Just got back from doctor appointment and I am dilated to a 3. So anytime now.... just sit and wait.
LDHS if you did that to me I would more then likely punch you in the face. Pregnant bellies are sensitive. Especially the bigger they get.
Just got back from doctor appointment and I am dilated to a 3. So anytime now.... just sit and wait.
I am hoping he won't come until next week.
why does it seem when you are happy and in love with a woman, you get hit on by the most amzingly hot chick ever?????? i just find it funny! when single its hard to get a fat chcik let alone a hot one. but once you are taken, the hot ones come out the wood works!
1. When it rains it pours
2. Confidence is attractive to wimmens - when you're in a relationship you're more confident. This attracts wimmens.
Age old challenge and part of why (weak) men are so frequently unfaithful.