• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Chillie Whisperer's South African Glog-2013

Hi everyone,so,this will be my verey first attempt to start a glog,I live on a farm in SA in the Western Cape.
I AM still attending school (9th grade) and I will try my very best.
I just want to thank Lourens (PeriPeri)
And Conor (Saugapapper) for the fantastic seeds,you guys are awesome!

I will grow:
PeriPeri : mozambique
Habanero Orange
Peach Habanero
7pot red
7pot brainstrain yellow
Yellow Fattali
Choc habanero
Billy Boy Douglah
Butch T Scorpion

The rest I can't remember,will send the full list tomorrow

I am in exam stage in school so things will be hectic,anyways,wish me luck,thanks.
chilli whisperer said:
Hey Lourens :)
Yea,they do. They have realy started getting leaves with all this rain.
Thanks :) they have grown quite a bit.
Today I also planted out a some mozambique periperi's,7pot red's,yellow brainstrains and a butch t,fingers crossed!
Good on Ya... now you need to keep eating them chillies so you can build up to the big ones ;)
Yea,I sliced up half an orange hab and at it with pasta,tasted good.
The next day I ate a whole orange hab,was a little hot,but I'm still new to this,and my lips and toungue were burning.my lips got red and it looked like I was wearing lipstick XD.I don't realy like the flavour of orange habs.
But yea,I gotta keep munching.
I was thinking of trying another one,just to get used to the heat
Ok,I'm gonna attemp posting a pic with this method I read..don't laugh if I fail :s


So I gave the peppers some seewead extract today (is it okay
if I do it once a week?)
I also cut off all of the bottom leaves ons the Thai Dragon
so that it will start growing more in the top leaves.

Today was nice and sunny and the plants loved it.
Thanks GOODNES I'm past seedling stage,it was probably the hardest for me.
But later this year end of August/September,itsback to square 1.
Looks like I will be getting a harvest this season after all :)

But yea,its there anyone that experienced that could tell me if I
Should give seewead extract once every week,or every second week?

They tell me that if the leaves get too dark that means they're getting too much nitrogen. Don't have the eye to catch this myself just yet but it's a learning process for sure.
I give mine very little nitrogen, I use an organic liquid 6-12-6 at half strength once a week if needed, this is once they get out of the pots. Now these are in the dirt and get flood irrigated, so it gets diluted even more. I'm more stingy when they are in pots..
As said above, the plants talk to you.
Be careful with ferts, half doses, wait a week or more until you can read the plants
Hi J, your plants are looking good. I heard that if you want to make your plants more bushy you nip the top parts. This does come at a cost though as plant growth does slow while the plant produces more leaves in those areas. Seaweed in my experience is totally harmless and can be added with discretion when you feel your plants growth has stunted or slowed. A good dosing will see accelerated growth within a week or two. Too much Nitrogen and plants will produce loads of leaves and no flowers/fruit. Plants with flowers/fruit may drop these if Nitrogen is too high.
Hey Lourens :P
Thanks,yea the plants are actually realy bushy without me having to dou anything,its real cool.

In that case I'll be carefull not to give too much lol.
Its real exxciting as a lot of habs are starting to make flowers,can't wait for them to fully develop :D
Sorry J didn't notice the update! Got to fix my notifications.
The worst effect of too much nitrogen, which I experienced when I overdid the "Grow Big" a little last year, is blossom drop. The flowers will fall off and the plant won't set fruit. Luckily I was able to flush it out pretty well and ended up getting some pods out of the afflicted plants anyway.
Never seen "burn" per se but I suspect I may have burned one of the bonchis a little bit... some yellowing at the tips of leaves. Never seen the dark green that's supposed to be an effect of too much ferts.
Going real easy on all the ferts this year, hopefully avoiding the missteps from last year.
Hey MC,wow,that's sucks.
No the plants were REALY yellow from too much water,they are recovering and getting their green on.
So when they gare green I'll have to keep a closer eye,it would suck to see them drop flowers ay,at least some habs are almost flowering now ;)
Heat is just extreme,just watered the plants as I couldn't water them this morning,was busy in Oudtshoorn til now..baught new school clothes and stuff...yep,tomorrow its back to schoole (mope mope).
Plants are baicly green again and have recovered after the overwatering,so from now on I'll only be able to give updated on weekends,and maybe during the week sometimes,well,grade 10,here I come!
Heat is just extreme,just watered the plants as I couldn't water them this morning,was busy in Oudtshoorn til now..baught new school clothes and stuff...yep,tomorrow its back to schoole (mope mope).
Plants are baicly green again and have recovered after the overwatering,so from now on I'll only be able to give updated on weekends,and maybe during the week sometimes,well,grade 10,here I come!
chilli whisperer said:
Heat is just extreme,just watered the plants as I couldn't water them this morning,was busy in Oudtshoorn til now..baught new school clothes and stuff...yep,tomorrow its back to schoole (mope mope).
Plants are baicly green again and have recovered after the overwatering,so from now on I'll only be able to give updated on weekends,and maybe during the week sometimes,well,grade 10,here I come!
Heat is just extreme,just watered the plants as I couldn't water them this morning,was busy in Oudtshoorn til now..baught new school clothes and stuff...yep,tomorrow its back to schoole (mope mope).
Plants are baicly green again and have recovered after the overwatering,so from now on I'll only be able to give updated on weekends,and maybe during the week sometimes,well,grade 10,here I come!
School will go by quick hang in there....wish I was in 10th grade again
chilli whisperer said:
Heat is just extreme,just watered the plants as I couldn't water them this morning,was busy in Oudtshoorn til now..baught new school clothes and stuff...yep,tomorrow its back to schoole (mope mope).
Plants are baicly green again and have recovered after the overwatering,so from now on I'll only be able to give updated on weekends,and maybe during the week sometimes,well,grade 10,here I come!
Heat is just extreme,just watered the plants as I couldn't water them this morning,was busy in Oudtshoorn til now..baught new school clothes and stuff...yep,tomorrow its back to schoole (mope mope).
Plants are baicly green again and have recovered after the overwatering,so from now on I'll only be able to give updated on weekends,and maybe during the week sometimes,well,grade 10,here I come!
Good luck J. Trust me, you will spend the rest of your life wishing you could be back in grade 10 again ;)