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Carnivorous Plants

stillz - plants are looking great! that royal red is screaming "feed me" :rolleyes:

I hate both of you (stillz & IGG for the pictures & IGG for starting this thread - J/K)
showing these pictures makes me want to get some more different kinds of CP or rootless plants (I know ya called them something else but forget right now)

been drinking & I got to thinking, WTF do CP plants really eat ?
I assume the pitchers plants consume all or no ?
but VFT what do they consume of an insect ? since the carcass is still there once the trap opens.
does it feed off the waste of the insect or ?
then how do those strand types consume insects ? since the insect is on the outside of it.

or is it best to assume the plants get very min. from the insects ?

do ya like all the ? or is that just F'ing annoying ? :lol:
chilehunter said:
been drinking & I got to thinking, WTF do CP plants really eat ?
I assume the pitchers plants consume all or no ?
but VFT what do they consume of an insect ? since the carcass is still there once the trap opens.
does it feed off the waste of the insect or ?
then how do those strand types consume insects ? since the insect is on the outside of it.

or is it best to assume the plants get very min. from the insects ?
CP's basically break down the body and fluids in the body of what they are eating with digestive enzimes. They then absorb the nutrients. VFT's usually leave behind a corpse but the rest of the CP kingdom tends to disolve the whole body.

The 'stranded types" (sundews) are really groovy! The insect gets stuck and doped up on that sticky goo. Then those little hairs hold them down while the plant extreats more digestive enzimes. SOme of the types will have the leaf wrap around the insect, some don't.
well this thread is alive & kicking again, how about your VFT's ?

stillz - any pic's ?

mine are still alive & doing good, far as I can tell since it's winter & they haven't been fed for several months.
though that brings up a question.

my VFT are growing shorter leaves (figure its cuz winter) by the time they do get to go outside (won't be for several more months) will they still be able to grow new traps ? that will be able to catch some prey.
I know the older the trap is the slower it is to close (or might not even close) & trying to have it catch some prey in old traps from a plant thats hasn't been fed for several months makes me wonder.
chilehunter said:
my VFT are growing shorter leaves (figure its cuz winter) by the time they do get to go outside (won't be for several more months) will they still be able to grow new traps ?
Short leaves are expected but are caused by various factors and depending on the factor, it may be fine or it may be a problem. Short leaves (unless you mean dwarfed leaves where even the trap is small or malformed) have no impact on food catching and keep in mind eating bugs is only a secondary means to get nutrients. They can survive via photosynthisis alone.

chilehunter said:
I know the older the trap is the slower it is to close (or might not even close) & trying to have it catch some prey in old traps from a plant thats hasn't been fed for several months makes me wonder.

The speed of trap closure is directily proportinate to the amount of sunlight they receive. More light=faster traps (this goes for both dionaea and drosera). But on the other hand (or trap) if a trap (leaf) has alrady be triggered, it will be slower the next time around (assuming it hasn't expended the alotment of digestive enzimes for that leaf).
imaguitargod said:
eating bugs is only a secondary means to get nutrients. They can survive via photosynthisis alone.

:doh: I'm a dumbass. yea that makes sense :oops: since they're a plant. I don't know why I didn't think about that question more throughly, for some reason I guess I kinda started thinking they werent plants cuz I was feeding them & they ate with little mouths.:rolleyes:
MrArboc said:
Great. Just great.

Now I'll have to get som fly traps...

:lol: welcome to the club, & we all have IGG to thank for this!
he started this thread, then some of us wanted some VFT, started last season.
I got a couple, stillz went crazy & bought a bunch of different types of CP's, RB bought some, & someone else did to ?
of course IGG had his or bought couple new ones ?

so when & what are you gonna buy ?:lol:
rainbowberry said:
And I haven't managed to kill my second one. It even has three little flowers on it.

if I were you I'd cut those flower stem's off!

MrArboc said:
Found a mailorder company here in Sweden, so probably in the spring when they can ship plants again... ;)

seems like you're new to this thread. I don't know if I should tell ya, but you should look through this thread cuz stillz shows off some rootless plants that look very cool!!!! besides some other CP's.

& what's up with that stillz ?
no pictures!!
you're in the middle of summer (?) & no pictures of your CP's.
chilehunter said:
seems like you're new to this thread. I don't know if I should tell ya, but you should look through this thread cuz stillz shows off some rootless plants that look very cool!!!! besides some other CP's.

Hard to deny that I'm new to the tread since it was started a year before I found this forum and became a member;)

I did look through it and fell for VFT for who knows what reason. Don't tempt me with others please, I'm running out of space already and I still have seeds to plant... (Good luck to me!)

I blame IGG.

:not planting tomatoes this year:
:not planting tomatoes this year:
:not planting tomatoes this year:
:not planting tomatoes this year:
MrArboc said:
I blame IGG.

:not planting tomatoes this year:
:not planting tomatoes this year:
:not planting tomatoes this year:
:not planting tomatoes this year:

What do you mean? You saying that you don't want to try to out do me and Dave's tomato plant that grew over 18 feet tall into the lemon tree that we had to pick with a fruit picker? Oops...I posted a pick of it....hope that i don't make you want fresh tomatoes.... :hell:

imaguitargod said:
You don't have to cut off the flower stems!!! It's a common mysconception that that plant dies after flowering.

Well while the flowers are living I'm just leaving it to do its own thing, I mean I want some of the plant still alive. I must admit though I do give it cooled boiled water to drink.
rainbowberry said:
They're the only still-alive and healthy looking bits of it!

imaguitargod said:
You don't have to cut off the flower stems!!! It's a common mysconception that that plant dies after flowering.

I didnt mean that when it flowers its gonna die. I think that when it flowers the plant sends more of its energy to produce those flower stems vs using that energy to grow more & healthier leaves/traps.
I may be wrong for thinking this, but I cut all the flower stems once they show up.
MrArboc said:
Hard to deny that I'm new to the tread since it was started a year before I found this forum and became a member;):

I wasnt talking about when the thread was started. besides me reviving this thread a couple days ago, the last post was made a couple weeks before you joined THP, I dont know if you surfed this forum for awhile before joining like some other people do.

MrArboc said:
I blame IGG.

yea alot of us here blame IGG for something :P be it VFT, beer, eating naga's, etc.... whats next ? you gonna get a pet monkey :lol: