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CFL question

roflmao...I hope you know the duct tape is just covering up the holes where the thermostat and light fixtures are attached...anyway, this wiring is out of sight and out of mind...
I know all too well about this kind of wiring. I might be new to growing, but I've been into computers for years, and I've had my deal of spaghetti :D

I have come up with a new growing space for my chilis. We have a small dead end "corridor" that is not in use on the second floor of our house. It's a total mystery for me why the layout is like that, because it's just a waste of area. All I have to do is set up a light wall, to keep warmth and light inside. The only problem is that there are no power outlets there. That means there will be spaghetti :)
that was my issue with the box...I only have two 20 amp circuits in my garage for all the power I am running and I had to put the grow box lights on different circuits...I am very careful with not overheating the wiring in my house and have been up in the attic several times to feel the temperature of the wiring and it is cool as a cucumber...just use large guage extension cords (12g) to run from your power source....they are expensive but well worth the piece of mind they give you...
AlabamaJack said:
here is a pic of my spaghetti wiring and controls....

I think I am going to send you a box with a spool of romex, a couple junction boxes, and a few light switches. haha. I'm just busting you.
I know Josh...this is the experimental stage that has become the final design because I am so damned lazy... :lol:
AlabamaJack said:
I know Josh...this is the experimental stage that has become the final design because I am so damned lazy... :lol:

Your "lazy" puts you at about the same level as the rest of us.
Don't worry AJ, I've run fishtanks with much worse wiring then that and there you have the risk of water + electricity :)

Those tanks never gave me any problems except that they lacked "equipment eye candy"!
The one tank that I took a lot of time and effort to make pretty broke.

240G tank and the side pane cracked. What a pain in the ass.

The ghetto rigged tanks all did great. It's probably just my Karma.
AlabamaJack said:
that has become the final design because I am so damned lazy... :lol:

Not at all. I hope down the road in a few years the grow setup I make will be even half as good as yours. Your results don't lie and on a side note the cord setup you have isn't all that messy. You should see my computer wires behind my desk.
Josh said:
Not at all. I hope down the road in a few years the grow setup I make will be even half as good as yours. Your results don't lie and on a side note the cord setup you have isn't all that messy. You should see my computer wires behind my desk.

Probably like the ones behind my entertainment center.