• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

chsy83's First Glog for First-Timer Growing Superhots(123112 update)

So, yesterday started germination process with paper towel in ziplock method . . .


and put them on a heating pad set to low.

This heat wave . . . one of my red habs outside keeps wilting every day . . . so I have been watering every day. Afraid the water temp in the soil is going to steam the roots . . . maybe paranoid . . .
Let it wilt...then check it in the morning. If it is magically perked up again, it could be the natural stomatic reflex of the leaves to "clam up" during the really hot times, and pop back when it cools off.
Red Habaneros outside still alive, so that is something. I just got a soaker hose yesterday and started using that. Saves a little time.

Butch T in Bucket, 070612


Yellow Brain in pot


Red Fatalii on Left, then Butch Ts, then Tasmanian Habaneros, then Orange Habaneros, then White Habanero, then Yellow Brains, couple of Bhut Jolokia in the back. Oh, and my 56 babies hangin out on the left. 20+ sprouts so far.
When I grow up I wanna be just like you ahahahaaaa.. looks greattt Cant wait to see some porn (Poddage that is ;) )
Next four largest Butch Ts got potted up just now (30 min ago):

Here they are next to my butch in a bucket for comparison:

Which will be potted up next?

Another photo of the 56 (now with 25 sprouts):
So, Just changed my grow light timer to a more diurnal/circadian setting of 12 hrs on/12 hrs off. To ease them in to this light, I started them off on 1 hr on/2 hrs off, then switched to 4 hrs on/4hrs off.

The soil in the storage bins in which I just put those 4 TSBT's is soil from my sun baked garden that I decided to repurpose into potting soil. I spent quite a bit of time amending my soil to grow peppers in, so I thought I would try it out in my grow tent while the weather was being uncooperative.

That being said, I noticed some grass growing in my container last night, so I am going to have to weed in my grow tent! Hopefully, there wasn't too much seed in the soil.
Checked my plants last night, plucked grass out of my bins, and saw that the tops of my TSBTs that I potted up had greened up considerably. I will take pics today and post for the comparison. The temperature has also dropped, so that will help, too.
Plants are looking great!
Noticeable growth jump on the yellow brain.
The double butches seem to be taking to your garden dirt really well.
The butch in the bucket will be touching the rim of the bucket soon enough.
Have you thought about what kind and size of containers you'll use for all the younger plants in cups?
For comparison sake:




Plants are looking great!
Noticeable growth jump on the yellow brain.
The double butches seem to be taking to your garden dirt really well.
The butch in the bucket will be touching the rim of the bucket soon enough.
Have you thought about what kind and size of containers you'll use for all the younger plants in cups?

I have thought about it. Thinking about the viagrow 7 gallon fabric pots for final stage. I might use something in between. Maybe like what I have the largest yellow brain in. Haven't decided. Do you have any suggestions? :)
I have thought about it. Thinking about the viagrow 7 gallon fabric pots for final stage. I might use something in between. Maybe like what I have the largest yellow brain in. Haven't decided. Do you have any suggestions? :)

Well you know I'm a fan of the whole airpruning idea.
The Viagrows are some nice containers.
If you do go with a hard sided container I'd say get busy with the drill..
Butch Bucket 2.0
Update 071912:
Plants on table:


A little refresher, the plants are in columns, left to right: Red Fatalii, Butch T, Tasmanian Habanero, Orange Habanero, White Habanero, Yellow Brain Strain, and 4 Bhut Jolokia clumped in the back.
