• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Capsidadburn 2014

Here we go again.  Seems like it was only yesterday.  I've recieved a lot of pods and seeds from great folks here.  THP and those folks are awesome!   I'll be growing most all of them as well as an order I just placed yesterday with Semillas.
I will seriously have to alter my logistics and layout to grow everything and keep it as asthetic but affordable as possible.  Big problems;  I need to trim my front yard trees to get more morning and mid day sun in the back.  I really need to haul in new soil.  Hello wheelbarrow and backpain.  My city is currently in a stage 2 drought restrictions (once a week watering).  I usually water with drip irrigation everyother day until summer forces me to each day.  Barrel collection (which I've been tinkering with for a while) will have to happen.
Here is my list in no particular order.  Seeds and or Fresh pods from; Pepperlover/ Judy, GAGrowhead/Jason, Windchicken/Gary, Sawyer/John, Spicegeist/Charles  Meatfreak/ Stefan, PIC 1/ Greg  Thanks to all!                  
                                                                                               Transplanted to 3x3's;
Butch T Scorpion /Me
Trinidad Scorpion Sunrise/Jason
Peach Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Sepia Serpent/Jason
Bhut Orange Copenhagen/Jason
Peach Habanero/Judy
7 Pot Not Red (Yellow) Barrackpore/Me
White Devil's Tongue/Jason
NagaBrain F3/Gary
Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion/Jason
Congo Black/Judy
White Bhut Jolokia/Judy
Bonda ma Jaques X Yellow 7 Pot/Gary-Charles
Brain Strain/Judy
Tobago Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Bubble Gum 7 Pot #1/Jason
Yellow Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Yellow Bhut Jolokia/Judy
7 Pot Chiguanas/Judy
Texas Pequin F2/Gary-Brian
7 Pot Jonah/Judy
Brown Moruga Scorpion/Judy
Elysium Oxide Bonnet F4/ Me
Tepin X 7 Pot/Charles
MOA Scotch Bonnet/John
7 Pot Burgundy/John
7 Pot Barrackpore/Me
Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet/Judy
Cumari do Para/Me
Giant Yellow Brainstrain/Judy
Carolina Reaper/John
Funky Reaper/John
7 Pot Brown/John
Donne Sali/Charles
TFM Scotch Bonnet/Jason
Tepin X Quintisho F1/ Me
Mini-Mini X Purple Flash F1/ Me
Trinidad Chocolate Bonnet/Jason
Trinidad Cherries/Jason
Giant White Hab/ Jason
Espelette Basque/ Me
Green Habanero
CGN 23255
Brown Bhutlah
Brown Rocoto
Sara's Green
El Oro de Ecuador
Jalapeno Jalastar
Habanero Naranja Picante
CAP 217 Rocoto
Jalapeno Goliath
Lota Bih
Jalapeno El Jefe
Yellow Bhut SG
Naga Suomi
Madballs 7 Red
7 Pot Primo Orange
Yellow Infinity
St. Martins Red Hab
Miss. St. Butch T
Madballs 7 Chocolate
Och Rios Scotch Bonnet
Numex 6-4
Spanish Naga Morich
Big Bang Chocolate Naga
White Fatalii
Have a great day people!
Spicegeist said:
How are your Jay's Peach growing for you?  Mine have been slower to set than some of my other varieties...
They (Jay's Peach) are behind other varieties but are beginning to pod up.  The ones I have in the new raised bed look real good.  Most everything in my new raised bed was delayed from me topping the plants and battling aphids, and maybe some lock out soil issues.  Some Datil's that were my biggest plants in March and first to go in the bed, were the last to take off, and I switched out some of them with other plants on stand by.
I have a Jay's Red in container that podded up well but seems to have a deficiency.
I believe you had questioned bothering with the Peach Bhut's this season early on and I know I was pushing them.  I had two plants one never did do much beyond a couple pods and another put on several but seem to wilt all of a sudden.  I got a few ripening pods off barely.  Not worth the effort anymore I think.  Should have went with your instincts.
Good luck with the Jay's Peach!
A few pods ripening this week.  My first MOA not quite ready for tasting.  Killed 5 hornworms this past week.  Used to just use the displaced mass in all directions method (rock/hard place).  Now I put the rock half on the worm on top of fire ants.  Oh the agony and revenge is sweet!

Congo Blacks; so far all are red.  Have several plants all from fresh pod seeds.  Didn't sow any reds this season.  I love the red for flavor so it's cool.

Pimenta Lisa F2 container plant #3

Habanero Naranja Picante

Jamaican Yellow Scotch Bonnet  Lookin mighty tasty!

Jason's Trinidad Chocolate Bonnet.  This one's just dripping with flavor ooze that I can't wait to try!

Here's a Robber Fly. 

In case any of my previous dragonfly pics don't show it's because I massively reorganized them while I was on vacation.  I'll repost them if they are gone when I can.
Have a good one folks!
Wow, Mike, as always, your plants and photography are textbook gorgeous. Congrats on some really beautiful work…I never thought about taking photos of my basil—duh! I love the photos of your family, too, especially the one of your daughter and the dragonfly… :P Those photos of the river walk really bring back some memories—In another lifetime I spent many happy evenings down there….
I finally put my last chile plant in the ground today—a SmiterQ Texas Pequin (9 in a row). That garden has been two years in the making, and it looks like it may finally come together. Look for pix here on THP as soon as I get some weeds knocked down...
It's so good to see your work again, Mike!  :P
Great pics as usual Mike . so jealous of your photography skills 
Thought I would update your E. O. B brother man .
Loving the shade . My plan is to set him in full sun come September and watch him dominate the garden  :fireball:
GA Growhead said:
Damn hornworms.
I'm seeing if I can teach them to swim this year. No success yet. ;)
Try in the creek or river for added challenge!  As much as they wiggle they wouldn't swim to long I think.
OCD Chilehead said:
Nice looking pods. Good to hear your protecting the crop. I've only had grasshoppers lately. Yesterday was the first time I seen them do some damage. I think I'm winning the battle day by day.
Thanks Chuck!  I definately have some grasshopper damaged plants.  Good luck!
maximumcapsicum said:
Pods are looking very nice man. Time for more saucin'?
Thanks Adam!  I'm always ready to make sauce.  Been a rough couple of weeks for me to get it done.
meatfreak said:
Great update, Mike. Thanks for the podshot, beautiful picture :)
Thanks Stefan!  I have another from the green pheno plant.  Pods are probably a little small.  Haven't tasted one yet.

Devv said:
Thins are looking good north of me Mike!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks Scott!  I shared some tasting of your gracious and appreciated sfrb.  Those Jigsaw's were painfull!  Thanks very much!

windchicken said:
Wow, Mike, as always, your plants and photography are textbook gorgeous. Congrats on some really beautiful work…I never thought about taking photos of my basil—duh! I love the photos of your family, too, especially the one of your daughter and the dragonfly… :P Those photos of the river walk really bring back some memories—In another lifetime I spent many happy evenings down there….
I finally put my last chile plant in the ground today—a SmiterQ Texas Pequin (9 in a row). That garden has been two years in the making, and it looks like it may finally come together. Look for pix here on THP as soon as I get some weeds knocked down...
It's so good to see your work again, Mike!  :P
Thank you so much for the kind words Gary!  I look forward to seeing the Smiter Q row.  I have a couple plants that are more or less all pendant pods.  Plenty ripe just haven't tasted any yet.  Thanks again!
romy6 said:
Great pics as usual Mike . so jealous of your photography skills 
Thought I would update your E. O. B brother man .
Loving the shade . My plan is to set him in full sun come September and watch him dominate the garden  :fireball:
Thanks for the update Jamie!  The plant looks great and I suspect it will dig the shade!  Hope it does well and true for you.  I got one that isn't true so far.
Last week I was I was in a car accident with my son.  Nobody was hurt, not going very fast.  I was at fault which is depressing.  My last wreck that was my fault was 1978 I think.  Got a rental from the insurance.  Hopefully it won't take real long to fix.
The worst news lately is my wife was in the hospital for a few days.  Spent all night in the emergency room trying to figure out her abdominal pain.  Late the next day they determined it was Diverticulitis.  She came home Monday afternoon and is on antibiotics and delicate diet of low fiber.  Couple weeks it will change to high fiber.  She is still moving slow and tire's easy from the small walks.  Supposed to go back to work Monday. 
I need to post a few pics that I've not been able to lately.  Maybe soon!
Later folks!
Oh no! I have had diverticulitis before, one of the most excrutiating experiences I've ever had, truly sucks to hear that... Lots of liquids and antibiotics usually clear that up in a week or two. Here's hoping she has a quick recovery, that stuff is no fun.
Mike sorry to read about the accident.......the main thing is everyones fine.
I hope your wife pulls through the pain issues. Fiber is a good start..........watch out for any seeds in the produce...Strawberries, Kiwi...Tomatoes.
Looking forward to seeing your future colorful updates....
Pr0digal_son said:
Great pictures Mike. I don't make it over to glogs as much these days but I am always looking for this one when I am here.

Take care of momma and the family stuff. We will be here waiting on the pics when you find time.
Thanks John, I am very honored and pleased to hear that!  She is getting around much better as the week goes by.  Longer walks and food intake.  I have a pic I will try to post that is very much like the old school film images I used to try to create.  It's my daughter in a creek.
East Texas Heat said:
Oh no! I have had diverticulitis before, one of the most excrutiating experiences I've ever had, truly sucks to hear that... Lots of liquids and antibiotics usually clear that up in a week or two. Here's hoping she has a quick recovery, that stuff is no fun.
Thank you very much!  It certainly wasn't any fun!  Doing better.  Thanks!
GA Growhead said:
Hope the Mrs recovers quick! Sorry to here about the wreck, & hopefully not in the new Subaru.
Take care my friend.
She is much better, thanks Jason!  I'm afraid it was the Subaru!  Driving a rental now.
OCD Chilehead said:
I liked the pod pics, but not the news of the accident and the Mrs being hospitalized. I'm glad no one ways hurt. I also wish your wife quick and full recovery.

Take care.

Thanks Chuck we are doing much better!  She be back at work Monday, well see how that goes.
PIC 1 said:
Mike sorry to read about the accident.......the main thing is everyones fine.
I hope your wife pulls through the pain issues. Fiber is a good start..........watch out for any seeds in the produce...Strawberries, Kiwi...Tomatoes.
Looking forward to seeing your future colorful updates....
Thanks Greg!  They have her on low fiber for two weeks then switching to high fiber. Still lots of antibiotics.  Do my best with the updates!
maximumcapsicum said:
Great updates Mike! I am enjoying all the PLisa pics people have floating around here lately. I am not envious of the hornworms, though they are much cuter than earwigs.
Thanks Adam!  I think it's hard to find anyone who doesn't enjoy that beauty Stefan brought us.  I wish mine were more productive for me.  I've tasted the nice crunch and great mild flavor of the green pheno plant  I have.  Great salad addition!
Some basil near a Yellow bhut from Charles

Trio of Yellow Infinity pods from Greg seeds.  I sure hope these make yellow!

Mystery plant from John.  Nice bhut flavor and heat.  Think I will start a ferment with these and the yellow bhuts.  Very exciting!

My daughters cat Tiger surrounded mostly by EOB plants.

EOB with correct ripe color

EOB with incorrect ripe color.  Last color instability was an F2 red.  These yellowish mustard pods are thicker walled and not as hot.

Took my daughter hunting dragonfly's and damselflies.  Got to get her some better water shoes.  Flip flops and that new camera have me worried on that slim rock.
Here is my computer modified image from the outing.  To me it communicates more and is a great memory.  I told her this image reminds me of my dad taking pics of me stuffing my pockets with crawdads.

Will post a few more soon!  Thanks for looking.  I also have a slideshow link for some of the images she took with her new Nikon D3300.
Beautiful pictures and plants again, Mike. So the pods of the P. Lisa are ripening of to a peach color? Your EOB are huge, can't wait till mine starts to turn color. The other 2 plants that were smaller have really catch up and are now producing as well. They are beautiful plants but a bit overshadowed by the Georgia Black that are next to them. Are you gonna save seeds from that mustard type EOB? Do love the look of that one to!
Yes the pods from the green pheno container plant which is the biggest plant are going peach.  The Purple pods from the dark pheno container are still purple, maybe darker.  I'm waiting to see if they change more.  The dark pheno raised bed plant just put on a couple pods as the summer heat is peeking now.  The shade screens have caused it's leaves to change not so dark with more green visable.  Kind of half and half.
It exhausts me to think about growing out the Mustard yellow pod plant seeds but I will save some seeds.  I'm always chaseing isolated pods and had the bag on before I new the color.   If your interested let me know and I'll get some in a Stefan pile to go out later this year.  Glad to hear the pods are nice and big. Can't wait to see and hear if anyone likes them or not!
Couple of weekend harvests Saturday and Sunday.

One of the NagaBrain plants.

Had a lot of aphids early season and my usual homemade sprays didn't work as in the past so I topped most of my plants.  Cutting away the vermin populations.  Most of the plants sent out low lateral branches which I don't particulary like.  This EOB has one branch the tried to split in two but didn't quite get there.  The result resembles a celery or brocolli stem.  Going to be a jam up here!

More Tiger prowling the raised beds.

Later folks!
meatfreak said:
Beautiful pictures and plants again, Mike. So the pods of the P. Lisa are ripening of to a peach color? Your EOB are huge, can't wait till mine starts to turn color. The other 2 plants that were smaller have really catch up and are now producing as well. They are beautiful plants but a bit overshadowed by the Georgia Black that are next to them. Are you gonna save seeds from that mustard type EOB? Do love the look of that one to!
Wow Mike! That was a pleasure looking through the pics. I hope the Yellow Infinity grow true. Very nice pull of pods, they look nice and healthy. Love the broccoli split. My Poblano did the same thing twice. It's still kicking. Love the pepper basket shot and the pic of Tiger with pods in background is fantastic. That one should be framed.

Thanks for sharing Mike

Have a good week
