I am moving my growing stuff from http://thehotpepper.com/topic/42916-chilidude-seedlings-and-growing-for-year-2014/ to here where it fits better, so here is my progression so far:

maximumcapsicum said:Noticing a big difference between them and other kinds of lights?
ohmatic said:hi !
love the color the led light bathes the chilis in, looking awesome ! may i ask you how it is concerning heat at the backpanel, does it get very warm ?
also concerning your topped lemondrop, i myself will do this rather soon aswell as they outgrow me a bit i must say haha, updates on how the spot where u topped it develops maybe pls ?
ohmatic said:ah thank you very much, as my lemon drop appears to get ready to outgrow me very soon i think i will have to top mine aswell.
good to see it work out ! do you notice any differences in them flowering or setting pods as compared to "untopped" ones ?