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Completely Random Comments

Hayward can't be THAT far from San Diego! (I literally looked at a map for that one!)

nevermind my edit...it was a "had to be there moment"......

Seriously LDHS (can't we shorten that?).....how far would ya go for love?! ;)
I had a g/f in Santa Cruz for a while - as my father once said to me when I was a young man and having girl troubles, he said, "son, sometimes you have to step back and ask yourself 'is the f**king you're getting worth the f**king you're getting?'"

Dad's a very wise man - Santa Cruz is way way way too far. So I dunno the answer, but I know at least the outer limit.
why does it seem when you are happy and in love with a woman, you get hit on by the most amzingly hot chick ever?????? i just find it funny! when single its hard to get a fat chcik let alone a hot one. but once you are taken, the hot ones come out the wood works!
That is why a good friend wore a wedding ring for 2 years while he was single. For him it worked like fishing with a shotgun in a fish hatchery.

makes sense! i just told her "thanks and i am flattered but my wife is the only woman i want to be with"
must have been the pink cast!
It take a real man to wear pink.......but a gay man to truly flaunt it.

:rofl: she was 6' brunette DD bright green eyes. i almost s tarted studdering! LOL
6', green eyes..........throw in red hair and some Irish in her blood and y'all would never see me again. :rofl:
First, thanks CJ my daughter was back to her clutzy hyper self right after the doctor saw her. :)

I had a g/f in Santa Cruz for a while - as my father once said to me when I was a young man and having girl troubles, he said, "son, sometimes you have to step back and ask yourself 'is the f**king you're getting worth the f**king you're getting?'"

Weird, I ask myself the same question a lot. Generally answer myself with "What f$%ing?" :lol: :)

That is why a good friend wore a wedding ring for 2 years while he was single. For him it worked like fishing with a shotgun in a fish hatchery.

It take a real man to wear pink.......but a gay man to truly flaunt it.

6', green eyes..........throw in red hair and some Irish in her blood and y'all would never see me again. :rofl:
my sister is 6' red hair and was in PLayboy 3-4 times
Crack up like egg salad... yum sounds good.... ok crack up like egg salad was cheesy it was funny to me at the time...... shut up! Megan's losing her marbles... hehehe hahahaha!!!!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm i loves me some fresh sushi! fresh albacore, if you go to a place you must have them make this.

spicy tuna roll, topped with avocado, albacore, crunchies, and unagi sauce! oh man, i designed that roll myself( i have eaten at over 50 sushi places and not once have i seen this on the menu!
Do you make your own sushi? Have you? Seriously - the nearest sushi-ishness I can get is at the deli of Walmart.....eeeewwww!!!!!! no way josé! Whenever we "travel" that's the first thing I look for...sushi! I grew up in Seattle, with many Japanese friends, and got so much wonderful sushi back then that I never even thought it would become such a rarity in my life. Thought the same thing of salmon....ah, the olden days....
I've never made my own sushi - it's WAY too convenient to pick it up (w/in 2 miles of my house), and the sushi guys will always make what I want if they don't have it. In fact, I pick up sushi so often, even if they've got a huge number of trays they just made, they badger me to let them make something unique for me! It's been a while, so I don't remember what's inside, but one that is very different has avocado and strawberries on top, drizzled with teriyaki and slivered almonds. It does come across as sweet, so I only get it on rare occassion, but I know they'll be making tons of it for Valentines.
Oh that sounds so YUM! There's something i used to love as a kid, from this Japanese store in Seattle....I don't remember the name of it...but it was shaped like a small football (egg size), of sweet sticky rice with a 'shell' of an egg-battered, deep fried-ish goodness. I'd love to know what it was - sorry, those were an 8-year-old's memories...ouch that kind of hurts to explore those brain recesses!!!!!

ps - G - you are sooooo spoiled! Kinda shows you how looooooved you are, doesn't it???? ;)

On another note (and sorry to grumble), I am SO tired of this mass in my belly.... damn waiting for test results. Damn insurance companies. Damn pain in the gut. Damn looking like you're "a bit" pregnant when you're not. Damn not being able to lay on your belly when you want to. Grumble, grumble, grumble.......

Okay. Done. Thanks for letting me vent!