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Completely Random Comments

heh, heh, heh Megan! I do believe that it's technically "this week" until Sunday right??? As I said before...make sure that bag is packed!!!! So excited for you! Keep us posted!!!! Wouldn't that be wild if the baby and Lilly had birthdays within a week of each other???????
Thanks LDHS & CJ. Things will be great. I am hoping he won't come until next week. We still have some stuff to do.... eeeek!!! Anyway I am scared but confident at the same time.... :)
You're gonna do just fine Meg-pie!!!! Explain to him you're far too busy to make it a drawn out affair and he has lots of people who want to meet and cherish him! That ought to coax him out a little faster! haha
Just got back from hospital. Apparently playing with your 2year old roughly is not only dangerous but also frowned upon. Who new?
No but seriously was nervous a bit but she's fine thankfully. They call it Nurse maids elbow or something. I don't know.

Oh HabbyHeat!!! I'm so sorry you all had to go thru that!!! Was it her left arm? The way we horsed around when we were tots...it was almost a rite of passage! haha Long night tho, huh? Hope everyone's feeling better this morning!
Lmao everyone!!!! I apperciate all the laughs. Keeping me from thinking about how seriously tired and sore I am.

Who wants to go to the bank and go grocery shopping for me?
(I can almost see it..... walking through the store and suddenly water breaks... clean up on aisle 7)
why does it seem when you are happy and in love with a woman, you get hit on by the most amzingly hot chick ever?????? i just find it funny! when single its hard to get a fat chcik let alone a hot one. but once you are taken, the hot ones come out the wood works!
why does it seem when you are happy and in love with a woman, you get hit on by the most amzingly hot chick ever?????? i just find it funny! when single its hard to get a fat chcik let alone a hot one. but once you are taken, the hot ones come out the wood works!

1. When it rains it pours
2. Confidence is attractive to wimmens - when you're in a relationship you're more confident. This attracts wimmens.

Age old challenge and part of why (weak) men are so frequently unfaithful.
1. When it rains it pours
2. Confidence is attractive to wimmens - when you're in a relationship you're more confident. This attracts wimmens.

Age old challenge and part of why (weak) men are so frequently unfaithful.

makes sense! i just told her "thanks and i am flattered but my wife is the only woman i want to be with"
must have been the pink cast!