• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Carolina Reaper (HP22B) Community Grow

A few members including myself are growing seeds for this variety ASAP. I and a few others here on THP thought it would be fun to have a "community glog" strictly for this variety, a fun thread about the HP22B and growing this pepper for the first time.

I think we should start a community glog like this anytime there is a new pepper with alot of attention and alot of people growing it, possible world record holder or not. It would be fun, and this should be fun! That's why we all love this hobby is it not?

Therefore, this will be a drama-free, controversy-free, fun glog for all of us growers and others to enjoy. If you grow, please chime in. If you're growing this variety, please post pictures and chime in about your observations.

Again.. This thread is ment to be fun and informative, but mostly fun :)
Please. Pretty please with sugar on top.. lol. Keep it drama-free.
I, and many others would really appreciate this thread to stay that way.

Now lets get to growing!


I went with the paper towel method for this guy just like I have with all my mid-season starts. It is far from my favorite way to germinate seeds but I'm in no hurry this time of year which is why I went this route. I've had the seeds in the paper towel for about a week now on top of my HOT5 lighting closet. The seeds should be showing root tips soon, then they will be visiting some real soil :D

How's it going for everyone else?

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
how is LOCKs smooth reapers... is it still producing the same pods or what?
That's it right there. I don't think it is mature enough to tell what is going to happen.

It was actually my first reaper to pod up. My other one at the garden looks terrible right now, and the one on my balcony is just about to start flowering.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Thanks Armac. Sad he had to cut it down. And his pods were yellow ?!
The yellow pods were bhuts, the red hab looking ones was the reaper. Both those plants grew crazy fast indoors.
Gracias folks. After I got 6 ripe pods the size of a nickel, then one full sized one with no stinger, I'd say it's past time for a CR pod that fits the description.
Ok, my first HP22B pods are starting to take shape, and I'm not happy!  I got these from Pepper Joe who is good friends with Ed Currie so I figured he would have good pods.  Here's the pics from 2 plants.  What do you guys think?
First Plant.  These look Habby to me.


Plant 2.  looks a little Nagaish to me
No drama starting intended, but if you go through this entire thread you will see pods off plants that are in my opinion DEFINITELY unstable.  There are a lot of growers that have had nice looking pods (that fit the intended shape/look), but I am betting as the summer goes on we will see many more "NOT"-type pods.  I would be interested in the heat levels of all the not-type pods though and am interested on how mine grow out. 