is but will look it up soon and edit.  Best theory now is;  Immature Band-Winged Dragonlet  Changes considerably
♀  Erthrodiplax umbrata

This Damselfly is eating a mosquito while taking a flying break on my daughter's hand.

An assortment of pics of the new raised bed;  There are several container plants in the bed which I do to attract more benificials to the bed plants when they were not so strong.  Of course they help with what the eye perceive's as attractive too.

Chiclayo plant well loaded.  Ripens yellow I believe.

Trenton Farmer's Market Scotch Bonnet from Jason.  Also have some that are more pointy on bottom.

Hope everyone is enjoying their week!