• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Awesome cake, J.  2014 is off to a pretty god oops, good, start for you!
Thats nice of your friend to pass along the Thai to you. I'm sure you will have it back up in running in no time!
Ok,its realy quiet,I know.
For the last 5 days we have been in the middle of a heat wave,it was probably 44 degrees celcius everyday.
Last night it started raining a bit and it rained again today.
No majour growth in the peppers,but the ones my grandpa gave me are seriously getting bigger :)
Ok,its realy quiet,I know.
For the last 5 days we have been in the middle of a heat wave,it was probably 44 degrees celcius everyday.
Last night it started raining a bit and it rained again today.
No major growth in the peppers,but the ones my grandpa gave me are seriously getting bigger :)

I also gave the peppers some seaweed extract yesterday
Tiny leaf growth makes for an excellent bonsai. Not sure how well it would work with an annuum though... May be a fun experiment. When does the growing season wrap up there?
Hey maximumcapsicum,bonsai..I'll have to take a look at that :) may work well since I have over 60 plants that are from my grandpa.
I don't realy know when the seasons end,I guess in march.
but yea,I'll look into that bonsai idea! :P
Ok,I just bought some orange habs,I'm gonna chop one up very fine and eat it with pasta tonight,and try a whole one tomorrow.
They are very small,but hey,I've never eaten something as hoy as a hab
Ok,I just bought some orange habs,I'm gonna chop one up very fine and eat it with pasta tonight,and try a whole one tomorrow.
They are very small,but hey,I've never eaten something as hoy as a hab
Thanks maximumcapsicum,yes,I ate a whole one yesterday,was hot for me cuz I haven't eaten something as hot as a hab,but man it was fun XD

Its been raining for the past 3 days,today its raining very heavy,so there will be some growth after all of this water.

Few pepper plants are ready to start flowering,so hopefully I'll get some pics tomorrow if it doesn't rain :D
Hey guys,I took some pics,but before I post it,I just wanna know,does anyone even see the pics in the link properly? And if not,what can I do? Cuz I'm ons mobile version so I can't post a pic directly
Some pics..

Is it time to get some flowers now? :p

A few plants

Bombay morich

These tomato plants were very skew because of the hard rain

I received some seeds in the mail from Karl.
Here is the list of seeds I got :
Cherry Bomb
Monkey face

Bhut jolokia red
Bhut jolokia peach
Devils toungue white
Habanero red jumbo
Naga x Cumari Ou Passarinho

C. Annuum var. Gabruisculum "Tio"
C. Chacoense "C04392"
C. Eximium "C01225"

I'll be growing them next season,so I'll start to germinate them this september


Does everyone see the pics through the link???
Hey J, looks like everything is coming along great. You will see that the plants will grow in leaps and bounds from here. Only thing to worry about now is the watering. These babies can stand on their own two feet! Well done ;)
PeriPeri said:
Hey J, looks like everything is coming along great. You will see that the plants will grow in leaps and bounds from here. Only thing to worry about now is the watering. These babies can stand on their own two feet! Well done ;)
Hey Lourens :)
Yea,they do. They have realy started getting leaves with all this rain.
Thanks :) they have grown quite a bit.
Today I also planted out a some mozambique periperi's,7pot red's,yellow brainstrains and a butch t,fingers crossed!