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movies Comic Book/Cartoon Movies

Ok with the surge over the last ten years or so of comics/cartoons being made into movies, what are your favorites so far, and which would you still like to see made?

I personally was a big fan of the XMen movies and the last couple Batman movies. Would love to see them make a GI Joe movie and a M.A.S.K. movie. HAHA reliving my youth....love it.
Haven't seen the new one, but "Batman begins" was pretty good imo.

I also enjoyed Daredevil, too bad it wasn't that successful. Whenever I am watching films like these, I pay a lot of attention to how they treat the original story from the comic books and if the characters look like they should etc.
if only they'd make watchmen into a film.
But it's prob not mainstream enough.
Or maybe the freak brothers oh wait thats cheech and chong ain't it ! !
imaguitargod said:
Umm...dude, they are making a GI Joe movie, the costumes are spot on to the cartoon.

yeah....not sure if i'm gonna even go bother with that one...especially since Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to be Cobra commander....and why the hell isn't Destro chrome plated?
Loved Ironman. Batman has been killer as were the Xmen movies. Enjoyed Spiderman and really want to see Captain America come out.
on a slightly diff angle i know one film that should never have been made and that was judge dredd (never seen it and refuse to watch it)
For starters anyone who followed dredd will know you never ever see his face ever, but because they cast 'rocky' he just had to show his boat race (wrong) they should have cast an unknown actor.
There are many a good story to have graced the pages of 2000AD that would make cracking films
Actually, Judge Dredd was campy as hell but fun, a definit must see when drinking (not a stoner movie, but a drinking movie). I agree, The Maxx needs to be done. Would love to see Del Toro do that onbe (I would say Burton but The Maxx was too "brightly light" for him to do it justice).
I Would like to see Dr Strange And Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D Which there going to do with Samuel l. jackson playing Nick that does sound good :)
talas said:
I Would like to see Dr Strange And Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D Which there going to do with Samuel l. jackson playing Nick that does sound good :)
Yep, first up is Capatin America :The First Avenger, then up in 2010 is The Avengers (with Nick Fury).
i don't know what it is about DC comics allowing all their stories to be bastardized but it's hard to watch most of them... like what the hell was catwoman? they just took the name and made everything else up as they went along... even the new batmans aren't immune, although much better than their decline into 'batman & robin', explain to me why in a batman movie featuring ra's al ghul they had to make up some lame rachel character as a love interest? why the hell couldn't talia fit in there somehow?
i'd like to see the younger superheroes made into a movie, like teen titans and young justice, cuz they were usually a lot of fun. always liked impulse...
I want to see astro boy made into a movie.....

I loved ironman, and the new batman flicks...

And the first punisher movie was great.....They are bringing out the second punisher movie in a few month apparently but it didn't look as good the first one from the shorts.