coffee-tea Coffee

I'm waiting for my new Fresh Roast SR800 with extention tube to show up today from Burman Coffee. Picks of some roasts to follow. I've been roasting on my Behmor 1600 plus but I cannot get the right light city roast city I'm looking for that makes the coffee shine with my Ethiopian natural coffees.

Debbie Downer Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Hot Air Popper
Best roaster lol, only disadvantage is 95gram max. Can control the exact roast.
And allot cheaper :)
True I still own 4 vintage popcorn poppers and just roasted on 2 of them today. None of my poppers are modified and I have 2 that I use together for an amazing 1/2 cup roast. I use a West Bend Poppery 2 for the first 6-8 minutes then transfer it to my other popper that gets hotter right before 1st crack through first crack for the last part of the roast. So I can get anywhere in the 8-12 minute range for a city city plus depending how long I want to have the browning stage in the poppery 2 to last.
Mine is 1250W and on average it takes 4-5min based on my house power, (previous place took about 6min).
Im on my second one (spare), the first one burnt out after 8 or so years a few months ago. Both from garage sales $5 lol.
Happy Roasting :)
I'm finally able to get the roast profiles I've been trying to achieve over the past few years. Between the SR800 and Behmor 1600 I can get the results I have been chasing after all these years. I just roasted in my new SR800 last night 2 different beans and they both came out amazing with fruit forward notes I have been looking for all of this time. 4 minutes in the drying phase(beans turning from green to yellow) and 4 minutes in the browning phase(from yellow to 1st crack) and 1:30-2 minutes in the development stage after 1st crack.

I finally figured out how to ramp up my roast going into first crack and extending first crack so it doesn't go immediately into 2nd crack.
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Having Burundi right now.
Light chocolate aftertaste, nice smooth sweet and all round light flavor (two scoops beans for 600ml, I use three in 750 when I have company)
..crap should have taken pic, just swallowed the last mouthful lol.
That sounds like a great roast. I'm enjoying a nice Yirga with an upfront blueberry note with a chocolate/nutty and sweet finish and its a real bright/clean cup of coffee. I roasted it on my SR800 . F/C at 8:15 and finished at 9:45 with a drop temp of 470.
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Mine is 1250W and on average it takes 4-5min based on my house power, (previous place took about 6min).
Im on my second one (spare), the first one burnt out after 8 or so years a few months ago. Both from garage sales $5 lol.
Happy Roasting :)
I found the best popcorn popper by accident a couple days ago and tested it out today with 10 different roasts with the same bean going from 45 seconds up to 2 minutes into first crack. My times ranged from 6:30 on the fast roast up to 8:30 seconds . It is called the Sunbeam Great American Popcorn Machine 11 ( 2 ) built in 1980 and made in Japan. Its 1100 watts and I roasted in 35* weather outside on my backyard porch. Its the most even roasts I have ever seen from any popper I have owned. It was brand new in the box for $8 at a thrift store.
At the risk of seeming like I'm stalking @dragonsfire today........ I, too, am a coffee addict, and cannot say enough about roasting my own. I used to have an iRoast II, but it died a few years back, and I stopped roasting for a bit. Recently picked it back up again, and am so mad at myself for ever stopping! :) My favorites tend to be from Costa Rica and Guatemala, though the best coffee I've ever had was Maui grown (IMO, much better than Kona.....though some of that has to do with the crazy popularity of Kona meaning there are lots of subpar offerings out there.) The Maui coffee scene is still VERY small farms, and small roasters.

4x 85g batches today of Costa Rica - Tarrazu Cafetales de Dota


Using the trusty air popper now:


I brew with my Aeropress, 2 cups every morning. Grind in a Barratza Maestro.
