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Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
Hey Chilli whisperer, jusy checking in to see how things were going , You should be getting you package that I sent you pretty soon hopefully. I started a few rare wild varieties that I had, I'm still looking for a C. cardenasii and some others I would like to get the cardenasii early enough to grow it this season even though I might be able to get it this fall. Hows your plants doing with all the heat and rain you have had?
wildseed57 said:
Hey Chilli whisperer, jusy checking in to see how things were going , You should be getting you package that I sent you pretty soon hopefully. I started a few rare wild varieties that I had, I'm still looking for a C. cardenasii and some others I would like to get the cardenasii early enough to grow it this season even though I might be able to get it this fall. Hows your plants doing with all the heat and rain you have had?
Hey Wildseed,everythings going great thanks :) plants are loving the sun.
Almost got fully developed flowers :D
Thanks :) I'll be checking the post office this Saturday as I don't have time in weekdays cuz I'm in school.

Yes,I know you looove you're wild variaties :P. I have neeever heard of c.cardenasii...let me know when you got them,would be interesting to see how you grow them all :P

Plants realy started bushing out because of all the rain,real healthy green color.
I always thought the would bush up more at the top,but they realy bush out in the middle and bottom too ay :)
Hey J, You had best go to the post office this weekend - you have mail ;)

And while you're at the shops... buy some milk, ice cream, yoghurt and antacid tablets ;)
PeriPeri said:
Hey J, You had best go to the post office this weekend - you have mail ;)

And while you're at the shops... buy some milk, ice cream, yoghurt and antacid tablets ;)
Hey Lourens,yes,I want to go tomorrow morning,already confirmed with my mom :P
Thanks :D yea,I'll be getting a 5l tub of icecream ;)

Things have been very quiet here,but sunday will be update time :D
Well hopefully when you go to the post office, if you haven't been already, your seeds will be there! Lourens seeds arrived this week and yours were mailed at the same time. ;)
Penny said:
Well hopefully when you go to the post office, if you haven't been already, your seeds will be there! Lourens seeds arrived this week and yours were mailed at the same time. ;)
Hey Penny (:,yes,that's if the lady that works there is at the post office,we don't have our keys for the post box,so we have to get it today,and she wasn't there the past 3 times,she better be here or I'll rage lol
RAAAAAAAAAGE!!!!! (4th time)
Oh boy,so she aint there (no big suprise) I decided
to go to the post office when my bus from school get
in De Rust,and then I'll walk home or something.
I can't do it on Monday cuz I have Choir practoce till
about 19:45 pm,(wich also means someone will have to
water the chillies for me.)
So I'll have to do it on Saturday
Hey everybody,so I took some pics,its gonna take
too long to upload them all,so I'll post one for now
(Sorry :()

This plant got hurt,but its recovering very nicely (:

Looking good there Chilli whisp, your plants are coming along just fine from the looks of it, if we had a postal system like you people do they would not last long.
I guess living here in the US has spoiled me, when i was i asia mail was a hit or miss deal and you had to give the postal people a gift or two to make sure everything showed up or it might find its way elsewhere after it had been inspected for drugs or other contraband.
But you are young and by the time you get to my age your postal system should be top rated., But don't hold your breath too long. I can't wait to see all the pods that your plants will have on them in no time at all.
Hey J, looking great! I know there is a postal strike here in Joburg at the moment. Not only is their service terrible, slow and unreliable... but they get to strike based on this and ask for an increase. Such is our world we live in - :crazy: huh!
Hey guys,thanks (: yes,4 or 5 smaaaaall pods are starting to form,very exciting.
Yea Lourens,SA's postal service isn't always as good as you think.I'm going to Cape Town for 4 days for a school tour,so while I'm gone,my dad will try to stop by the post office while I'm gone
Things are going crazy here,I'm so busy with school and barely get time for anything. I'm hoping to update this weekend as there are abouth 40 pods on the plants developing.
At least its Friday :)
Sounds like some pictures are in order. Any news about the parcel I sent you... I think if you don't collect it soon it will be returned to me. Either that or the pods will burn their way through the post box... and I am not going to be held responsible for damage to PO property lol ;)